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Rosemary and Lavender Essential Oils Proven to Boost Mood and Memory. Christina Sarich| Naturalsociety | Aug 7th 2014 Though the Greeks used rosemary and lavender essential oils to anoint their most prized persons, though both Chinese and Ayurdevic practitioners have heralded the uses of essential oils for ages, the use of lavender and rosemary were considered ‘mythical’ by most modern medical experts until very recently.

Rosemary and Lavender Essential Oils Proven to Boost Mood and Memory

Only after lab testing do scientists now agree that these amazing lavender and rosemary essential oils can alleviate depression and improve intellectual performance. Broccoli Sprouts Help Detoxify Environmental Pollutants. The Health Benefits of Una de Gato- Why Cat’s Claw is Helpful for Natural Herb for Smokers, Autoimmune Diseases. The Amazon Rainforest is home to an estimated 10 percent of all of the Earth’s species, and it’s also home to a vast array of rainforest herbs that are studied extensively by medical and drug companies for their health and life-giving properties.

The Health Benefits of Una de Gato- Why Cat’s Claw is Helpful for Natural Herb for Smokers, Autoimmune Diseases

Consider the health benefits of the rainforest herb Una de Gato, aka Cat’s Claw, which has long been taken by native tribes for its anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-cancer effects. The herb is especially useful for people who smoke according to one study from the University of Milan in Italy, which found that the blood of smokers was essentially returned to normal (cleansed of mutagenic cancer-causing substances) after just two weeks of using Una de Gato. The health benefits of Una de Gato were recently discussed in this audio segment with myself and David Benjamin of the website You can listen to the audio here to find out more about the different research on the herb and its benefits.

Goji Berries Could Mend BPA Damage in Male Reproductive Organs. Elizabeth Renter | Naturalsociety | 31st March 2014 Bisphenol-A (BPA) is a known endocrine disruptor whose damaging effects aren’t entirely known and understood.

Goji Berries Could Mend BPA Damage in Male Reproductive Organs

What we do know, however, is that it mimics estrogen in the body and can cause serious damage to male reproductive organs even before a boy is born. In a 2013 study published in the journal Evidence Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, researchers indicated a small fruit could hold some protective benefits for men exposed to BPA.

Numerous studies have linked BPA to male reproductive problems. One study in 2005 found that males exposed to BPA in the womb, even at rates lower than the range for pregnant women, suffered malformations in their reproductive organs and developmental problems in the prostate. Medicinal Ginger for Health and Garden. Rady Ananda, GuestWaking Times One of the world’s most potent disease-fighting spices, ginger, is easy to grow and comes in a variety of over a thousand different species.

Medicinal Ginger for Health and Garden

Medicinal ginger most often used is Zingiber officinale. The Real Food Channel reminds us, “Pharmaceutical companies would have you believe that their expensive and potentially toxic medications are the way to treat nausea, cold and flu symptoms, migraines, and other illnesses.” Red Tea - The Best Antioxidant Drink. Norman Shealy, MD, PhD, GuestWaking Times Green tea has had a great deal of PR in the last few years and even regular black tea has some strong evidence for a positive effects on health.

Red Tea - The Best Antioxidant Drink

But Rooibos (Aspalathus linearis) or Red tea has the best evidence of all–no caffeine, no calories, significant antioxidants, vitamin C, some minerals, etc. With 50% more antioxidants than green tea and a much superior taste, it has even been called ”The Tao of Tea.” Turmeric - A Fierce Superfood Spice That Melts Away Body Fat and Defeats Insulin Resistance. Carolanne Wright, GuestWaking Times Besides garnering attention as a a veritable fountain of youth, cancer tamer and fibromyalgia remedy, turmeric has proven itself to be a formidable weight loss superfood as well.

Turmeric - A Fierce Superfood Spice That Melts Away Body Fat and Defeats Insulin Resistance

Easing inflammation is just one benefit of this golden beauty. It also mitigates insulin resistance and balances blood glucose levels while helping to prevent the spread of fat tissue – providing a powerful tool in the battle of the bulge. A staple in Asian cultures for centuries, turmeric is a safe, flavorful and nutrient-packed addition to any diet or weight loss plan. ‘Magic Mushrooms’ Can Improve Psychological Health Long Term. Time The psychedelic drug in magic mushrooms may have lasting medical and spiritual benefits, according to new research from Johns Hopkins School of Medicine.

