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Lipstick Eraser. No-Sew Pencil Roll. Welcome Pinners! Don't miss the latest DIY's and Tutorials from Small & Friendly, please subscribe via email or in a reader! Update: Crayon version available here! For me, summer and sewing don't seem to mix. I've got a lot going on in the garden, it's hot in my garage (AKA sewing studio), the little one isn't wearing much clothing anyway ... the list of excuses is a mile long. I put together a little tutorial in case you want to make one. No-Sew Colored Pencil Roll Tutorial - has been published! * where you will find this project and 44 other awesome no-sew crafts. Download Pencil roll pattern to make the whole thing more clear. Here's to simple summer crafts - no machine required! *This post contains affiliate links, when you make a purchase through this link I make a tiny comission, thanks!

DIY Envelopes. Leather Journal. Envelope Journal (= cover, laminated) Tax time is fast approaching, which means many of us are busy kicking ourselves (once again) for our lack of financial organization. every year we swear we’re going to keep track of all our expenses and hold on to every receipt. well, it’s our belief that if you create a system that is simple and aesthetically pleasing, you can trick yourself into forming smart money-managing habits. we recently picked up a box of airmail envelopes from the dollar store and transformed them into this handy receipt organizer using a hole punch and some binder rings. happy organizing! Derek & lauren CLICK HERE for the full instructions after the jump! Here’s what you’ll need -26 envelopes -3 binder rings -small hole punch 1. punch 3 holes along the bottom of one of the envelopes and use that envelope as a template when punching the rest, so the holes line up when they’re all stacked together. 2. insert binder rings into the holes. 3. label the envelopes, a-z. 4. file!

Wine cork pens. January 28, 2011 § Have I had too much wine, you ask? In fact not. By heredity, I have been cursed with the Asian affliction of poor alcohol metabolism. It is a factual genetic mutation and you can read about it on Wikipedia here and on Wise Geek here, if you want an explanation on why most of your Asian colleagues were flushed red in the face from a sip of wine during the office holiday party last month.

For that reason, I’m no big wine drinker at all, despite what the evidence says in the above picture or in my craft room (a never-ending stash of wine corks). I loved this project because it took no more than five minutes to complete and I got to use my drill. Like this: Like Loading... Tagged: pen crafts, wine cork crafts, wine cork pens, wine cork projects.