The Real Cancel Culture: Pro-Israel Blacklists. This July, a group of over 150 artists and intellectuals issued a public letter in Harper’s Magazine warning of what they called a growing atmosphere of coerced ideological conformity in the U.S.
Decrying an “intolerance of opposing views” and “a vogue for public shaming and ostracism,” the letter went on to add that “restriction of debate, whether by a repressive government or an intolerant society, invariably hurts those who lack power and makes everyone less capable of democratic participation.” One of the people who found themselves agreeing with these noble sentiments was Hammam Farah. A Palestinian Canadian born in the Gaza Strip and raised between the United Arab Emirates and Canada, Farah spent years studying to become licensed as a therapist in Toronto. “When it comes to Palestinians standing up for our own rights, it’s very difficult.
10 Zionist Arguments You've Encountered, But Didn't Have Answers To. Here are ten popular arguments Zionists use to defend Israel's crimes against the Palestinians and how to answer them effectively.
Get a FREE e-Book! Sign up to get the FPJ Weekly newsletter, plus get a free e-book, The Israel-Palestine Conflict: A Collection of Essays by Jeremy R. Hammond. If you’re active in the struggle for peace and justice in the Middle East, you’ve no doubt frequently encountered Zionists who defend Israel’s crimes against the Palestinians. You’re familiar with many of their talking points, and maybe you know how to answer many or most of them. 1. There are two principle fallacies in this argument: One, it was not simply that Palestinians fled war. Two, this argument assumes that the Zionists’ unilateral declaration of the existence of Israel on May 14, 1948, was legitimate. 2. No state has a “right to exist”. One might be tempted to answer this argument with: “Well, Palestine has a right to exist, too!” 3. 4. Watch the film the Israel lobby didn't want you to see. 10 Zionist Arguments You've Encountered, But Didn't Have Answers To. Special Report: The Hidden History of the Balfour Declaration – 2005 November - WRMEA.
The Myth of the U.N. Creation of Israel. The popular belief that Israel was established by the United Nations is rooted in falsehood and prejudice against the rights of the Palestinians.
There is a widely accepted belief that United Nations General Assembly Resolution 181 “created” Israel, based upon an understanding that this resolution partitioned Palestine or otherwise conferred legal authority or legitimacy to the declaration of the existence of the state of Israel. However, despite its popularity, this belief has no basis in fact, as a review of the resolution’s history and examination of legal principles demonstrates incontrovertibly. On September 3, UNSCOP issued its report to the General Assembly declaring its majority recommendation that Palestine be partitioned into separate Jewish and Arab states. How Special is the U.S.-Israel Relationship? In his famed "Iron Curtain" speech delivered at Fulton, Missouri in March 1946, Winston Churchill popularized the term "special relationship" to describe American-British ties that had developed during World War II.
Over time, others then applied the notion of a special relationship to U.S. connections with a host of other foreign states, including Canada, Panama, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands, Ireland, Germany, Liberia, Saudi Arabia, Thailand, the Philippines, China, and Japan. While each of these is special in its own way, the most special relationship of all is undoubtedly the one with Israel, as politicians1 and analysts2 both recognize. By "special relationship" they mean that relations between the two countries have over the last half century blossomed not just into a thick forest of diplomatic and military links, but also into a unique range of economic, academic, religious and personal bonds.
Of course, relations are not all positive. For many years, U.S. Although U.S. 53 Congressional Reps On All Expense Paid Trips To Israel. Bought and Paid For 53 Congressional Reps On All Expense Paid Trips To Israel By If Americans Knew August 09, 2017 "Information Clearing House" - At least 53 Congressional representatives are on a week-long trip to Israel, paid for by the American Israel Education Foundation (AIEF), an arm of the powerful lobbying group AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee).
AIEF’s budget is approximately $80 million, which it uses to take diverse groups to Israel. More than a dozen Latino leaders from the Southwest U.S. have just returned from an AIEF funded five-day trip to Israel that ended Aug 6, and a trip for top political operatives was conducted in June. FRANCE – Why Are Jews At The Head Of ALL Islamic Institutions? On Thursday 08 December 2016, the French newspaper Le Figaro published an article about the highly anticipated creation of the Foundation of Islam (in French).
It is has now been officially launched with the new Interior Minister’s warm blessings. The president of this new ‘Islamic’ foundation is Jean-Pierre Chevènement and its main financier is Serge Dassault. Serge Dassault He is an israel-firster jew and a very well known figure in France. The REAL story of World War II. As featured on National Radio and suddenly banned by Amazon...
(after receiving more than 300 5-star reviews!) The Truth NEVER Taught About World War 2 2nd Edition (expanded post-ban) Available in pdf OR stunning paperback 8.5 x 11 / 316 pages / 600 illustrations By: Mike King Read the TRUE version of World War II. Nazi Propaganda was Based on What Zionists Said. We implore and beseech our Jewish brethren to realize that the Zionists are not the saviors of the Jewish People and guarantors of their safety, but rather the instigators and original cause of Jewish suffering in the Holy Land and worldwide.
The idea that Zionism and the State of “Israel” is the protector of Jews is probably the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the Jewish People. Indeed, where else since 1945 have Jews been in such physical danger as in the Zionist state?! Jews are enjoined by their religious laws to be loyal to the country of which they are citizens.