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Data Scientist

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A Taxonomy of Data Science. Posted: September 25th, 2010 | Author: Hilary Mason | Filed under: Philosophy of Data | Tags: data, data science, osemn, taxonomy | 31 Comments Both within the academy and within tech startups, we’ve been hearing some similar questions lately: Where can I find a good data scientist? What do I need to learn to become a data scientist? Or more succinctly: What is data science? Rise of the Data Scientist. As we've all read by now, Google's chief economist Hal Varian commented in January that the next sexy job in the next 10 years would be statisticians.

Rise of the Data Scientist

Obviously, I whole-heartedly agree. Heck, I'd go a step further and say they're sexy now - mentally and physically. However, if you went on to read the rest of Varian's interview, you'd know that by statisticians, he actually meant it as a general title for someone who is able to extract information from large datasets and then present something of use to non-data experts. LinkedIn's Daniel Tunkelang On "What Is a Data Scientist?"