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Linux grabs its single biggest win. The U.S.

Linux grabs its single biggest win

Navy and Dept. of Defense have learned valuable lessons that translate to huge contracts for the Linux OS. What does this mean for open source and the community that drives it? Jack Wallen offers his take. Northrop Grumman Transformational Fire Scout Vertical Takeoff and Landing Tactical Unmanned Aerial Vehicle system. Ever hear of it? A virus. That's right...previously a virus had infected the operating system on the U.S. A virus...on the system controlling drones. When I read this, I was shocked. Anyway...I digress. The decision brings a 28 million dollar contract to the Linux community (who, exactly, will be getting this contract is unknown), but that is not all. Home. Übergabe des Leitfadens „Architekturen in der wehrtechnischen Industrie“ (Verteidigung. Am 5.

Übergabe des Leitfadens „Architekturen in der wehrtechnischen Industrie“ (Verteidigung

Februar 2010 haben die gemeinsame Arbeitsgruppe Architekturen des BITKOM und des ZVEI in Koblenz nach knapp zweijähriger Arbeit den Leitfaden "Architekturentwicklung in der wehrtechnischen Industrie" an das Bundesamt für Informationsmanagement und Informationstechnik der Bundeswehr (IT-AmtBw) übergeben. Das gemeinsame Produkt ist in enger Abstimmung mit dem IT-AmtBw entstanden und bildet nun die gemeinsame Arbeitsgrundlage für die Zusammenarbeit von Bundeswehr und Industrie im Themenfeld von Architekturen. The Accumulo Challenge, Part I. The dozens of software projects launched in the wake of Google’s Big Table and Map Reduce papers have changed the way we handle large datasets.

The Accumulo Challenge, Part I

Like many organizations, the NSA began experimenting with these “big data” tools and realized that the open source implementations available at the time were not addressing some of their particular needs. They decided to embark on their own project: Accumulo. Once they were happy with how Accumulo was working, they did the right thing and released Accumulo to the world through the Apache Foundation. This is great for open source and the taxpayer. The government found a requirement not being fulfilled by the private sector, and rather than letting their work languish inside its walls, or paying a contractor to develop a proprietary solution, they shared what they had with the world. Topic: Alliance Ground Surveillance (AGS) Originating from the Defence Planning Committee in 1992, the AGS programme was defined as a capability acquisition effort in 1995, when the NATO Defence Ministers agreed that “the Alliance should pursue work on a minimum essential NATO-owned and operated AGS core capability, supplemented by interoperable national assets”.

Topic: Alliance Ground Surveillance (AGS)

The AGS programme was to provide NATO with a complete and integrated ground surveillance capability that would offer the Alliance and its nations unrestricted and unfiltered access to ground surveillance data in near-real-time and in an interoperable manner. It was to include an air segment comprising airborne radar sensors and a ground segment comprising fixed, transportable and mobile ground stations for data exploitation and dissemination, all seamlessly interconnected linked through high-performance data links. Aufklärungsdrohne: Luftwaffe präsentiert neuen Supervogel. David A. Wheeler's Blog. Presenting at American Society for Quality On February 25, 2014, I will be presenting on “Open Source Software and Government” at the American Society for Quality (ASQ) Software SIG.

David A. Wheeler's Blog

You can join in person in McLean, Virginia; there will also be various video tele-conferencing sites, and you can join by phone or online as well. If you’re interested, you’re welcome to join us, but you’ll need to pre-register. path: /oss | Current Weblog | permanent link to this entry William W. Here I want to honor the memory of William W. But first, I should explain my connection to him. The “gold standard” for knowing if something is true is a formal mathematical proof. After trying several other approaches, I found that the tools developed by Bill McCune (in particular prover9, mace4, and ivy) were perfect for my needs. U.S. Military Chose Android for Tactical Ops. The Defense Department has chosen Android to develop a smartphone network and military apps for soldiers out in the field.

U.S. Military Chose Android for Tactical Ops

The Defense Department has reportedly chosen Android to develop a smartphone framework and a suite of applications for use in tactical operations by the U.S. Army and the Marine Corps. The Defense Department's Software Engineering Directorate is currently working on a two-pound device called the Joint Battle Command-Platform (or JBC-P Handheld)-- in essence a military-grade Android smartphone. Apps to be used on the device will allow soldiers to locate friendly forces, exchange "critical messaging" and other important tasks. A prototype is currently being used by soldiers at Fort Bragg, North Carolina.

Develops smartphone framework, applications for the front lines. <div id="others"><ul><li><a href="/media/189192/"><img src=" width="150" alt="Army develops smartphone framework, applications for the front lines" /></a><div class="title" style = "font-weight:bold;"></div><div class="caption">Gen.

develops smartphone framework, applications for the front lines

Peter Chiarelli, the Army's vice chief of staff, views a photo downloaded on a prototype JBC-P Handheld. Also pictured is Lt. Gen. William Phillips (second from right), principal military deputy to the Assistant Secretary of the Army for...