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Punctuation Between Two Independent Clauses. Independent clauses can be connected (or separated, depending on your point of view) in a variety of ways. When two ideas come together and either one of them can stand by itself — as its own, independent sentence — the following kinds of punctuation are possible. (Review, also, the sections on Coherence: Transitions Between Ideas and on avoiding Run-on Sentences.) The Guide to Grammar and Writing is sponsored by the Capital Community College Foundation, a nonprofit 501 c-3 organization that supports scholarships, faculty development, and curriculum innovation. If you feel we have provided something of value and wish to show your appreciation, you can assist the College and its students with a tax-deductible contribution.

For more about giving to Capital, write to CCC Foundation, 950 Main Street, Hartford, CT 06103. Phone (860) 906-5102 or email: So Neither Either Differences and Use - English Grammar Rules. SO is used to show agreement with positive statements. SO + Auxiliary/Be + Subject (pronoun) The Auxiliary (or To Be/Have) needs to agree with the verb tense in the original statement. It is similar to using TOO at the end of a sentence. Sometimes you can use So + Auxiliary + Subject as a continuation of the first part of the sentence. John can sing well and so can his brother.(= John can sing will and his brother can sing well too) Neither is used to show agreement with negative statements.

Neither + Auxiliary + Subject (pronoun) The Auxiliary needs to agree with the verb tense in the original statement. It is similar to using either at the end of a sentence, although Neither is more commonly used, especially in spoken English. A: I don't understand Spanish.B: Neither do I. (= I don't understand Spanish either.) A: I cannot swim.B: Neither can I. (= I can't swim either.) Sometimes people respond Me Neither instead of Neither + Auxiliary + Subject though this is very informal spoken English. GrammarNet - ED's Website / Inversions (after so, neither, nor) The quantifiers much and many. Much is used with singular nouns; many is used with plural nouns. There isn’t much food in the house. (NOT There isn’t many food in the house.) You have given me too much cheese.

Were there many people at the meeting? (NOT Were there much people at the meeting?) I have had as much trouble as I can bear. Much and many can be used as noun phrases before determiners. You didn’t eat much breakfast. Before pronouns and a noun with a determiner (articles, possessives, demonstratives) we use many of or much of. How much of the roof needs repairing? Much of can also be used before personal and geographical names. Not much of Africa is developed. Much and many can be used without a noun if the meaning is clear. You have given me too much. Not used in affirmative clauses Much and many are unusual in affirmative clauses. Compare: I don’t have much work to do. Quantifiers: much e many - Mundo Educação. Much significa muito ou muita e é utilizado com substantivos incontáveis. Já o many significa muitos ou muitas e é utilizado com substantivos contáveis.

Primeiro, vamos observar quando consideramos um substantivo contável ou incontável! Substantivos contáveis Os substantivos podem ser contáveis ou incontáveis. Eles são considerados contáveis – countable nouns – quando se referem a coisas que podemos contar, como por exemplo, quilos, litros, dólares, garrafas, pedaços, canetas, mesas, maçãs, entre outros. Assim, podemos dizer: There are two bottles of milk. I have five dollars. Substantivos incontáveis Os substantivos são considerados incontáveis – uncountable nouns – quando se referem a coisas que não podemos contar, como por exemplo, leite, dinheiro, açúcar, informação, liberdade, felicidade, pão, carne, entre outros. I have much information about this topic. I have little money. Uso Depois de ver se o substantivo é contável ou não, coloca-se o much ou o many antes do substantivo.

How Much - How Many. When we want to know the quantity or amount of something, we ask questions starting with How much and How many. HOW MUCH ...? - (Quantity) How much is used with uncountable nouns. How much time do we have to finish the test? How much money did you spend? How much sugar would you like in your coffee? If the verb To Be is used with an uncountable noun, it is in singular form (= IS or WAS etc.) HOW MUCH ...? How much can also be used when we want to know the PRICE of something.

