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If Historical Events had Facebook Statuses. Schrodingercat.jpg (JPEG Image, 1280x800 pixels) - Scaled (78%) Greatest photobomb ever? Dobbs – I’m having a very difficult time wrapping my head around what you’re saying. First of all “The fact that it is photoshopped takes all the originality out of the picture”? That’s just backwards – constructing a composition, no matter if it’s in real life or digitally, is a is a creative task. It puts thought and planning into the picture, instead of just random luck.

Sure, a photoshopped picture isn’t a “real photobomb” – but why does that matter? The caption states that this is a photobomb, but that doesn’t mean that you are obligated to enjoy it as such. It is still a cute, funny picture if you think for yourself and enjoy it for what it is. Finally, I do not in the least understand what’s supposed to be so immature about finding something funny. Formal_apology0-size-790x0.jpg (JPEG Image, 790x591 pixels) HTML Pisa | EVRD.

Christmas-music. My Funny Pictures: 100 Acre Drug Use.