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Get Directions Form (Google Maps) Add Google Maps Driving Directions to Your Website. Even though there are so many mapping apps and services out there to get you from point A to point B, the definitive king of maps is Google Maps. I use it on my computer, tablet and 90% of the time on my smartphone. It’s got the best data, the most navigation and routing options and cool features like Street View and walking, biking and mass transit info.

But what if you need to use a map or directions outside of Google’s website? Suppose you have your own wedding website or a personal blog and guests could visit your site, type in the address they will be coming from and automatically get directions to the event location! Well, there are a couple of ways you can go about accomplishing this. Embed Google Map If you only want to display directions from one location to another, the easiest thing to do is to embed whatever map you are viewing using the embed code. Click on Share or embed map and then click on the Embed map tab. Create Google Maps Form Cool huh? Yikes! It works! Google maps api v3 tutorial - Part 1 of 4.

Integrating Google Maps Javascript API v3 | Node JS Tutorials, Social Networks, Mongo DB, Express. Step 1: Go to Step 2: Authenticate with google credentials username and password Step 3: Create New project, By clicking on the create project [Red button] as shown in the screen shot. Enter a project name and leave the PROJECT ID as such or you can give any unique name. In this demonstration lets keep PROJECT ID as it is. Click "Create" Step 4: Once the project has been created successfully, Click on the Project that you have created in step 3. Step 5: After clicking on the project, the screen will take you to Project Dashboard as shown below.

Step 6: you will see a list of API's from Google. Step 7: Make sure google maps javascript api v3 is enabled showing "on", as shown below. Step 8: Click on "Credentials" from the left side panel. In order to make use of Google maps API, one has to have a "Key" to access the api's. OAuth 2.0API Key When to use OAuth 2.0 ? When to use API Key ?

Step 9: Now, google ask's for which type of key you want to create. You need. How can I add markers to Google Maps using Node.js/Express/MongoDB? Felix-d/mapit-MEAN-RESTful-app. A RESTful app with the MEAN stack and Google Maps API v3 – Part 2. The purpose of this article is to guide you through the creation of the front end for our application MapIt!.

The application will let users dynamically add and delete messages on a map and see messages that other users have added. In the last article, we coded an API with Node.js, Express and MongoDB as our application back end. Now that we have our back end, we can start having fun with AngularJs and Google Maps API v3! Add a directory named frontend/to the root of the application, alongside controllers/, models/, node_modules/, server.js and package.json. Inside that directory, create the following directories $mkdir css js partials Inside of the css folder, create a file named styles.css and add the following code: I won’t explain the CSS here, it’s pretty basic stuff and at the end of this tutorial, you should easily understand what it does. Before we get our hands dirty, we need to add a few dependencies.

$sudo npm install -g bower Then add the following dependencies Now the fun begins. A RESTful app with the MEAN stack and Google Maps API v3 - Part 1. In this article, I will walk you through the process of building a RESTful application with the MEAN stack and the JavaScript Google Maps API v3. For you who have never heard of the MEAN stack, don’t worry, it ain’t that mean (I had to). MEAN stands for MongoDB (the NoSQL database we’ll er using), Express (a micro framework for Node.js), AngularJS (a front end MVC framework) and Node.js (an open source, single-threaded, non-blocking cross-platform runtime environment for server-side and networking applications, fiou!). REST stands for Representational State Transfer. It’s an architecture style for designing networked application based on HTTP verbs, such as GET, POST, PUT and DELETE. The article will be split in two parts. In the first part, we will create the backbone of our application, namely the RESTful API itself.

Then, in the second part, we will create the front end of our application using AngularJs (the A in MEAN) and the JavaScript Google Maps API v3. Coding the API npm init. Moshen/node-googlemaps.