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Life inside the densest place on earth: Photos of Kowloon Walled City. Before it was demolished in 1994, Kowloon Walled City in Hong Kong was considered the densest settlement on earth, with 33,000 people living within the space of one city block. A largely unregulated space, the Walled City grew massive as residents built new structures directly on top of existing structures. "The Walled City was a kind of architectural touchstone in terms of what a city can be -- unplanned, self-generated, unregulated," says photographer Greg Girard.

Because of the government's hands-off approach to regulating the City, there were effectively no health or safety laws present. Many buildings enclosed within the Walled City had no access to outside light or air. Deep within the building's darkness, a variety of small businesses flourished. Despite the City's wild appearance, photographer Greg Girard found that the people inside lived just like people anywhere else. Planes landing at Hong Kong's nearby airport, Kai Tak, often roared overhead. A city of organized chaos.


GAA Classic Cars - General Info. JULY 24, 25 & 26, 2014 General Admission $15 per person per day/under 5 are free FREE Parking! JULY Schedule of Events: Thursday, JULY 24th 5:00 pm Doors open and Dinner is served to our registered bidders and sellers. (The dinner is not open to the general public.) 6:00 pm Memorabilia Sale Begins, immediately followed by Non-Reserve and Reserve Vehicles Friday, JULY 25th & Saturday JULY 26th 8:00 am Gates Open 10:00 am Auction Begins The sale will be held at The Palace at 301 Norwalk St. FREE EVENT PARKING! The general public is invited to participate in this sale through buying, selling or just spectating.

Ways to participate include:BUYING OR SELLING If you are interested in buying or selling a vehicle you can visit the BUY A CAR or SELL A CAR tab of this website to print and download all the forms you will need to register for this sale. The general public is welcome to attend the sale as a spectator as well. TouchOfModern.

Top 10 Lists - Listverse. Diatomaceous earth. Left Handed People. As a left handed person I though I might as well blog about being a left hander. My father and mother are both left handed and my youngest brother is also left handed. I actually could be considered ambidextrous as I play sport with my right hand but I write with my left and hand use complex actions with my left hand. I read that 10% of the population is left-handed. People who can use both hands equally well are ambidextrous. As a left handed person it was interesting that in my Computer Science class at University the majority of my friends were left handers and the only australian girl was a left hander. Statistics show that older people are less likely to be left-handed than their younger counterparts — the percentages of lefties sharply drop off with increased age. You would expect a lot of famous people would be left handers but it is suprising the number of my favourite actors, athletes and politicians are left handed people.

Artists Leonardo Da Vinci and Michelangelo Authors J.K. WHERE THE FUCK SHOULD I GO FOR DRINKS? Americans speak English totally differently. How to Choose the Best Mechanical Keyboard (and Why You'd Want To)