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How to build a profitable blog. Plastics by the Numbers. The well-recognized “chasing arrows” symbol we see on plastic containers and products does not mean the product is recyclable.

Plastics by the Numbers

The little number inside the triangle tells the real story. Within each chasing arrows triangle, there is a number which ranges from one to seven. The purpose of the number is to identify the type of plastic used for the product, and not all plastics are recyclable or even reusable. Composting: a guide to making compost at home, using compost tumblers, bins & other composters. ~ Activate your compost. 'Activators' can be added to your compost to help kick-start the process and speed up composting.

Composting: a guide to making compost at home, using compost tumblers, bins & other composters

Common compost activator materials are: comfrey leaves, grass clippings, young weeds, well-rotted chicken manure. ~ Flying insects attracted to your compost? Small fruit flies, especially, are naturally attracted to the compost pile. They can be discouraged by simply covering any exposed fruit or vegetable matter. Align Your Page To The Center Of The Browser Window - CSS Tutorials.