In this case, we can use How much with countable nouns (both singular and plural nouns). How much is that painting? HOW MANY ...? How many is used when we want to know the QUANTITY of something. It is only used with plural countable nouns. How many days are there in January? Omitting the noun Often the noun is omitted in the question when it is obvious what we are talking about. A: I would like to buy some cheese. The noun cheese is not necessary after how much since we already know we are talking about cheese. More examples: Correlative Conjunctions, English Grammar, Advanced English Grammar.

The Coordinating Conjunction. Use a coordinating conjunction when you want to give equal emphasis to two main clauses. Subordination, however, emphasizes the idea in the main clause more than the one in the subordinate clause. Read the pairs of sentences that follow. The first version coordinates the two ideas. The second version subordinates one idea to emphasize the other. To survive the fetal pig dissection, Rinalda agreed to make all the incisions, and Frances promised to remove and label the organs. The word "so" – Clear English grammar. Verb Tense Tutorial. Verb tenses are verb forms (went, go, will go) which English speakers use to talk about the past, present, and future in their language.

There are twelve verb tense forms in English as well as other time expressions such as used to. For English learners, knowing how to use English tenses can be quite a challenge. Never fear.'s verb tense tutorial will teach you to think like a native speaker. How to use this tutorial: 1. 2. 3. Verb Tense Exercises About the Verb Tense Chart Look at the verb tense chart above.

There are also three simple tenses, three continuous tenses, three perfect tenses and three perfect continuous tenses. For example, all simple tenses have similar uses. Did you also notice that present tenses and past tenses only have one form whereas future tenses have two forms? Common Questions about Verb Tenses How can I learn verb tenses? Our native language changes the way we think about time. For this reason, you have to learn to think like an English speaker.

Irregular Verbs - Grammar Exercises. Can can't you English lesson - learning can and you. Learn how to use the words can and can't During this lesson you will start learning how to use the words can and can't and how you can use it in sentences. You can use the word can for physical ability or skill Below is a list of ways of using the word 'can' in a positive and negative way. ** Hint learn ** Cannot = can't Could not = couldn't will not = won't Using 'can' as a question word Below gives examples of how to use the word 'can' to form a question.

Examples of useing the verb can Fish can swim. Fish can't fly. Can you ride a bike? No, I can't. Yes, I can. Can you speak English? Yes I can I learn't with Easy Pace Learning. I can' speak it very well I'm still learning I will Google Easy pace Learning. Examples of using can't in a sentence with meaning Practise write down on some paper what you can or can't do using the list below Easy pace Learning online dictionary and how to use dictionaries Click on the following link for the Online English dictionary - English lesson. Past Continuous Tense | Grammarly. The past continuous tense, also known as the past progressive tense, refers to a continuing action or state that was happening at some point in the past. The past continuous tense is formed by combining the past tense of to be (i.e., was/were) with the verb’s present participle (-ing word).

There are many situations in which this verb tense might be used in a sentence. For example, it is often used to describe conditions that existed in the past. The sun every day that summer. As I spoke, the children at my cleverness. It can also be used to describe something that was happening continuously in the past when another action interrupted it. The audience until he fell off the stage. I dinner when she arrived. The past continuous can shed light on what was happening at a precise time in the past. At 6 o’clock, I dinner. It can also refer to a habitual action in the past. She constantly in class in those days. At noon, he. Past Continuous #1, by Dennis Oliver - Free English Grammar Lessons. Past Continuous Tense #2, by Dennis Oliver - Free English Grammar Lessons.

Past Continuous Tense #3, by Dennis Oliver - Free English Grammar Lessons. The past continuous tense is most commonly used when two past actions, one interrupting the other and one longer than the other, happened at the same time. In this situation, the simple past tense is used for the shorter action and the past continuous tense is used for the longer action. In such a situation, the connecting words while and whenare usually used in order to make the tense differences clear:while is used to identify the longer action and when is oftenused to identify the shorter one: I was driving home. I ran out of gas. Because "I was driving home" is the longer action and"I ran out of gas" is the shorter one, while can be usedto introduce "I was driving home" and when can be usedto introduce "I ran out of gas": While I was driving home, I ran out of gas.

