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Julian Assange Doesn't Do Irony Well: Threatens His Own Internal Leakers With $20 Million Penalty. 04-08 Vote for Julian Assange (Again) in The 2011 TIME 100 Poll, closes April 14.


WikiLeaks and Julian Paul Assange. The house on Grettisgata Street, in Reykjavik, is a century old, small and white, situated just a few streets from the North Atlantic.

WikiLeaks and Julian Paul Assange

The shifting northerly winds can suddenly bring ice and snow to the city, even in springtime, and when they do a certain kind of silence sets in. This was the case on the morning of March 30th, when a tall Australian man named Julian Paul Assange, with gray eyes and a mop of silver-white hair, arrived to rent the place. Assange was dressed in a gray full-body snowsuit, and he had with him a small entourage. “We are journalists,” he told the owner of the house. Eyjafjallajökull had recently begun erupting, and he said, “We’re here to write about the volcano.” Assange is an international trafficker, of sorts. Iceland was a natural place to develop Project B. Assange also wanted to insure that, once the video was posted online, it would be impossible to remove. Assange typically tells would-be litigants to go to hell. “That’s for you,” she said.

Assange chased by Turmoil. He demands that his dwindling number of loyalists use expensive encrypted cellphones and swaps his own the way other men change shirts.

Assange chased by Turmoil

He checks into hotels under false names, dyes his hair, sleeps on sofas and floors, and uses cash instead of credit cards, often borrowed from friends. “By being determined to be on this path, and not to compromise, I’ve wound up in an extraordinary situation,” Mr. Assange said over lunch last Sunday, when he arrived sporting a woolen beanie and a wispy stubble and trailing a youthful entourage that included a filmmaker assigned to document any unpleasant surprises. In his remarkable journey to notoriety, Mr.

Assange, founder of the WikiLeaks whistle-blowers’ Web site, sees the next few weeks as his most hazardous. Twelve weeks ago, he posted on his organization’s Web site some 77,000 classified Pentagon documents on the Afghan conflict. Much has changed since 2006, when Mr. Exposing Secrets Mr. The Times's Dealings With Julian Assange.


Union Bags Assange. Wikileaks founder and whistle-blowing activist Julian Assange will speak at the Union a week on Tuesday, with members also in with a chance to meet him afterwards.

Union Bags Assange

Face of WikiLeaks Julian Assange is set to star at the Union a week on Tuesday in his first public address for four months, The Tab can exclusively reveal. In a jaw-dropping scoop, president Lauren Davidson will confirm the appearance of the face of the high profile Aussie in an email to Union members today. Davidson was understandably elated, telling The Tab, “I’m delighted. One of our main purposes is to bring the most important and interesting people to Cambridge, and Assange is undoubtedly one of the most influential people in the world today.”

Just two weeks ago Belmarsh Magistrates’ Court ordered Assange to be sent back to Sweden, to face charges of sexually assaulting one woman and raping another last August. Assange was voted Time Magazine’s Readers’ Choice 2010 Person Of The Year. Reaction to the news has been positive. Inside the brain of J.A. Julian Assange speaks at a press conference on the Iraq war logs, which were leaked last year.

Inside the brain of J.A.

Picture: AFP Source: AFP JULIAN Assange has told the story of his childhood and adolescence twice - most recently to a journalist from The New Yorker, Raffi Khatchadourian, and some 15 years ago, secretly but in greater detail, to Suelette Dreyfus, the author of a fascinating book on the first generation of computer hacking, Underground, for which Assange was the primary researcher.

In what is called the "researcher's introduction", Assange begins with a cryptic quote from Oscar Wilde: "Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth. " Nothing about Assange has ever been straightforward. Support J.A. in his quest for Freedom. Tea with Assange.

Frost (J.A.) People OK with murdering Assange. WikiLeaks and Julian Assange. J.A. hires PR team. Borkowski - blog.