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European Union website, the official EU website. Global Power Shift. Start, Join, and Win Campaigns for Change. Jubilee Debt Campaign UK : Vulture Funds : ACT NOW: Stop debt vultures swooping on Greece. BREAKING: You Know That TED Talk You Weren't Supposed To See? Here It Is. Nick Hanauer, self-described "super-rich" entrepreneur, gave a pretty compelling TED Talk about how the middle class—not the super-rich—are the real job creators. But TED, which has released over 100 different political videos in the past, thought this one was too partisan and chose not to release it. We didn't notice any flaming partisanship in it. We normally love TED, and were surprised they didn't think this talk was TEDworthy. Under pressure from the Internets, TED finally relented and released the video.

The National Journal led the initial charge pushing the controversy angle. Chris Anderson, from TED, offered this official response to the outcry and posted the talk for everyone to see. Next bit of Upworthiness: News. Programmes | Click. BBC iPlayer - iPlayer Radio Home. Live news blog – November 10. The Social Media Guide.