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Bancs. Assiettes décor laser + émail - [] Caitlind Brown: Cloud. CLOUD is a large-scale interactive installation by Calgary-based artist Caitlind Brown for the arts festival Nuit Blanche in Calgary. Created out of 6,000 donated burnt out light bulbs, CLOUD invites the viewer to wander through a rain of pull strings switching on and off lights. By manipulating the sculpture audiences activate CLOUD’s inner sphere animating light bulbs and creating the illusion of lightning on the cloud’s surface. Find out more about the project here. via [myedol] via [inspir3d] Photos by lori.jane, James Tworow, and posilucky. Ce que sait la main. 1 Ce que sait la main. La culture de l’artisanat est une traduction de l’anglais de l’ouvrage The Cr (...) 1L’ouvrage de Richard Sennett, Ce que sait la main.

La culture de l’artisanat, se présente comme un essai volumineux de 400 pages visant à réhabiliter le travail artisanal entendu au sens de travail technique1. Le sociologue américain revient dans son prologue sur le clivage historiquement construit entre la théorie et la pratique, l’artiste et l’artisan et donc le travail intellectuel et le travail technique. Selon lui, la société moderne souffre de cet héritage historique et gagnerait à revaloriser le travail artisanal. Richard Sennett poursuit ainsi les réflexions menées dans ses ouvrages précédents – Le Travail sans qualités (2000) et La Culture du nouveau capitalisme (2008) notamment – dans lesquels il analysait la dégradation des formes de travail sous l’effet de l’injonction à la flexibilité. Hush Pod: A Cozy Private Retreat for Public Spaces. A place to hide, a warm cocoon, a biodegradable space, a felt pod… Hush is all of these things and more.

Designed by University of Brighton graduate Freyja Sewell, Hush is a snuggly pod that offers a quiet place to hide and escape. Hand-sewn from biodegradable local grey felt, this object-space is a private micro retreat that can be set up practically anywhere. In a world with an increasingly virtual connection between humans, where the majority of us have a public online profile, with CCTV cameras everywhere and new social networks sprouting all the time, it is nice – and healthy – to sometimes withdraw from it all.

Spotted by Inhabitat at the latest New Designers Show in London, Hush offers a quiet, dark, soft, and natural place to take a break from the stresses of daily life and other people. Inlamp. S'assoir. Design de produit. Crucial Detail. Archive Library Lets You Roll Your Books Home | Inhabitat - Green Design... Bookworms know that it isn’t easy to live a mobile life with a massive book collection. If you’re not quite ready to donate excess texts or replace them with electronic versions, David Garcia Studio offers an innovative solution: Archive II, a circular bookshelf propelled by walking that is currently on exhibition at Denmark’s University of Roskilde Main Library.

The bookshelf isn’t ideal for long trips, but we can’t think of a better solution if you need to, say, move down the street. According to Garcia, “The average reader can read about 240 words per minute. A 300 page book normally takes 9 hours to read, non stop. In the above photo you can also see Garcia’s Archive I, a see saw-like “weight balance library” featuring a chair that elevates in response to the weight of books on the shelves. + David Garcia Studio Via Treehugger.

Beautiful Mess. Clouds. Lace vase. Jongeriuslab. Generous Water Fountain Gently Fills Your Bottle to the Brim. We often ignore water fountains, passing them up for sweet bottled beverages packed into vending machines. So to give an old design some much needed love and attention, Poletic Studio has created the Tropism Well, a public drinking fountain that gently fills your glass or bottle with life giving H2O.

Watch a video of it in action after the jump! The Tropism well is a quirky installation that recalls Dadist sculptures, and harks back to the drinking bird toy with its whimsical form, bowing motions, and of course, water. By giving the traditional water fountain an unlikely shape, the installation not only draws in visitors, but forces them to consider the act of taking water and how water is distributed in public spaces. It is no longer something to be taken advantage of, but to be seen as a special act or gift.

The fountain operates on simple physics, gently lowering as you approach it and pouring out water. Via Architizer. Cay Sofa Concept. Voici ce concept de canapé sofa au look très contemporain et élégant. Un design moderne et fonctionnel imaginé par le designer suisse Alexander Rehn, avec un ensemble modulable qui permet de s’adapter en fonctions des différents besoins : l’objet mobilier modifie sa forme.