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John F. Covaleskie / POWER GOES TO SCHOOL: TEACHERS, STUDENTS, AND DISCIPLINE. Covaleskie / DEWEY, DISCIPLINE, AND DEMOCRACY. Assertive Discipline | Child Discipline in the Classroom. Assertive Discipline Assertive discipline is a structured, systematic approach designed to assist educators in running an organized, teacher-in-charge classroom environment. To no one's surprise, Lee and Marlene Canter, when consulting for school systems, found that many teachers were unable to manage the undesirable behavior that occurred in their classrooms. The Cantors, rightfully so, attributed this finding to a lack of training in the area of behavior management.

Based on their investigation and the foundations of assertiveness training and applied behavior analysis, they developed a common sense, easy-to-learn approach to help teachers become the captains of their classrooms and positively influence their students' behavior. Today, it is the most widely used "canned" (prepared/packaged) behavior management program in the world.

Assertive discipline has evolved since the mid 70's from a rather authoritarian approach to one that is now more democratic and cooperative. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.