‘Magic Mushrooms’ Can Improve Psychological Health Long Term

The mushroom-derived hallucinogen, called psilocybin, is known to trigger transformative spiritual states, but at high doses it can also result in “bad trips” marked by terror and panic. The trick is to get the dose just right, which the Johns Hopkins researchers report having accomplished. In their study, the Hopkins scientists were able to reliably induce transcendental experiences in volunteers, which offered long-lasting psychological growth and helped people find peace in their lives — without the negative effects. Natural Immunity: 8+ Natural Antibiotics to Replace the Pharmaceuticals for Good.

Christina Sarich| NaturalSociety | Nov 12th 2013 The overuse of antibiotics has become a modern-day epidemic.

Natural Immunity: 8+ Natural Antibiotics to Replace the Pharmaceuticals for Good

These drugs have depleted our natural immunity by killing the good bacteria in our guts and also creating super-bugs that have become resistant to almost any form of prescribed drug around. Instead of making yourself weaker, and depleting your body’s natural ability to cure itself from any number of ailments, try utilizing natural foods and herbs to ditch the Big Pharma meds for good. The 7 Most Prescribed Drugs In The World And Their Natural Counterparts. Dave Mihalovic, Prevent DiseaseWaking Times We don’t have to live in a medicated world, but we certainly choose to.

The 7 Most Prescribed Drugs In The World And Their Natural Counterparts

Sanjay Gupta Reverses On Marijuana: 'We Have Been Terribly And Systematically Misled' Dan Shen Root – Natural Chinese Herb for Cancer, Diabetes. The oldest written reference to Dan Shen has been uncovered in Shen Nun Ben Cao (The Divine Husbandman’s Classic of the Materia Medica), dated at about 200 CE.

Dan Shen Root – Natural Chinese Herb for Cancer, Diabetes

Dan Shen root, otherwise known as Salvia miltiorrhiza bunge, (and sometimes referred to as Red Sage or Chinese Sage) is an incredible super food or herb used traditionally in Chinese medicine for numerous ailments including the improvement of cardiovascular health and better circulation. It turns out though, that the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory constituents of this root might be extremely beneficial in preventing and curing Diabetes. Chinese Plant Compound Wipes Out Cancer in 40 Days Says New ResearchNatural Society. A little-known plant with a truly bizarre name is now making headlines as a cancer killer, with the compound of the plant vanishing tumors in mice with pancreatic cancer.

Known as the ‘thunder god vine’ or lei gong teng, the Chinese plant is actually integrated into Chinese medicine and has been used for ages in remedying a number of conditions including rheumatoid arthritis. According to the new research out of the University of Minnesota’s Masonic Cancer Center, the thunder god plant compound led to no signs of tumors after a 40 day period — even after discontinuing the treatment. Published in the journal Science Translational Medicine and funded by the National Institutes of Health, even the scientists working on the project were stunned by the anti-cancer properties of the compound. Study leader and vice chairman of research at the Cancer Center explained to Bloomberg how he was blown away by the effects of the simple plant:

Jiaogulan Tea (Gynostemma pentaphyllum) Jiaogulan (also know as Gynostemma) : The Immortalitea Company, Specializing in Jiaogulan (Gynostemma), Mulberry Leaf and Oolong Whole Leaf Teas. What is Jiaogulan (Gynostemma pentaphyllum)? - Jiaogulan (also known as Gynostemma pentaphyllum) is an herb originating in China. This small vine grows naturally in Chinese forests but is now grown on small farms throughout Asia. Jiaogulan has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for hundreds of years. Traditional Chinese doctors consider it a Chi tonic. Natural Healing Remedies: 10 Foods That Fight Inflammation And Pain. Prevent DiseaseWaking Times Some of the best healing remedies to overcome inflammation also taste fabulous which can’t really be stated about prescription medications.

Moreover, foods won’t cause the nasty side effects common to most pain medications. Bacopa Brain Food - a Tonic for Memory and Learning. Bacopa Brain Food - a Tonic for Memory and Learning More than three thousand years Bacopa, commonly known as water hyssop, has been a wonderful useful brain tonic and a tool to improve ones intellectual activity. It was used for consecration of new born babies (because of the belief that Bacopa would potentially give the child intelligence and wisdom).