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Dew" It Yourself Jewelry Stand. Given that title and my penchant for puns, I'm guessing it will take you guys exactly 3.7 seconds to guess what my new jewelry stand is made from: Aw, you only needed two seconds, didn't you? I knew it. Yep, this pretty green number is made from four plastic Mountain Dew bottles and exactly $3.72 worth of materials from the hardware store.

Not too shabby. First, collect your bottles. If you happen to have a Diet 'Dew addict for a spouse like me, this will take less than three days. I found it easiest to cut the bottoms off my bottles with a strong utility knife, and then trim them down further with scissors. Other than the bottles you will need: One 12-inch length of threaded rod (no cutting necessary; they come this size in the hardware store) and one baggy each of a coordinating size nuts and washers. Drill holes that are the same size as your threaded rod in the center of each tray: As you can see, the Dremel gives a nice rounded edge to the "v" between each "petal. " Ok, last one: Wax On, Wax Off - Homemade Hair Removal part 2. Growing up, Rebecca and Maggie had a friend whose family was from Egypt. She told them about how her family made a sugar dough that they used to remove all their unwanted hair. The dough would be spread on their skin and then pulled off to remove the hair and then used over and over again.

No strips needed. Unfortunately their friend and her family moved away before she could share this recipe. We searched the internet and found what we think must be a recipe like they used. It is called sugaring paste. It is a little more complicated than the last recipe, but once you get the hang of it is great! It may help to read up on candy making - basically you are making lemon candy to remove hair. What You Need: 2 cups of sugar1/4 cup of lemon juice1/4 cup watera candy thermometer Mix all the ingredients in a heavy sauce pan.

Turn down to a simmer for 25 min. The mixture will start to turn a dark amber color. Let the mixture cool for 10 min. The sugar will be pretty firm at this point. Homemade Laundry Detergent « Stars & Sunshine. Something I’ve seen on the internet and wanted to try is homemade laundry soap. There are lots of ‘recipes’ for this online, but I wanted a powder (for easier storage) and I have a high efficiency washing machine, so I needed something compatible with that. We also have never used things like fabric softener or oxyclean on a regular basis, so I didn’t want to start using those in my homemade laundry soap. We’ve been using this for 3 weeks now, and have been really happy with it. It works great in our HE machines, leaves our clothes just as clean as the name-brand detergent we had been using, and is way cheaper. It also takes almost no time to make, and I keep it in a much cuter container than the detergent we had been buying (and I go through less plastic!).

I was able to find all the ingredients I needed at Walmart in the laundry section. 2 cups washing soda2 cups borax1 bar zote laundry soap (about 2 cups) Like this: Like Loading... DIY: crocheted rag rug part 2. Now the fun part! Or the tricky explaining part if you're me! Grab one end of the sheet yarn and make a simple slip knot. This is going to be the centre of your rug. Insert your hook into the loop. Pick up the long end of the fabric and loop it once over your hook And pull that loop through the first loop (the slip knot loop) Pull it through to make a new loop. I also made a video to help you see the process a little better: Continue making a chain of loops until you have between 5-7 chains. This is kind of the tricky part. Loop the long end of fabric over the hook (just as you've been doing all along) And pull that fabric through the original loop Then keep pulling it through the loop your hook was already through (or the last loop in your chain) and close the circle.

Here it is in video form to help you see a bit better again: Now you have to continue around the circle by finding a loop, pushing your hook through pulling a new loop through that hole and pulling it through the last loop. Easy To Make Felted Cat Toy « 7 Yaks Design. Felted Cat Toys You can make a cute felted cat toy with this easy method of felting. The felted toy is tough and chewy like pretend prey. It also has the “hairyness” to give a sense of realism for your kitty… Without the charming hairball after. These are lighter than the full felt construction, easier and faster to make, and have a bell inside for added pleasure. It’s a simple and practical way to recycle small amounts of wool fleece and yarn that will felt. Materials: Plastic ‘wiffle’ balls, any size, but the 1″ to 3″ sizes work best. Directions 1. Use wire cutters to cut the plastic between holes in the ball. 2.

Be careful pushing the bell into the ball. 3. Any white glue will work. 4. 5. Protect the toy with your hand as you slide it into the stocking. 6. 7. 8. When your kitty has sufficiently loosened the felt construction, you can just repeat the process and it’s good as new ;-) Cat Toy Kit Like this: Like Loading... DIY Mouthwash. Hi friends! Today I am excited to share something different with you. Yes, it will require a little cooking…and yes, it will need edible ingredients you may find in your pantry. But the end result is something you may use in the morning and before bed? Okay guys, it could be many things but in this instance, it is homemade minty mouthwash! I thought it was pretty cool to DIY a commercial product that I never thought of making at home. (adapted from Homemade) What you need:- 1 cup (250ml/8 fluid ounces) water1 tsp whole cloves1 tsp ground cinnamon1 tsp peppermint extract2 tsps finely chopped fresh parsley Let’s get started:- (1) In a small pot, bring the water to a boil over medium heat (or use recently boiled water from the kettle).

