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Why aren't you using git-flow? If you need tagged and versioned releases, you can use git-flow’s release branches to start a new branch when you’re ready to deploy a new version to production.

Why aren't you using git-flow?

Like everything else in git-flow, you don’t have to use release branches if you don’t want to. Prefer to manually git merge --no-ff develop into master without tagging? No problem. Remote Desktop, Remote Access, Live Chat and Web Conferencing.

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An ARM GNU/Linux box for $25. Take a byte! Linux. How to write a simple operating system in assembly language. (C) 2013 Mike Saunders and MikeOS Developers This document shows you how to write and build your first operating system in x86 assembly language.

How to write a simple operating system in assembly language

It explains what you need, the fundamentals of the PC boot process and assembly language, and how to take it further. The resulting OS will be very small (fitting into a bootloader) and have very few features, but it's a starting point for you to explore further. After you have read the guide, see the MikeOS project for a bigger x86 assembly language OS that you can explore to expand your skills. Requirements.


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