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The Two Organizations That Run the US. The Council on Foreign Relations And the Trilateral Commission By Melvin Sickler Posted By Newssleuth There are two groups of elite men and women in particular that most American people do not know about, but which are a clear threat and danger to the freedom of the American people. These are the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and the Trilateral Commission. Right now the United States is completely under the control of those who run these two organizations (David Rockefeller in particular).

It is therefore important to understand these organizations if we wish to understand what has been taking place in the United States since the early 1900’s. The resource material I am using that explains in depth what these two organizations are all about was written by Jack Newell and Devvy Kidd (“Why A Bankrupt America?” Edward Mandell House The Council on Foreign Relations was founded in 1921 by Edward Mandell House, who had been the chief advisor of President Woodrow Wilson. David Rockefeller. Shadow Government | CFR. Home | Issues | Perspective | Audio | Guests | Images | Live Chat | Links | Search | About | Contact The reader should bear in mind that, although this article explains the "U.S. /British Connection", England has been under economic and political control of the Rothschild money trust for centuries.

Without that understanding, the subject of the US/British connection serves to create confusion as to WHO or WHAT is behind those individuals, groups, societies, etc. which, - while not well known to the general population - are somewhat more visible. A clue is given in the statement: "The money to found the CFR came in part from J.P. Morgan, John D. . - Jackie - February 8th, 2001 An Introduction to the "Little Sister" of The Royal Institute of International Affairs: The U.S.

By Eric Samuelson, "Since its founding... the CFR has been the preeminent intermediary between the world of high finance, big oil, corporate elitism, and the U.S. government. Col. Associates of J.P. Why isn't the CFR in the History Books? Why isn't the CFR in the History Books? Hardly one person in 1000 ever heard of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). The Council on Foreign Relations was formally established in Paris in 1919 along with its British Counterpart the Royal Institute of International Affairs.

The Council on Foreign Relations and Royal Institute of International Affairs can trace their roots back to a secret organization founded and funded by Cecil Rhodes, who became fabulously wealthy by exploiting the people of South Africa. Rhodes is the father of Apartheid. The Council on Foreign Relations was founded by a group of American and British imperialists and racists intent on ruling the world. Many of the American members were American intelligence officers that belonged to the first American Intelligence Agency -- THE INQUIRY. Many of the British members were British Intelligence Agents. The CFR/RIIA method of operation is simple -- they control public opinion. Roundtable. TIME TO DESTROY THE CFR. Tragedy and Hope by Carroll Quigley. Home | Issues | Perspective | Audio | Guests | Images | Live Chat | Links | Search | About | Contact This excerpt from Carroll Quigley's Tragedy and Hope was transcribed after we read and formatted for posting the article from the New York Times on 12-03-01, titled Calls for a New Push Into Iraq Gain Power in Washington.

The Globalists become ever more emboldened as they lay their puppet minions and their plans in the faces of elected officials, both federal and state and no effort is made to reign in the "outsiders" - as that article labels them. Thus, we are once again reminded of the Protocols, better known as the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. Whoever its author - having been first published in London in 1906 - we must notice a projected outcome and method that is clearly visible today. "It is from us that the all-engulfing terror proceeds. By: Carroll Quigley The Round Table Groups were semi-secret discussion and lobbying groups organized by Lionel Curtis, Philip H. Our Republic - Richard Harwood. Rear Admiral Chester Ward Quote - Liberty Quotes Blog.