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Internet Routing Insecurities RE-revealed. The folks at Wired published a story earlier today titled Revealed: The Internet’s Biggest Security Hole.

Internet Routing Insecurities RE-revealed

I recall seeing a pointer posted to the NANOG mailing list a few weeks back with some slides that were presumably the DEFCON presentation associated with the talk. After a terse look at the slides, I quickly moved on believing nothing new was being presented. Well, given the Wired article, and some other coverage of the talk, this was apparently news to some folks. In a nutshell, the work they present explains not only how to hijack some arbitrary chunk of address space in the global routing system (e.g., YouTube, or AFOL-KE), but also, how to “intercept” traffic bound for that address space, and then get it back to the intended recipient, presumably in a manner that’s largely transparent to the recipient (i.e., a MITM attack enabled by BGP route hijacking).