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Air Garden, Green Closure. Air Garden, Green Closure AIR GARDEN is vertical modular jardinière system of closure that makes possible to Separate atmospheres or Plots, construction of Green walls… full of color and aroma. Timber Wave par Amanda Levete. Beautiful Land Art. Découverte de Walter Mason, un artiste allemand spécialisé dans la création d’oeuvres de Land Art. En intervenant dans la nature, il parvient à obtenir des compositions poétiques splendides. Une sélection de ses oeuvres est à découvrir dans la suite de l’article. Patrick Nadeau. Glasshouse Combines a Pendant Lamp with a Terrarium | Inhabitat - Green... Terrariums are a way to fashionably bring plants into an indoor space. Building upon the beauty of the classic concept, Czech designer Krstyna Pojerova has taken the terrarium to the next level.

Called Glasshouse, this chic hanging terrarium also doubles as a pendant lamp, adding both light and life to any room. The terrarium lamp is made from an onion shaped glass orb. Rather than just an access hole to change the light bulb, the bottom of the glass inverts inside, forming a protective lip around the opening. This holds all the goodies inside, and provides the perfect amount of space to support a new mini garden! Through the opening, you can cultivate your fresh herbs, pick small flowers, or simply water the little green plants. The lamp portion shines down on your little garden, supporting photosynthesis even in dim spaces, and the excess heat produced by the bulb incubates your fresh herbs, keeping them happy and healthy. The Glasshouse can be ordered from the Czech site Art-Light.