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Obligations of Doctors to Pharmaceutical Companies

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Corporations Killed Medicine. Here’s How to Take It Back. Along the path toward the creation of a global capitalist system, some of the most significant steps were taken by the English enclosure movement.

Corporations Killed Medicine. Here’s How to Take It Back.

Between the 15th and 19th centuries, the rich and the powerful fenced off commonly held land and transformed it into private property. Land switched from a source of subsistence to a source of profit, and small farmers were relegated to wage laborers. In Das Kapital, Marx described the process by coining the term land-grabbing. To British historian E.P. Thompson, it was “a plain enough case of class robbery.” More recently, a similar enclosure movement has taken place. Many people curse the for-profit medicine industry. It’s time now to reclaim this commons, and reestablish medicines as a public good. Medicines as a Public Good Most of us define public goods broadly. Non-rivalrous means that any one person can benefit from a good without reducing others’ opportunity to benefit as well. As Salk said in 1952: “Would you patent the sun?”

How the Oil Industry Conquered Medicine, Finance and Agriculture. By Dr.

How the Oil Industry Conquered Medicine, Finance and Agriculture

Mercola "How Big Oil Conquered the World" is a brilliant piece of investigative journalism presented by James Corbett,1 revealing the immense extent to which the oil industry has shaped and is ruling the world as we know it. "From farm to pharmaceutical, diesel truck to dinner plate, pipeline to plastic product, it is impossible to think of an area of our modern-day lives that is not affected by the petrochemical industry. The story of oil is the story of the modern world. And this is the story of those who helped shape that world, and how the oil-igarchy they created is on the verge of monopolizing life itself.

" Corbett carefully details the sordid back story of today's "oiligarchy. " Big Oil — An Industry Founded on Treachery and Deceit As noted by Corbett, certain details of the Big Oil story are well known. "When he wasn't running away from them or disappearing for years at a time, [William Avery Rockefeller] would teach his children the tricks of his treacherous trade. John D. Pfizer Vice President Blows The Whistle & Tells The Truth About The Pharmaceutical Industry. Below is a clip taken from the “One More Girl” documentary, a film regarding the Gardasil vaccine, which was designed to prevent Human Papillomavirus.

Pfizer Vice President Blows The Whistle & Tells The Truth About The Pharmaceutical Industry

In it, Dr. Peter Rost, MD, a former vice president of one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world (Pfizer), shares the truth about the ties between the medical and pharmaceutical industry. Rost is a former vice president of Pfizer, and a whistleblower of the entire pharmaceutical industry in general. He is the author of “The Whistleblower, Confessions of a Healthcare Hitman.” Considering his work experience, it would be an understatement to say that he is an insider expert on big pharma marketing.

Supreme Court Legislation Exempts Pharmaceutical Companies From Disclosing Risks Associated With Products. “The learned intermediary doctrine is itself an exception to the manufacturer’s traditional duty to warn consumers directly of the risks associated with any product.”

Supreme Court Legislation Exempts Pharmaceutical Companies From Disclosing Risks Associated With Products

(source) It’s called the “learned intermediary doctrine,” and it’s important to drug manufactures because it allows them to avoid warning consumers directly about their products when it comes to the risks associated with their use. Instead, these warnings are (supposedly) given to the physician, who lends their trust over to the corporation in the hopes that they are disclosing all information, who in turn is then responsible (the doctor) for relaying these risks to their patient.

It takes all responsibility and liability (regarding risks associated with pharmaceutical products like vaccines and prescription drugs) away from the drug manufacturer, and places it solely on the physician. This is no secret. There are also exceptions to this law, where pharmaceutical companies provide health products directly to the consumer. Open Payments Data. This Search Shows You IF, WHEN, and HOW MUCH Your Doctor Is Paid By Big Pharma.

Is your physician in bed with Big Pharma?

This Search Shows You IF, WHEN, and HOW MUCH Your Doctor Is Paid By Big Pharma

This new search site allows you to find out. Allopathic medicine is sketchy. Sure, it’s the idolized and accepted mode of healing in pretty much every area of the world, but the fact that it is predominantly funded by pharmaceutical companies with monetary objectives should raise some red flags. Most doctors receive less than one day of nutrition schooling, and are instead taught throughout their eight years how to identify, diagnose, and treat symptoms of the human body – not remedy their root cause. In effect, they are from the start taught how to keep a sick care practice up and running, not how to support the health and longevity of a patient. Credit: DailyMail Credit: OpenPaymentsData.