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Comic Books/Super Heroes/Super Villians

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1980s Halloween Flashback. Cartoon Characters In College. Imagine having Sponge Bob or Edd as your colleague, wouldn’t that be fun? Hence we are presenting you jet unseen footage from the lives of cartoon celebrities . How they partied, got seriously drunk and fought for students’ rights. Since they can do whatever they please, take a look at what they did to entertain themselves. A Gallery of Very Unique Superhero Art. It’s another one of those days where I wish I were an artist, because illustrator Christopher Uminga has me in awe of his talent.

A Gallery of Very Unique Superhero Art

He’s created an amazing series of superhero/Star Wars/Ninja Turtles/etc. pictures in his own unique art style, and they’re the coolest things I’ve seen in quite some time. We’ve got the full gallery for you below and be sure to click on any of the pictures to make them huge with the help of our brand new gallery page! Hooray, we’ve made it into the 21st century! Dont Worry Its Acting.

Batman & Robin Freak by dimitrikozma on Newgrounds. The Comic Book Periodic Table of the Elements. The Official Site.