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Studios - Portfolio. Our complete portfolio contains over 400 images. Instead of crashing your computer while you browse, we thought we'd showcase just a few of them here. If you'd like to receive a PDF of our entire catlogue of images, simply sign up for our newsletter and we'll let you know when it's available for download! In the meantime, enjoy some of the highlights of our favorite created collections! If you are looking for ways to purchase any in forms of art prints, greeting cards etc. please visit our shopping page where you will find links to our online shops. Please click here to view Silas' CD and LP packaging illustrations and design samples.

All images are copyright by Angi Sullins & Silas Toball.No reproduction without written permission.Many of the shown images are available for licensing. TUTORIAL: Make a Joomla 1.7 Template [source files included] AdWords: Keyword Tool. Kuler. TweenMax: Use allFrom to Animate Tons of Clips. CSS Image Rollovers - Webvamp. Many sites out there still use an old JavaScript technique to produce an image rollover for menu items or buttons. This is bad for many reasons and today we will learn how to achieve the same effect using CSS. Before we learn the CSS method, let’s look at the JavaScript rollover and see why it’s a poor alternative.

The Old JavaScript Method In this method people tend to use a simple piece of JavaScript attached as an attribute to the link or <img> they want to change. Often times developers won’t pre-load all the images and so you end up with a flicker effect where nothing is shown while a second image loads and leaves the site looking slow and un-professional. As well as this blink effect, this method also suffers from: requiring JavaScript to be enabled and doesn’t gracefully degrade.needing at least 2 separate images and so multiple HTTP requests to the server (this slows the page loading down).

CSS Method Once you have your image sprite you just need the HTML and CSS code: CSS Code HTML Code. 80 Corporate Website Designs For Design Inspiration. A perfect layout, A good design and nice resource can produce a creative output. Layout, textures and patterns are used more often than one may think but the outcome of different combination can result verity of excellent designs. Modern age designers love to experiment with things and observe how people interact with their work. However, When it comes to corporate website design you need to take care about many things which includes simplicity, readability, presentation and accessibility.

In this presentation, you’ll find a variety of highly-creative, beautiful and most importantly inspirational corporate designs which is easy to accessible and convenient to approachable. The more time and effort you dedicate for a usable, eye-catching design and hitting your objectives, the higher are your chances for getting better account balance in the end of the month. You may be interested in the following related articles as well. Don’t forget to and follow us on Twitter — for recent updates. 01. Slice and Export a Website Layout + HTML: Photoshop Tutorial! 40+ Essential Front End Web Developer Cheat Sheets. Today more or less everyone can put a simple web page together but implementation of professional Web based Application Front Ends is not as simple as some people may think. It is a complex task requiring deep knowledge of several technologies like html, css, javascript, php, etc.

In this article you will find essential cheat sheets for the most commen web based technologies that you are likely to use if you’re a Front End Web Developer. First you will find resources covering client side markup and development (html, xhtml, css, javascript, jQuery etc.) and then you will find resoures covering server side development that are to some extent required for Front End Development (php,, …). Please make sure that you post a comment if you know an important resource that have not been included in the article. I hope you will find this article useful, lets get started! Advertisement Markup Cheat Sheets There’s a lot of cheat sheets available for CSS, html and any other web technology. CSS and Email, Kissing in a Tree. Most people who’ve attempted to recreate a sophisticated design in HTML email have run into a wall when using CSS, either in the form of inexplicable mangling by email clients or a pronouncement by an email administrator stating that CSS is “against the rules.”

If you’re not content to roll over and use font tags in your HTML emails, read on. Despite prevailing wisdom to the contrary, you can safely deploy HTML emails styled with good old-fashioned CSS. Yes, I really just said that. Not all attributes will be invited to the party, but many of them work flawlessly with this method. First comes love: unconditional acceptance#section1 From web design publications, shop-talk conversations, and declarations from email administrators, I learned that certain email clients slaughter CSS by stripping out the styles or truncating the headers.

I learned that if I ever dared to use CSS in an HTML email, I should link to the style sheet rather than embedding it. Problem:#section4 Solution:#section5. Our Favorite Cheat Sheets. HTML / XHTML Standard Event Attributes. JavaScript image mouse rollover - Changing images on rollover using JavaScript. Let's consider you have 10 images being used as icons on a web page and since you have read the previous article, you plan to have JavaScript image rollovers for each image.

Writing JavaScript code inside the <a> for each image becomes very messy, not to mention, very troublesome and error prone. A simple solution would be to collect the code into a function that can be placed between <script> tags, inside the HTML head or in an external JavaScript (.js) file. We can then call this function with appropriate arguments from the event handlers. This function expects two arguments, one is the image name and the other is the image source. Building upon what we learnt here, let's see how we can change two images simultaneously. Image To Data URI Convertor - webSemantics. <p class=noscript>Sorry, JavaScript is required for this content to be of use. </p> Base64 data URI image converter Data-URI base64 converter Helps improve page load performance over HTTP/1 connections by bundling multiple images into a single cacheable style sheet. When using base64 data-URIs Optimise first Most designers don’t tend to care too much about optimisation, and Photoshop’s Save for web just isn’t very good.

The new kid on the compression block is Google’s Guetzli which promises 20-30% typical compression. There’s a lot to image optimisation, if you are interested The Book of Speed’s chapter on Optimizing Images is very good. There’s a free online eBook by Addy Osmani: Essential image optimisation is definitely worth the read. As a side note: When talking to designers use the term image optimisation rather than image compression, they’ll listen a little longer. SVGs There’s also a tool to convert SVG URIs to CSS background-images. Cache the CSS Base64 file sizes Browser support. Create Apps - Create a Toolbar | Conduit. Documentation. Zend Framework.