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53 Congressional Reps On All Expense Paid Trips To Israel. Bought and Paid For 53 Congressional Reps On All Expense Paid Trips To Israel By If Americans Knew August 09, 2017 "Information Clearing House" - At least 53 Congressional representatives are on a week-long trip to Israel, paid for by the American Israel Education Foundation (AIEF), an arm of the powerful lobbying group AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee).

53 Congressional Reps On All Expense Paid Trips To Israel

HEALTH FREEDOM ALERT: The FDA just outlawed CBDs and hemp oil extracts by claiming all plant molecules now belong exclusively to Big Pharma. (NaturalNews) Hemp oil extracts containing CBDs (cannibidiols) are such a threat to the pharmaceutical industry that the FDA is now invoking totally insane justifications for outlawing them.

HEALTH FREEDOM ALERT: The FDA just outlawed CBDs and hemp oil extracts by claiming all plant molecules now belong exclusively to Big Pharma

CBDs are non-psychoactive compounds found naturally in hemp plants. They work so well as powerful natural medicine that people everywhere are realizing CBDs work better than pharmaceuticals for treating epilepsy, seizures, neurological disorders and other serious health conditions (including HIV infections). So the FDA has just launched a massive regulatory assault against CBDs by invoking the most insane logic you've ever heard. Problem loading page. Money in Politics. Here's how we fix corruption in America. WATCH: Congress won’t fix corruption.

Here's how we fix corruption in America

We will. We are protecting our communities and our country from corruption by passing city, state and federal Anti-Corruption Acts. Problem = Corruption. Solution = Anti-Corruption Act. The American Anti-Corruption Act sets a standard for city, state and federal laws that break money’s grip on politics: Stop political bribery by making it illegal for elected officials to raise money from interests they regulate.End secret money by mandating full transparency of all political spending.Empower voters with an opt-in, individual tax rebate for small political donations.

Together, we’re building a nationwide movement to fix corruption. In communities across America, Represent.Us members are working together — conservatives, progressives and everyone in between — to pass local Anti-Corruption Acts. Every town, city, state and county has a unique political makeup, so every Anti-Corruption Act is uniquely tailored to the needs of each community.

Here’s how much corporations paid US senators to fast-track the TPP bill. A decade in the making, the controversial Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is reaching its climax and as Congress hotly debates the biggest trade deal in a generation, its backers have turned on the cash spigot in the hopes of getting it passed.

Here’s how much corporations paid US senators to fast-track the TPP bill

“We’re very much in the endgame,” US trade representative Michael Froman told reporters over the weekend at a meeting of the 21-member Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum on the resort island of Boracay. His comments came days after TPP passed another crucial vote in the Senate. That vote, to give Barack Obama the authority to speed the bill through Congress, comes as the president’s own supporters, senior economists and a host of activists have lobbied against a pact they argue will favor big business but harm US jobs, fail to secure better conditions for workers overseas and undermine free speech online. The Best "Democracy" Money Can Buy: For Every Dollar Spent Influencing US Politics, Corporations Get $760 Back. The first time we read the recent analysis by the Sunlight Foundation in which it combed through 14 million corporate records, including data on campaign contributions, lobbying expenditures, federal budget allocations and spending, in order to determine the “rate of return” on lobbying and spending to buy political goodwill, we were left speechless.

The Best "Democracy" Money Can Buy: For Every Dollar Spent Influencing US Politics, Corporations Get $760 Back

To be sure, we had previously shown that when it comes to the rate of return on lobbying, the rates were simply staggering, and ranged anywhere between 5,900% for oil subsidies, to 22,000% for multinational tax breaks and even higher for America’s legal drug dealers. But nothing could prepare us for this.

According to the foundation’s analysis, between 2007 and 2012, 200 of America’s most politically active corporations spent a combined $5.8 billion (with a B) on federal lobbying and campaign contributions. Big Oil Gave $250,000 to Each Senator who Voted for Keystone XL. Speaker John Boehner Admits to Bribery. U.S. Congress Now Virtually 100% All-In on Ukraine’s War Against Russia; Americans Are at Least 67% Opposed.

Eric Zuesse Last night, December 11th, the U.S.