*by boiling the mixture will intensify the aroma and flavour of the cloves and cinnamon into the liquid. TLC Style "50 All Natural Beauty Products You Can Make Yourself". Body Butter Recipe. *Because of the popularity of this recipe on pinterest, I am getting many, many questions that are more suited for an expert. This is a raw food site, this was my first attempt at body butter, it worked better than I could have hoped for and if you make this recipe as stated, it will work great for you too!! I am sorry but I can’t answer the technical questions. Cheers! * I made my first batch of body butter today. I think my life has changed forever. I love creamy body butters. We often forget that our skin is the largest organ on our body and absorbs what we put on it. I called my friend Jen Vertanen, who writes the blog, “The Wholehearted Life”, knowing that she has spent years playing with recipes for home made soaps and lotions and asked her opinion on ingredients.

I measured out shea butter (I use this shea butter: organic raw shea butter and coconut oil for the solid, and melted them in my home-made double boiler. I wanted to use rosemary as one of my scents. Body Butter 1. 2. 4. My Homemade Coconut Milk Shampoo. Handmade Mother’s Day Gifts Under $10. Random Tutorial Generator. Saved By Love Creations – Craft Blog.

Handwriting tips. You’ve decided you want to improve your handwriting and you’re probably hoping a fountain pen will do the trick -- maybe a friend told you it would. Maybe you’re just adventurous and you want to try your hand at calligraphy (or you might, once your handwriting improves). Good for you! A fountain pen may make your writing look a bit better, but if your writing looks as if frenzied chickens got loose on the page, chances are this won’t be enough. Most likely, you’ll need to retrain your arm and hand. After coaching handwriting and teaching calligraphy over the years, I’ve learned to see the characteristics of those who’ll be able to pick up the necessary motions quickly from those who’ll have to work a bit harder.

Crampy, uneven letters are often the result of drawing the letters with the fingers rather than using the whole arm to write. People who inevitably have trouble with handwriting and calligraphy write with their fingers. It will take time to re-train muscles and learn new habits. Fabric Button Earrings. I love the idea of using fabric buttons to decorate mundane things. This tutorial is for making fabric button earrings, but you could make fabric button magnets or push pins. I got this idea from this website.

After you buy the basic supplies you can make tons of these. I gave a couple pairs out for Christmas and they loved them! Ingredients:Button Blanks ~ I found them at my local craft store but you could also find them at Joann's. Gather supplies. There are instructions on the back of the pack: On the back there is a button pattern. Now take the button backs and remove the wire. Now follow my pictures to figure out what to do... Push down {into the hole} Fold fabric in. Push the finished button out of the white thing! To attach the earring backs use hot glue. I made a couple :) DIY Vegan Deodorant « Vegan Beauty Review. Tired of searching for pure, chemical-free deodorant that doesn’t cost a fortune?

Yeah, me too! Here’s a mega simple DIY deodorant recipe using ingredients that you probably already have at home! What you’ll need: 1 tbsp baking soda3 tbsp arrowroot powder (or corn starch)2 tbsp of coconut oil5 drops of your favorite essential oil (lavender works well for this recipe)An empty container or jar Mix your dry ingredients together. Then add in the coconut oil (melted) and essential oil. About Sunny (Sunny's Profile) Longtime vegan, hardcore compassionate beauty junkie, serious cake aficionado, and lover of all things floofy and sparkly! Filed in: DIY vegan beauty products • vegan personal items Tags: cruelty-free deodorant • deodorant • diy beauty products • DIY deodorant • DIY vegan beauty products • vegan deodorant. Makeup Tutorial: How To Create A Simple Smoky Eye & Makeup For Life - Beauty Advice, Makeup Tutorials, Celebrity Makeup, Product Reviews.

Since you guys wanted to see more step-by-step tutorials, I will be doing a series of makeup tutorials starting with one of my favorite looks, smoky eyes. One thing I LOVE about the smoky look is how versatile it is. You can use pretty much any color and you can go from a soft smoky to a really dramatic one. My favorite colors to use on my brown eyes are purples, blues, greens, bronzes and charcoals. In my tutorial below, I used golds and browns but feel free to substitute them with other colors.

Step 1. What I Used: NARS Pro Prime Smudge Proof Eyeshadow Base Step 2. What I Used: MAC Chilled On Ice Paint Pot Step 3. What I Used: NARS Eyeshadow Duo in Cordura Step 4. What I Used: NARS Eyeshadow Duo in Cordura Step 5. Step 6. What I Used: MAC Fluidline in Blacktrack Step 7. What I Used: MAC Eyeshadow in Pollen Step 8. What I Used: Rimmel London Lash Accelerator in Extreme Black; Makeup For Life Lashes in #Hugs ‘n Kisses Step 9. What I Used: Rimmel London Lash Accelerator in Extreme Black. A Cup O' Joe: DIY Facial Scrub.

The following article was written by PETA intern Sofia Hueter. Many of us are accustomed to the daily ritual of guzzling cup after cup of coffee to stay awake because it is so ingrained in our society that habitually drinking something with caffeine in it every few hours is the best way to fight fatigue. Caffeine does, in fact, help to ward off our lingering morning drowsiness, but drinking coffee, though often delicious and enjoyable, is not the only way to get the caffeine fix that your body craves. Did you know that your body can absorb caffeine through the skin? Although the exact concentrations of caffeine that can permeate the layers of your skin is still being researched, scientists do agree that, even if soaking your body with coffee doesn’t deliver the same kick that several cups of coffee do, it can provide you with a nice energy boost.

In addition to giving you a pick-me-up, coffee has other benefits. Mix the coffee grounds and olive oil.