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Science Development Network. Documento sin título. ASLA Council of Fellows Scholarships | Landscape Architecture Foundation. This scholarship fund was established by the ASLA Council of Fellows in 2004 to: 1) aid outstanding students who would not otherwise have an opportunity to continue a professional degree program due to unmet financial need; 2) increase the interest and participation of economically disadvantaged and under-represented populations in the study of landscape architecture; and 3) enrich the profession of landscape architecture through a more diverse population. Eligible applicants must be permanent US citizens or permanent resident aliens who are Student ASLA members and third, fourth, or fifth-year undergraduates in Landscape Architecture Accreditation Board (LAAB) accredited programs of landscape architecture. Graduate students are not eligible for this award. Up to three scholarships are awarded each year to promising students, with one specifically available to students of under-represented populations.

Geographic distribution of the applicant pool will be considered. To Apply. BS2011 - Building Simulation 2011. fORaLLtHEcOWs / CTRLZ architectures. Working with the idea of “creating a society that is based on quality not quantity, on cooperation and not competition,” CTRLZ architectures have rethought a new model for, not just a building, but rather for society. Due to the on-going “cultural revolution” we are experiencing, the way we approach solving the problems of the world have changed, and architecture along with it. Now, the architect must not merely respond to designing spaces, but to other factors, such as society, energy, the internet, and politics, as well.

“We believe that architecture is not anymore about form and/or/…function, but that it is about relations. The development of network systems shows us that the power resides in links and connections.” More about the model and more images after the break. Their new decentralized mode of living emphasizes the interconnectivity of social spaces and a transparent model of energy and production to create a collaborative base. Urban Arts and Design Youth Competition. Through the youth-led “laboratory” projects such as the UN-Habitat Urban Youth Fund, the agency is increasing opportunities for the urban youth in developing countries to improve living conditions for themselves and their communities.

Specifically, the Fund makes grants for and develops the capacity of urban youth-led organizations implementing community projects which contribute to sustainable urbanization and economic prosperity. The Fund supports over 200 youth-led projects in at least 50 countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. The objective of the model project is to strengthen the capacities of international, national, and city authorities and youth groups. These groups will then be better equipped to improve youth employment and living conditions, to reduce vulnerabilities and, consequently, contribute towards overall national development.

الرقمية AEC+M مجلة - مرحباً الرقمية AEC+M مجلة - واجهات مستدامة. عندما أشارت التقديرات إلى أن بإمكان التصميم الجيد لواجهات المبني، أن يمكنها من أن تقلل من استهلاك ما يقرب من نصف الطاقة التي يستهلكها المبني ككل، وأنه يمكنها من ناحية أخرى من استخدام أنظمة ميكانيكية ذات سعات أقل، تحفز بعض المعماريين والمهندسين والمصنعين الداعمين لمبادئ الاستدامة البيئية، وقرروا عدم الاكتفاء بقيام الواجهات بتظليل مبانيها وتهويتها فحسب، بل عمدوا إلى القيام بخطوة جديدة لافتة للنظر، بجعل الواجهات مولدات للطاقة أيضاً وسواء تم تبني تطوير الأفكار القديمة حتى أقصاها أو تم تبني أفكاراً جديدة، فإن الاهتمام المتنامي بالبيئة يعد بإنشاء أسواق جديدة قريباً لنواتج تلك التطويرات، الأمر الذي سيجعل واجهات مبانينا ستتغير بشكل لافت هي الأخرى وقد أسهم هذا الابتكار الأخير في تصنيف النظام ككل بأنه ليس مولداً للكهرباء فحسب، بل إن له أيضاً أثر عازل للحرارة ومشتت للضوء، وهذا ما كان مطلوباً بالضبط لشركة بولا اليابانية ، حيث قلل الأحمال الحرارية فيه (لتبريد الهواء ولتسخين المياه) بنحو 30%، وقلل ذلك بالطبع من تكلفة تشغيل المبنى.

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