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SPACERR outlet spacers are simple to install and frustration-free. We researched common complaints about other spacer' electrical outlets. We Provide one of the best electrical outlet extender kits on the market.

Step by step how to use our outlet spacers extenders. How to Use an Electrical Outlet Extender - SPACERR. In our last blog post, we talked about how electrical outlet extenders or outlet spacers are used for preventing recessed outlets.

How to Use an Electrical Outlet Extender - SPACERR

Recessed outlets can cause an unfinished look because the outlets are not flush with the surface around them. Sometimes these are called electrical box extenders and they are safe to use indoor and outdoor. Thankfully, we have the best electrical outlet spacers available! After studying other designs, we came up with one that is affordable and very simple to use. Electrical Outlet Extenders Using for Remodeling - SPACERR. Today, in this article, we are going through the topic ‘Using Electrical Outlet Extenders for Remodeling’ reading through the article will give you a perfect idea ‘how to use Electrical Outlet Extenders for Remodeling!

Electrical Outlet Extenders Using for Remodeling - SPACERR

What are electrical outlet extenders? They are also known as outlet spacers. In short, they help prevent recessed outlets. Recessed outlets can happen when you tile a wall or add materials that raise the surface of a wall that has outlets and you don’t raise the outlet surfaces to match the raised surface. If you’re reading this and your remodeling project includes an altered wall or backsplash with wall sockets, and you are just getting started, you are in luck! The Value of Electrical Outlet Spacers and How To Install Them - SPACERR. Electrical outlet spacers are products used to effectively install a wall plate over an electrical location when a material such as tile, backsplash, shiplap or other similar materials are installed on a wall.

The Value of Electrical Outlet Spacers and How To Install Them - SPACERR

The use of tile or backsplash in your kitchen adds width to the wall and can create outlet installation issues. By using electrical outlet spacers, you can add as much space as you need using the spacers as a spacer between the outlet receptacle and outlet box in order to have it sit flush with the wall and again look consistent with your other home outlets.

How to Extend Electrical Outlet Extenders on a Wall Using Electrical Outlet Extender Kit - SPACERR. Do you have a construction project involving outlets?

How to Extend Electrical Outlet Extenders on a Wall Using Electrical Outlet Extender Kit - SPACERR

Maybe you are working on a backsplash for your kitchen or another remodeling project that involves outlets that need to be flush with the surface. If so, you may need electrical outlet extenders. How do electrical outlet extenders help? As you may already be aware, the use of tile or backsplash in your kitchen adds width to the wall and can create outlet installation issues. Installing Outlet Spacers to Fix an Electrical Outlet Situation - SPACERR. Are you working on a remodel for a wall in your house?

Installing Outlet Spacers to Fix an Electrical Outlet Situation - SPACERR

Does the wall have outlets? A common remodeling project we see is adding a backsplash to your kitchen wall. Or maybe you have a tiling project for part of your home or office. All of these projects have outlets in the wall, and you want the surfaces to be even with the outlets. Happily, we have the perfect solution for your outlet situation! Electrical Outlet Spacers and Extender Kit.