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We intend to cover stories about sportsmen & sports achievement that can inspire youth. Inculcate the importance of exercise and sports among them. Also guide parents on how their children can learn from interactive games and outdoor sports.

Role of exercise in Immunity building. As soon as we think of building immunity, often we end up searching for medications and supplements.

Role of exercise in Immunity building

Do you know that simply following general good-health guidelines can keep the immune system strong and healthy naturally? Yes, you heard that right. Just having healthy-living strategies such as exercise, a balanced diet, a healthy lifestyle, and adequate sleep can enhance immune function. Often, we experience a brief rise in respiratory rate and body temperature during and after a workout. But fail to realize that, unknowingly body flushes out organisms from the airways and prevents them from growing. 6 most important benefits of Sports for promoting mental health. ‘Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity’.

6 most important benefits of Sports for promoting mental health

This definition of health adopted by the World Health Organization way back in 1946 stresses the importance of mental well-being as an important attribute of health. Ayurveda, the Indian traditional system of medicine also echoes that a balance and connect between the body, mind, spirit, and social well-being as a state of health. Being mentally healthy has a huge impact on our thoughts, behaviors, and emotions that affects our lives in many ways. Taking care of mental health can promote the productivity and effectiveness of the activities that we are involved in. Mental health has a positive correlation with a country’s economic growth. Game-based learning: Changing the Way Children Are Educated.

It is high time to introduce game-based learning at regular schools in India.

Game-based learning: Changing the Way Children Are Educated

The game-based learning process is ideal for students to grasp information by participating in real-world scenarios and develop their learning skills by observing them. Game-based learning improves student’s engagement towards a particular task and makes the whole learning experience more interesting leading to enhancement in memory retention.

One of the primary advantages of Game-based learning is it allows students to involve, practice, and learn the right way to do things that results in active learning. In this model, students work toward a goal by choosing an action that is correct according to their thinking, and simultaneously they also experience the consequences of those actions. Role of protein for sportsmen. Access to food is a basic human right, vital for good health.

Role of protein for sportsmen

But eating a balanced diet is all about getting good nutrition, having more energy and healthy body which is essential for a person’s well-being. Each category of food such as carbohydrates, proteins, and fat need to be consumed in a particular ratio to maintain the proper functioning of the body. But sportsmen fall into a slightly different category especially when it comes to food. Recent studies have proven that an increase in protein consumption is an important factor for achieving substantial increase in muscle strength ( For more info on muscle function ) and muscle mass, it curbs age-related muscle loss and accelerates the protein synthesis response in muscles when consumed by evenly distributing across all meals.

Intense physical activities of sportsmen such as running, jumping, swimming long distances or lifting weights, make them expend more energy than the average person. Hemant Rutu: Strength enhancer and Immunity booster   Diwali the festival of Lights which falls in the Hemant Rutu is around.

Hemant Rutu: Strength enhancer and Immunity booster  

All the kitchens in the town are busy cooking delicacies to celebrate this festival. While I am sure some may be still confused whether to indulge in these delicacies or not. Let’s have a bird eye view on the science underlying the diet and lifestyle adopted while celebrating the Festival of Lights which falls in the Hemant Rutu. Ayurveda classifies the entire year into Six Rutus. Diwali falls in the Hemant Rutu, which is considered a strengthening season.

The human body is a miniature of the Universe. The strength of an individual, his digestive capacity and the overall physiological functions are in a complete balance in this particular Hemant Rutu. A diet comprising of warm, well cooked food with oil, ghee (essentially cow’s ghee), wheat, sugar, milk, pulses which include green gram, black gram, moth beans, chana is advisable to combat cold and fuel the digestive fire. Dr Sneha Kulkarni MD (Ayu) YIC. Protein: Important component of Sportsmen's Diet. Access to food is a basic human right, vital for good health.

Protein: Important component of Sportsmen's Diet

But eating a balanced diet is all about getting good nutrition, having more energy and healthy body which is essential for a person’s well-being. Each category of food such as carbohydrates, proteins, and fat need to be consumed in a particular ratio to maintain the proper functioning of the body. But sportsmen fall into a slightly different category especially when it comes to food. Recent studies have proven that an increase in protein consumption is an important factor for achieving substantial increase in muscle strength and muscle mass, it curbs age-related muscle loss and accelerates the protein synthesis response in muscles when consumed by evenly distributing across all meals.

Intense physical activities of sportsmen such as running, jumping, swimming long distances or lifting weights, make them expend more energy than the average person. Learning Through Games. Sport und Fitness. Sports, Shiksha and Swasthya under one umbrella.