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Sound Healing India provides training workshops on how to use percussive instruments like gongs, Tibetan singing bowls, and tuning forks to place the learner in a meditative state. It is the best alternative treatment for reducing stress and problems like anxiety, chronic pain, sleep disorders, and PTSD.

The Inner Alarm - Sound Healing India - Medium. Do we have this habit of setting an alarm to wake up at a certain time in the morning?

The Inner Alarm - Sound Healing India - Medium

Why do we set an alarm? Basically to be able to wake up early, to finish our chores & tasks within the time to frame so that we do not have to rush at the last minute. Yes, there’s a snooze option too(which we are supposed to be not using it). Likewise, how about setting an inner alarm to awaken the inner voice. Wouldn’t that serve as a reminder to wake up to our choices? Should you have to change one thing in you, set an alarm inside of you that will remind you about your own choices. Inner Voice is intuitive. It demands conscious effort to be able to listen to the voice inside you. Wouldn’t that possibly make our mornings, afternoons, evenings & nights much more resonant with our inner world? Probably the only mistake, I Did - Self-talk part 3 - Sound Healing India. Because I had no voice of my own, I developed the habit of saying to yes to everything that came my way.

Probably the only mistake, I Did - Self-talk part 3 - Sound Healing India

I was so damn influenced by the surroundings that right from career to making friends were all somebody else’s choice. Right & wrong were all according to others opinion. Even though inside I knew who I liked, what I wanted, which dress would suit the best on me, I did not even speak for my own choices. I was completely living an acquired life. For a long time, I did not know what I felt inside of me was exactly opposite to what people around me thought for me. Self Talk with Priyanka Jay Patel Part 2. “Do I even deserve this”?

Self Talk with Priyanka Jay Patel Part 2

– I often say this and have mentioned it in many of my personal short stories. A close friend once pointed on our flight to Dubai, Priyanka, why do you always doubt, if you deserve this? Self Talk - Reason behind Who I am - Sound Healing India. Nobody earlier ever asked about my journey into sounds.

Self Talk - Reason behind Who I am - Sound Healing India

These days people have started asking me about my journey into sounds and how did I choose it as a career. Healing Through Sounds & Body - Sound Healing India. Using Singing Bowls, Tuning Forks & Voice A complete course that covers an in detail study on Sounds Nãda YogaPhysics of SoundEffect of Sound on the bodyHealing through voice & touch – Demo & PracticeAwareness Through BodyThe myths & facts of singing bowlsProtocols to heal self & others using singing bowls on physical, mental and emotional levelsUse of Tuning Forks as a healing toolIncorporating Voice & Tuning Forks with Singing BowlsGroup MeditationSound JammingOne on One Sound consultations with the facilitators followed by demo & practice session Date – 13/14/15 March 2020 Time – 10am – 5pm Energy Exchange – 20,000/- Venue – Thriive Art & Soul Centre C 101 Ashoka Towers Near ITC Hotel Parel, Mumbai.

Healing Through Sounds & Body - Sound Healing India

Anything that we ignore takes the center stage - Sound Healing India. Healing Through Sound Therapy - Mumbai. Sound Healing Workshop - Sound Healing India. At Sound Healing India, we teach Sound Therapy as a tool to transcend and transform lives for better.

Sound Healing Workshop - Sound Healing India

We believe that Sound is not just a tool that heals but a medium that detoxifies the mind, the body and raises one’s consciousness. Our courses not only teach you to use the tool effectively but to use them to elevate your own energy. We don’t have anything in levels however we have different tools that can be learned & used as per your choice. Keeping the above in mind, here’s the whole new set up and the idea to provide a Sound space for participants to register:- Gong Therapy Workshop in Gurgaon (Gurugram) - Sound Healing India. How Can Sound Healing Therapy Improve Your Mental and Physical Health? - Streaming Words. Sound has the potential to change our consciousness.

How Can Sound Healing Therapy Improve Your Mental and Physical Health? - Streaming Words

Every day, you get to hear different sounds that are either soothing (like the sound of the birds and ocean) or irritating (like the traffic jam or rock music). But, can sound heal you? By enrolling in sound healing India institution, you can learn effective ways of using chanting and vibrations from the music. You might be wondering how sound and music can heal a person. Well, the vibrations and toning of the music can stimulate self-healing. Gong Therapy Workshop by Sound Healing India - Sound Healing India. Sound Therapy Workshop by Sound Healing India - Sound Healing India.

Playing singing bowl for self is an incredible experience.

