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Latin Responses for the Tridentine Mass - Instruction for Altar Boys. Catholic-Hierarchy: Its Bishops and Dioceses, Current and Past. Article. Pagan/Occult Symbols A-Z (Intro) Author: Kerr Cuhulain Posted: July 4th. 2004 Times Viewed: 20,778 Throughout the Witch Hunts series I've showed you checklists taken from the large number of books and manuals meant to educate the public and law enforcement agencies on the "dangers of the occult". Most of those that I have collected over the past two decades are appallingly inaccurate.

The few that have any factual basis are so short that they are virtually useless. The slapdash scholarship, exasperating misinterpretations and deliberate falsehoods contained in these books are truly amazing. Unfortunately unsuspecting investigators take these inadequate manuals and waste a great deal of their time on unproductive wild goose chases trying to put the "information" in them to use. As a result, expensive investigative hours are wasted, innocent people are falsely accused and investigators are embarrassed. "Dragon's Teeth- Mountains. Continue on to Definitions... Footnotes... Sacramentum Vitae.