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How to Create a Love and Logic Classroom. By Jim Fay The following CD's and books are excellent for the purpose of learning the Love and Logic philosophy and techniques: Most people benefit from reviewing these Love and Logic materials several times.

How to Create a Love and Logic Classroom

This "over-learning" will enable you to more readily apply these Love and Logic techniques while teaching. Start slow. Pick just one Love and Logic technique and begin to experiment. Neutralizing arguing with the Brain Dead techniqueLocking-in sadness or empathy before delivering consequencesSetting limits with enforceable statementsSharing control through lots of small choicesBuilding relationships with the One Sentence InterventionThe Anticipatory Consequence One by one, start experimenting with additional Love and Logic techniques.

Call the Love and Logic Institute at 800-338-4065, and ask for a copy of the Creating Your School's Core Beliefs worksheet. In your classroom, post a list of expectations, describing how you will run your classroom. Home Page. Symptoms of Adults and Children with ADD. ADD/ADHD Symptoms: Difficulty staying on task, poor eye control, poor handwriting.

Symptoms of Adults and Children with ADD

Teach 4 the Heart on Pinterest. Teach 4 the Heart Teaching Resources. I am the founder of Teach 4 the Heart ( I've also taught middle school math for four years, including Math 6, pre algebra, and Algebra 1.

Teach 4 the Heart Teaching Resources

I've also taught English and accounting. I lean towards a more traditional teaching style, but I am always looking for new ideas. I believe technology should aid in genuine learning, not just be used for its own sake. Teaching Assistant of the Year - Pensacola Christian College - 2008 Graduated from Heritage Christian School in 2004 Earned a Bachelor of Science in Math Education from Pensacola Christian College in 2008. Free Behavior Charts To Target Single Behaviors.

What is PBIS? School Climate: Academic Achievement and Social Behavior Competence The purpose of this technical brief is to provide an operational and applied overview of school climate that can guide decisions related to policy, professional development, and practice and systems implementation at the classroom, school, district, and state levels (by Center for Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports)

What is PBIS?

PBIS: 225 Incentives for Students of All Ages. PBIS in the Secondary Level. Before becoming a certified teacher, I worked for three years with schools and literacy organizations in Philadelphia.

PBIS in the Secondary Level

I then taught high school English, primarily ninth grade, for six years, also in Philadelphia. Last year I worked as an intervention specialist with grades 3-8 in a small charter school, still in Philadelphia. This year I'll be back at the same school, but in a different role. In my new position as a literacy coach I'll still be providing literacy interventions to students, but I'll also be working with teachers on best practices. My six years as a high school English teacher were spent in some of the most challenging schools in the district, the kind of schools that made other teachers in the district shudder and say, "I don't know how you can work there.

" 50 Student Rewards That Don't Cost a Thing. The discussion has been had over and over again.

50 Student Rewards That Don't Cost a Thing

Should students be rewarded for doing what they are supposed to do already? I am not here to start a debate on this one, but I will say that I have had students who respond extraordinarily well to rewards, or reinforcers as some would prefer to call them. I don't think that they are the end all and be all of classroom management, but they can be an easy way of adding some positivity. With that being said, I refuse to continue buying items for a treasure box, or something of that sort. Instead I have a list in my classroom of one hundred things that my students can choose from, all of which cost my exactly $0. PBIS BRAG TAGS Freebie ON TPT. Brag tags are an effective way to recognize and reinforce positive behavior in the classroom.


15 Creative & Respectful Ways to Quiet a Class. Have you fallen into the trap of saying “No talking!”

15 Creative & Respectful Ways to Quiet a Class

Or “I need quiet!” All day long? It’s exhausting to keep repeating your requests for silence, and after the hundredth time, kids just tune you out, anyway. There have been some great discussions about how to get students to quiet down on my Facebook page, and I want to share what’s worked for those teachers as well as what I’ve tried in my own classroom. Contributors’ names are written in parentheses where applicable. Connect & Chat about PBIS @ #pbischat.

25 Strategies for Chatty Classes. Have a chatty class?

25 Strategies for Chatty Classes

Do your talkative students get louder and louder during small groups until it feels like chaos? Do they talk when you're talking then ask you what the directions were as soon as you finish? Don't worry. This is totally normal. PBIS Rewards That Won't Break the Bank. I think most teachers would prefer a world where all students were intrinsically motivated, but it just isn't an every day reality.

PBIS Rewards That Won't Break the Bank

Many of us dig deep into our pockets and find extrinsic rewards to help change certain student behaviors. Guilty! Once I started adding up those little rewards, I knew there had to be a better way, so I started brainstorming ways to reward my students without the need to dig deep into my pockets! Before determining which coupons to use in my classroom, I took into consideration the following: My Management & Teaching Style School Rules & Policies Student Interests. PBIS Rewards that are Free. Our school has adopted a program called PBIS- Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports.

The idea behind this program is that you use positive reinforcement to get the behaviors you want to see, and teach expectations. At our school we want the children to be Safe, Responsible, and Respectful. If you see a child doing these things, you give them a Tiger Ticket, and say how they were being safe, responsible, or respectful. If they have earned a ticket each day, they are entered in a daily drawing. Middle School Student Reward Ideas. Regain Control of Your Classroom NOW. The bell rings and chaos ensues. Kids are chatting it up, a few are wandering around, and you have to admit that pretty much no one is paying attention to you.

Teaching Social Skills to Youth. 20 Creative Ways to Encourage Good Behavior at the End of the Year. Advice from Real Teachers Series Do you dread the last few weeks of school because your students are full of energy and unable to focus? Administrators might say to stick to your routines and keep your kids busy with regular assignments, but that didn't work for me. Making my students do seatwork at the end of the year was like putting a lid on a pressure cooker, turning up the heat, and wondering when it was going to blow sky high! For me, it was far more effective to do something different at the end of the year, something meaningful but exciting enough to keep my kids interested and on task. I described 12 of my favorite ideas in an article called, A Dozen Fun Ways to Wrap Up the School Year.