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Sprinkler Doctors

Sprinkler Doctors is an irrigation installation, maintenance and repair team proudly serving the East Valley. When a water line breaks or your lawn starts to wilt, our professionals step in for you.

The Top 3 Grass Types Arizona Homeowners Should ConsiderAnd Arizona Grass Choices to Avoid - Sprinkler DoctorsSprinkler Doctors. If you have just moved here or if you have lived in the Phoenix area for generations, you still may be uncertain about the best Arizona grass for our climate.

The Top 3 Grass Types Arizona Homeowners Should ConsiderAnd Arizona Grass Choices to Avoid - Sprinkler DoctorsSprinkler Doctors

Arizona’s climate makes demands on our lawns in a way that you won’t find if you have moved from the southeast, northeast, or northwest. That lack of rainfall can really punish any grass that you try to plant. That’s why sufficient lawn irrigation is important. Your grass won’t grow without a good sprinkler system. Bermuda is Tops Among Summer Grass Arizona The number one grass for residential use in the Phoenix area is Bermuda grass. However, its hardiness does not mean that it can survive without adequate water. Rye Grass is Primary Winter Grass Arizona Choice When bermuda goes into dormancy due to winter temperatures, rye enters the picture. Buffalo Grass is Third Among Arizona Grasses If you don’t mind the rougher texture, buffalo grass is a good choice for Phoenix lawns. In Phoenix, Maintaining Good Irrigation Repair - Sprinkler DoctorsSprinkler Doctors.

The Valley of the Sun provides an excellent description of our area.

In Phoenix, Maintaining Good Irrigation Repair - Sprinkler DoctorsSprinkler Doctors

Sunshine is plentiful, year round, making this an attractive community for living and recreation. Of course, that amount of sun produces heat, and that much heat dries out the soil. A quick glance would convince anyone that without extra water, a lawn will not thrive here. In fact, very few of the ornamental plants that people enjoy having in their yards survive without artificial irrigation.

That being the case, the wise homeowner will practice good sprinkler maintenance. Phoenix Area Irrigation Repair and Maintenance Property owners have a lot at stake with the conditions of their yards. Top Landscaping Trends to Watch - Sprinkler DoctorsSprinkler Doctors. Thinking about your next backyard project?

Top Landscaping Trends to Watch - Sprinkler DoctorsSprinkler Doctors

Just like interior decorating, landscaping trends change with the seasons. Updating your exterior keeps up your curb appeal and is a great excuse to replenish topsoil, refresh lighting and upgrade from that old hose sprinkler. At Sprinkler Doctors, we like to keep up with the trends to help find new ways to get you great sprinklers for less. Here are a few of our favorite new trends. Comfort Reigns Supreme Kick back, relax and look for ways to make your outdoor life easier. Automate the Outdoors Home automation is taking a step outdoors. Minimizing Lawn Space Turf grass lawns are forever popular, but the high maintenance isn’t for everyone. Rainwater Gardening Rainwater collection isn’t a new idea, but showing off your rain irrigation systems is. Incredible Edibles. 5 Steps to Creating a Water-Smart Landscape in Phoenix - Sprinkler DoctorsSprinkler Doctors. Is it possible to have a gorgeous garden in the Phoenix area but still conserve water?

5 Steps to Creating a Water-Smart Landscape in Phoenix - Sprinkler DoctorsSprinkler Doctors

Absolutely. With a water-smart landscaping plan, you can ease the strain on local water supplies, reduce runoff and lighten up your water bills without sacrificing curb appeal. Garden Smart: Irrigating Your Vegetable Beds - Sprinkler DoctorsSprinkler Doctors. The bright sun and warm climate in Phoenix area is perfectly suited for growing vegetables all year long.

Garden Smart: Irrigating Your Vegetable Beds - Sprinkler DoctorsSprinkler Doctors

Watering them is the tricky part. Too little water means low yields. Too much means diseased and damaged plants. Proper irrigation is a fantastic solution. Whether you need a new system installed or garden bed sprinkler repair for your Gilbert, AZ landscaping, these tips will help you out. Saving Water the Trendy Way: Alternatives to Grass Lawns - Sprinkler DoctorsSprinkler Doctors. Grass lawns are tough to maintain in Phoenix.

