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Paraphrasing tool. When do you have to cite your sources? Home - Academic writing - LibGuides at Teesside University. Once you’ve found all your evidence, and have decided what to say in each section, you need to write it up as paragraphs. Each paragraph should be on a single topic, making a single point. A paragraph is usually around a third of a page. We find Godwin’s (2014) WEED model very helpful for constructing paragraphs. W is for What You should begin your paragraph with the topic or point that you’re making, so that it’s clear to your lecturer. Everything in the paragraph should fit in with this opening sentence.

E is for Evidence The middle of your paragraph should be full of evidence – this is where all your references should be incorporated. E is for Examples Sometimes it’s useful to expand on your evidence. D is for Do You should conclude your paragraph with the implications of your discussion. So, in effect, each paragraph is like a mini-essay, with an introduction, main body and conclusion. RefME | Free Referencing Generator - Harvard, APA, MLA... Audiovisual Citation Guidelines. Harvard Referencing Web-CITE. Plagiarism Test: How to Recognize Plagiarism, School of Education, Indiana University at Bloomington. Certification Tests Notice: tests have changed from past versions. See changes. If you take several tests, and do not pass, the outcome will not change until you learn more about plagiarism. Taking tests over and over will not likely change the outcome.

You should take advantage of learning opportunities available here, especially many practice tests where you get specific feedback on your results in order to help correct misunderstandings about plagiarism. You can also click on links on the left sidebar for further instruction on how to recognize plagiarism. Please Choose Your Age Group To Continue What age group do you belong to? Both choices will let you take an Indiana University Plagiarism Test and give you the opportunity to earn a recognizing plagiarism confirmation certificate.

Citing References Quiz - Multiple Choice. Referencing Quiz. Welcome to cite2write. Welcome! (Liberation: Referencing) Harvard Reference Generator Tool: Harvard/APA Referencing created for essays, reports and dissertations | Neil's Toolbox. About This Tool If you're a student and have ever had to write Reports, Essays or Theses, you will have had to reference what you have used in your report. If you mention something that someone else has written, you need to give them credit by referencing them. The Harvard Referencing System is one of the preferred layouts for these references. It is a relatively strict way of arranging the bibliographical information. This tool takes in the raw information - author, title, year of publication - and creates the reference in the correct form. You can then highlight and copy this into the bibliography section of your report.

You then reference this next to the relevant section within your essay in the format (Author, Year) such as (Smith, 2005). e.g. Why have a Bibliography in an Essay or Report? A Bibliography is a list of the books (or other sources of information) that you consulted when writing an essay, report, thesis or dissertation.