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Top 15 New Books About Sharing, Cities and Happiness. By Cat Johnson Whether you’re in the Northern hemisphere, cozied down for a long winter’s night or in the Southern hemisphere, enjoying the sunshine, there’s always time for a good read and we’ve rounded up the top 15 new sharing movement books (plus two bonus books).

Top 15 New Books About Sharing, Cities and Happiness

Topics covered include the power of cities to create positive change; a living, utopian experiment in Spain; how to achieve personal happiness and fulfillment; transparency in government; the maker movement; urban farming; and how sharing is good...and good for us. Several of the books here are offered as donor premiums as part of Shareable’s crowdfunder to build the Sharing Cities Network. Be sure to check it out. Community Tool Box. Message on the 50th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Videos. Smile! It’s Good for Your Heart. Feeling good makes us smile, right?

Smile! It’s Good for Your Heart

Sure, although a new study suggests the reverse may also be true: Smiles might be good for our health. In the study, to be published in an upcoming issue of Psychological Science, researchers at the University of Kansas found that the act of smiling has a positive effect on our happiness and physical health, helping the heart recover more quickly after stressful events. Program - Empathy and Compassion in Society. 10.00 am Welcome Can We Live a Compassionate Life?

Program - Empathy and Compassion in Society

Teaching Compassion: Changing the World Through Empathy and Education - ParentMap. Children are often told in a tone of reprimand by parents and teachers: “How would you feel if they did that to you?”

Teaching Compassion: Changing the World Through Empathy and Education - ParentMap

It is essentially the photo negative of the Golden Rule (“do unto others …”). What if that message evolved into a positive set of values, then fused into lesson plans, group activities and a school ethos? It’s happening all over the world, thanks in part to the efforts of the Charter for Compassion and its partners. The Charter for Compassion is a call to restore the Golden Rule to the center of religious, moral and civic life through listening, understanding and treating all others as we wish to be treated ourselves. Not simply a statement of principle, the charter is a summons to take creative, practical and sustained action to create a just economy and a peaceful world. Bring compassion to life.