Saving Water the Trendy Way: Alternatives to Grass Lawns - Sprinkler DoctorsSprinkler Doctors

They soak up gallons of water and need careful monitoring to ensure they’re getting what they need. If you’re tired of the maintenance demands, it could be time to ditch the grass. Savvy homeowners in Phoenix know that sprinkler installation and smart lawn alternatives can lower your water bills without sacrificing style. The Upscale Look Perfect grass may look luxurious, but flawless landscaping can take your breath away. Choose ornamental bushes and trees with low water demands and perennial plantings to minimize maintenance.

The Meadow Look If your lawn doesn’t see a lot of foot traffic, a curated meadow will give you an ocean of green without the fussy maintenance. Help! Why Is My Lawn So Patchy? - Sprinkler DoctorsSprinkler Doctors. Patchy lawns are a frustrating, embarrassing eyesore that can be difficult to wrangle with.

Help! Why Is My Lawn So Patchy? - Sprinkler DoctorsSprinkler Doctors

It can seem like no matter what you do, your grass won’t fill in or stay green. Sprinkler Doctors is here to help diagnose your patchy problem and recommend a cure. Whether your soil needs some TLC or a sprinkler system installation is indicated to help with those Phoenix lawn pests, we’ll help you fix things up. Your Soil Needs Work Poor nutrient levels and compacted soil are the first things to check when you’re dealing with a patchy lawn. Want a Greener Lawn? Think Sprinkler Repair in Phoenix AZ - Sprinkler DoctorsSprinkler Doctors. Keeping that mean, green, “American Dream” lawn perfect in Arizona is no easy task.

Want a Greener Lawn? Think Sprinkler Repair in Phoenix AZ - Sprinkler DoctorsSprinkler Doctors

We have merciless summer heat, droughts and temperamental soil working against us. Smart Landscaping to Reduce Your Water Use - Sprinkler DoctorsSprinkler Doctors. Water use is a hot-button topic for Arizona, and landscaping is one of the biggest household water guzzlers.

Smart Landscaping to Reduce Your Water Use - Sprinkler DoctorsSprinkler Doctors

Whether you’re trying to control your water bill or just want to do your part and conserve more, there are plenty of things you can do to reduce your outdoor water use while still maintaining your curb appeal. Simple solutions from different planting choices to getting regular sprinkler repair for your Glendale AZ home will add up to major conservation. Rethink Your Plantings Nonnative species, turf grass and other water-hog plantings are going to demand more frequent irrigation than native and low-water choices.

When Good Irrigation Goes Bad: Irrigation Repair PhoenixSprinkler Doctors. Even the highest quality irrigation systems will eventually succumb to wear and tear.

When Good Irrigation Goes Bad: Irrigation Repair PhoenixSprinkler Doctors

When something breaks, you’ll need a service for irrigation repair in Phoenix that can find and address the problem promptly. Here are just a few of the common issues we can identify and fix with our fast, guaranteed service. Broken Sprinkler Heads Fixing a broken sprinkler or bubbler seems like something you should be able to do yourself, but the reality can be a little more complicated. Right off the bat, sprinkler heads that are just dribbling or suddenly not spraying may not be broken. If the head is broken, the connection point needs to be inspected for further damage that could cause leaks or break the new head. Sprinkler Repair in Phoenix - Sprinkler DoctorsSprinkler Doctors. When you invest in an irrigation system, you expect it to work properly. Problems like water hogging, patchy coverage and frustrating equipment breakdowns are supposed to be things of the past.

If you’re tackling frequent irrigation headaches, your system likely has issues with its design and installation. Sprinkler Doctors for the best sprinkler system repair - Sprinkler DoctorsSprinkler Doctors. Take Care of Your Sprinkler System Repair and It Will Take Care of Your Yard Growing plants need water. Whether they grow in the Olympic Rain Forest or in the arid Valley of the Sun, without water, they don’t survive, to say nothing of thriving. The difference between the two locations, though, is that the later place does not have more water than it needs: in fact, with population growth into the future, there is already not enough water to go around, and the shortage promises only to increase. Taking Care of Your Sprinkler System in a Drought - Sprinkler DoctorsSprinkler Doctors.

Arizona is a great place to live. There are not a lot of places in the U.S. where one can golf wearing shorts in February. The absence of hurricanes, tornadoes and blizzards is certainly nice. Damaging earthquakes are few and far between. That does not mean that there are no problems or difficulties associated with the Valley of the Sun. It is worth noting that the greatest population growth started after home air conditioning became more available. We don’t know what the future will bring in terms of climate change – but we do know that the west is experiencing serious drought conditions. One of the best ways you can conserve water is by having a top-of-the-line sprinkler system and to keep it maintained in top condition.