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ADHD. IEP. Writing. Asperger. Deaf-Blindness. Autism. Teaching. HearingImpairments. VisualImpairments. DownSyndrome. PKU. OppositionalDefiantDisorder. Counseling. AngerMgmt. EmotionalDisorders. Scholastic. Learning Disability - Written Expression Disorder. Definition A learning disability in which a person’s ability to communicate in writing is substantially below the level normally expected based on the individual’s chronological age, measured intelligence, and age appropriate education.

Learning Disability - Written Expression Disorder

Manifestation. Communication Disorders. Counseling Needs of Academically Talented Students with Learning Disabilities. By: Sally M.

Counseling Needs of Academically Talented Students with Learning Disabilities

Reis and Robert Colbert (2004) School counselors work individually and with other educators to meet the developmental needs of all students, including those with special needs or disabilities. In this article, the results of qualitative research are summarized involving comparative case studies of university students who were both academically talented and learning disabled. Curriculum Modifications for Language Impairment. Most speech-language pathologists realize that textbooks are too difficult for students who are language impaired to read and comprehend.

Curriculum Modifications for Language Impairment

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) states that speech and language goals and objectives must be related to the curriculum. Working on curriculum-based vocabulary and language concepts can be difficult for students, but ultimately it is rewarding. By being creative we not only can help students increase their language skills but boost their performance in class. Strategies for teaching students with behavioral disorders. Accommodations & Modifications.