U.S. Congress Now Virtually 100% All-In on Ukraine’s War Against Russia; Americans Are at Least 67% Opposed

Senate voted unanimously as the U.S. House had previously voted 98%: to join Ukraine’s war against Russia and against Ukraine’s own ethnic Russians in Ukraine’s southeastern districts, in order to eliminate those resistant Ukrainians and their families. The U.S. is now throwing down the gauntlet to Russia’s President, Vladimir Putin, and daring him to defend openly the ethnic Russians that the U.S. -installed Ukrainian Government is now trying to exterminate in the eastern districts, the places where the present Ukrainian Government is rejected by almost all of the residents. Why Hillary Clinton Should Not Be The Democratic Presidential Nominee  The biggest problem in the U.S. now is corruption.

Why Hillary Clinton Should Not Be The Democratic Presidential Nominee 

Retiring Obama Administration Prosecutor Says the SEC Is Corrupt; Prior Reports Indicate Administration's Corruption. (image by US Govt) Bloomberg News reported, on April 8th, that a Securities and Exchange Commission prosecuting attorney, James Kidney, said at his recent retirement party on March 27th, that his prosecutions of Goldman Sachs and other mega-banks had been squelched by top people at the agency, because they "were more focused on getting high-paying jobs after their government service than on bringing difficult cases.

Retiring Obama Administration Prosecutor Says the SEC Is Corrupt; Prior Reports Indicate Administration's Corruption

" He suggested that SEC officials knew that Wall Street would likely hire them after the SEC at much bigger pay than their government remuneration was, so long as the SEC wouldn't prosecute those megabank executives on any criminal charges for helping to cause the mortgage-backed securities scams and resulting 2008 economic crash. Obama: 'I Don't Care About the Public's Welfare'  Government Integrity Fund Action Network Recipients, 2012. U.S. Corruption: A Summary Of Recent Reports  Dennis Kucinich: Three Members of Congress Just Reignited the Cold War While No One Was Looking.

We’ve superimposed the congressional record on top of a photo of the chamber of the House of Representatives.

Dennis Kucinich: Three Members of Congress Just Reignited the Cold War While No One Was Looking

It shows H.R. 5859 passing by unanimous consent in the span of one second. AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite Late Thursday night, the House of Representatives unanimously passed a far-reaching Russia sanctions bill, a hydra-headed incubator of poisonous conflict. The second provocative anti-Russian legislation in a week, it further polarizes our relations with Russia, helping to cement a Russia-China alliance against Western hegemony, and undermines long-term America’s financial and physical security by handing the national treasury over to war profiteers. Secretive White House Office For Lobbyists. In early 2011, after years of study, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration moved to reduce the permissible levels of silica dust wafted into the air by industrial processes like fracking, mining or cement manufacturing.

Secretive White House Office For Lobbyists

The move came after years of public comment and hearings, and reflected emerging science about the dangers posed by even low levels of dust. OSHA predicted the rule would save 700 lives annually and prevent 1,600 new cases of silicosis, an incurable, life-threatening disease. The proposal stirred fierce opposition from an array of industries, which argued that the costs of reducing silica levels far outweighed the potential benefits. When OSHA pushed ahead, the lobbyists took their arguments to the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, a division of the Office of Management and Budget.

Few people have ever heard of OIRA even though it is part of the White House and has broad authority to delay or suggest changes in any draft regulation. Inside the FDA Mafia. U.S. Corruption: A Summary of Recent Reports. Corruption threat to liberty(image by DonkeyHotey) corruption threat to liberty" alt="From corruption threat to liberty" width="300"> On 24 April 2014, Jake Bernstein at ProPublica headlined, "Judge Tosses Retaliation Lawsuit by Fired N.Y.

Fed Examiner," and reported that when Carmen Segarra, "a lawyer, was hired [on 31 October 2011] along with other examiners for her expertise in compliance," as part of the N.Y. Democrat leader reaped $1.1 million from sale of land he didn't own. By John Solomon And Kathleen Hennessey, Associated Press WASHINGTON — Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid collected a $1.1 million windfall on a Las Vegas land sale even though he hadn't personally owned the property for three years, property deeds show. VIDEO: Reid land deal may violate rules. Retiring Obama Administration Prosecutor Says the SEC Is Corrupt; Prior Reports Indicate Administration's Corruption.

FBI Admits It's Not Really About Law Enforcement Any More; Ignores Lots Of Crimes To Focus On Creating Fake Terror Plots. The Speaker's Pipe Dreams: Big Oil Investments Muddy Boehner's Message On Keystone XL. The Keystone XL Corporations Lining Speaker Boehner's Pockets.