When I ran out of gas, I was driving home. Jim was working in Chicago.Jim bought his first car. While Jim was working in Chicago, he bought hisfirst car. / Jim bought his first car while he wasworking in Chicago. Special Note: Past Continuous Tense #4, by Dennis Oliver - Free English Grammar Lessons. Understanding how to use when and while becomes more complicated when you realize that native speakers often use when for while, but they don't use while for when: When / While I was driving home, I ran out of gas. I ran out of gas when / while I was driving home. Not OK: *While I ran out of gas, I was driving home. *I was driving home while I ran out of gas. When / While Jim was working in Chicago,he bought his first car.

Jim bought his first car when / while he wasworking in Chicago. *While Jim bought his first car, he was workingin Chicago. *Jim was working in Chicago while he boughthis first car. Not OK: *While Julia fell down, she hurt her ankle. *Julia hurt her ankle while she fell down. *While Diego lost the race, he almost cried.

When / While the chairman was speaking,everyone was listening intently. Everyone was listening intently when / whilethe chairman was speaking. While / When Jane was driving to work,she was planning her day. Special Note: When Julia fell down, Fred helped her get up. Past Continuous Tense. What is the past continuous tense? Also called the past progressive, the past continuous tense is used to describe something that was in progress at a certain moment in the past. It is called the past continuous because it uses the past tense of the auxiliary verb be (was or were) followed by the present participle of the main verb (which is used to describe an action that is or was continuously happening).

Structure To form the past continuous, we order the sentence like this: subject + was/were + present participle of main verb. For example: “I was working.” These sentences are both complete, but they give very little information. Functions of the past continuous There are a number of functions for which we use the past continuous tense in speech and writing. Before and after another action or event happened “We were busy working on our assignment when our parents came home.” Interrupted by another action or event Before and after a certain time “My head was throbbing.”

Repeatedly and frequently. The Past Progressive of English Verbs | Linguistics Girl. English verbs that are conjugated express a combination of tense, aspect, voice, and mood. Tense is the grammaticalized expression of time and roughly corresponds to actual time. Aspect is the grammaticalized expression of temporal structure and corresponds to duration. Mood is the expression of modality, or the expression of possibility, necessity, and contingency. Voice is the expression of relationships between predicate and nominal functions such as subject and object.

The past progressive typically refers to verbs in the past tense, progressive aspect, indicative mood, and active voice. The past progressive can be defined as a verb form that expresses an incomplete or ongoing action or state that began, continued, and ended in the past but over a longer period of time than the completed actions expressed by the simple past. Formation of the Past Progressive The past progressive, like the majority of verb forms in English, is periphrastic. Use of the Past Progressive For example: Pomodoro | Research Practice. Yes, this is real and it is useful. Simple, and simple is good. Set a timer for 25 minutes. Do that task (e.g. writing) for 25 minutes. That is all you are doing. The proper version involves breaking things down into tasks and managing a to do list. If I do four of these on a research day I’m surprisingly tired, but also make very good progress, it also means I have a lot of other time available for all the other things that need doing.

All Things Grammar - Home. Conjunctions, connectors, coordination and subordination. Coordinating and subordinating words : conjunctions connectors and conjunctive adverbs. Key points : Connectors - also called conjunctive words - are words that link two similar elements in a sentence.

The four categories of connector are A small number of conjunctions and conjunctive adverbs can link individual words or phrases; but the majority can only link two clauses.A coordinated clause or phrase must follow the clause or phrase to which it is connected.A subordinate clause normally follows the main clause, but in some cases may preceed it. See below. The problem with conjunctions : where linguists disagree Most traditional grammars just repeat the established classification of conjunctions as being either coordinating conjunctions or subordinating conjunctions. OK Though he did not win, he took part in the competition.

This suggests that the pertinent distinction between different types of conjunction is not actually one of function, but one of usage. Part 1. 1. Examples: 2. 3. Conjunctive adverbs and how they are used. 40. Conjunctions versus Connectors – guinlist. 40 brilliant idioms that can’t be translated literally. Possibility | International House Bristol. Conjunctive adverbs and how they are used. Various English Grammar Exercises.