Sound Therapy Workshop by Sound Healing India - Sound Healing India

Playing it for others is joyful. Learn the art of playing singing bowl by understanding the true science behind it. Learn to use the singing bowls effectively for individuals as well as for a group of people. Most of the sound healing is scientific but what makes it effective is the artistic expression that flows. Curriculum:- – What is Sound Therapy? Few noted benefits upon using Sounds as a daily regime are:- > Releases negative thought pattern > Releases the need to think positive > calms the mind and deepens the breath > Releases Anxiety > Releases Anger > Helps overcome fatigue, stress > Brings Mental Clarity > Balances Brain Hemispheres > Changes approach towards Self & Life Also heals physical ailments if any viz Sinus, Migraine, Diabetes, Backache, Frozen Shoulders, Spondylitis, Arthritis, etc and mental ailments like Anxiety, Panic Attacks, ADHD, ADD, etc Venue – Thriive, Parel Date – 19/20 October Registrations Open!

ALL NIGHT SOUND BATH Tickets, Sat, Oct 12, 2019 at 10:00 AM. Tips for Sound Therapist using their Instruments - Sound Healing India. If you’re a Sound Therapist and planning to conduct Sound Baths(one to one or group), here are few points to consider before, while & after playing your instruments.

Tips for Sound Therapist using their Instruments - Sound Healing India

Connection with yourself:- If you’re a Sound Therapist, your master must have spoken about stillness within you. It is the stillness within which a Sound Therapist is engulfed and it is from this space that the sounds are played. It is the stillness within you that projects the whole Sound Bath. Connection with your instruments:- It is very important to connect with each & every instrument you’ll be using. Your connection is what matters.

Setting up of the instruments:- I set up my instruments by myself. Setting up of the space for the participants:- I believe in NO SOUND zone before people arrive. Aroma & Candles:- light aromas & candles to change the aura of room are always a great idea. Water:- Serve water before & after the session. Right mattresses & Blankets:- provide proper comfort to the participants. All Night Sound Bath - Sound Healing India. Gong Therapy Workshop at Secunderabad - Sound Healing India. Gong is the sound that projects you out of your realm to the infinity – Yogi Bhajan Every bowl(singing bowl) born is a gong first.

Gong Therapy Workshop at Secunderabad - Sound Healing India

Gongs are today widely used to promote healing and sense of well being. People also play Gongs in the concerts. In ancient days, gongs were used as bronze shields to give the sign of attack or retreat. Gongs are used in meditations to alter states of consciousness. Sound in Water - Sound Retreat. Sound in Water - Sound Retreat - Sound Healing India. Corporate Wellness - Sound Healing India. SINGING BOWLS ARE GAINING POPULARITY. They’re attractive and most of them fall in love with them at first sight. Singing Bowls aren’t any kind of regular bowls used as a kitchenware. The origin of singing bowl dates back to Bronze Age as per google search, however according to Indian cultural history these are even older. The bell metal which is known as “Kansa” in India has been used in cooking, eating & also as a therapeutic tool.

Kansa carries the properties of disinfectant. It kills the microorganisms present in the food as soon as the food comes in contact with the metal in a short period of time. Here are 2 of those images from her collection. Six years ago I stepped into this fascinating world of singing bowls. Singing Bowls are Gaining Popularity - Sound Healing India. They’re attractive and most of them fall in love with them at first sight.

Singing Bowls aren’t any kind of regular bowls used as a kitchenware. The origin of singing bowl dates back to Bronze Age as per google search, however according to Indian cultural history these are even older. The bell metal which is known as “Kansa” in India has been used in cooking, eating & also as a therapeutic tool. Kansa carries the properties of disinfectant. It kills the microorganisms present in the food as soon as the food comes in contact with the metal in a short period of time. Here are 2 of those images from her collection. Six years ago I stepped into this fascinating world of singing bowls. Everything gradually changed.

My perception, my thoughts, my approach towards my own life, my belief system, my relationship every little thing in my life started transforming. Positivity and Sound Healing - Sound Healing India. A quiet mind is all that is important to live a happier life ~ says Deepak Chopra. Truly, it is very important to have a quiet mind and at the same time very difficult too.

A client aged 32 I am working with currently is going through severe anxiety issues & panic attacks. His peace is ruined by his own thoughts and he’s aware of this side of himself yet helpless for his attention gets driven towards anxiety than the calmness. Undoubtedly Sounds help him silent the mind. However it is not a one time healing session that will help him overcome his issue. Moral :- Never force yourself to think positive rather choose to accept yourself and acknowledge and then learn the right way to silent your mind. The Sound World - Sound Healing India. You’re always one decision away from a totally different life said Dr Bruce Lipton. When I used to think about co creating a brighter life, I would often think of doing something that I have never done in my life. And that something that comes from my core. Holding this idea of doing something close to my heart, I began with understanding “The Sound World”(please don’t misunderstand it as Sound Therapy).

The sound world is made up of peace, calmness, happiness & the most important state that is the state of inner stillness. Sound Therapy Workshop - Sound Healing India.