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Carrot Juice and Falcarinol

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Raw Carrot Juice an Effective Cancer Treatment for Survivor. Phillip Schneider, Staff Waking Times We’ve all heard stories about people who have cured their cancer with compounds like cannabis oil.

Raw Carrot Juice an Effective Cancer Treatment for Survivor

But did you know that there are more options than just cannabis oil that mother nature has given us to battle cancer? Take for example Ann Cameron, an American woman who cured her stage 4 colon and lung cancer by using nothing but carrot juice. On June 6x, 2012 Ann was given surgery for recently diagnosed stage 3 colon cancer. After the surgery she started feeling better, but when offered chemotherapy she declined. Five months later on November 6, she received the results from a CT scan that revealed probable cancer in her lungs, which her oncologist believed was the colon cancer from before that had metastasized into her lungs.

At this point her oncologist had given up hope for her survival. “I read everything I could find on the internet about alternatives to chemotherapy and radiation. On January 7th, things started looking up. About the Author. Rac-Falcarinol. CMS Chemicals Product. Falcarinol in carrots - reduces cancer risk. Falcarinol, a compound in Carrots - Reduces Cancer Risk Scientists have given us another reason to eat carrots A compound found in the popular root vegetable has been found to have an effect on the development of cancer.

Falcarinol in carrots - reduces cancer risk

Falcarinol is a natural pesticide and fatty alcohol found in carrots, red ginseng, Panax ginseng and ivy. It protects roots from fungal diseases, such as liquorice rot that causes black spots on the roots during storage. Falcarinol is a polyyne with two carbon carbon triple bonds and two double bonds. It has been shown that falcarinol acts as a covalent cannabinoid receptor type 1 inverse agonist and blocks the effect of anandamide in keratinocytes, leading to pro-allergic effects in human skin. Normal consumption of carrots doesn't causes any toxic effect in humans. When you boil vegetables, they leach their colour together with their minerals, vitamins and potential nutritional value.

"We could also expand our research to include other vegetables. Polyacetylene levels in carrot juice, effect of pH and thermal processing. A Department of Food Biosciences, Teagasc Food Research Centre Ashtown, Dublin 15, Irelandb School of Agriculture and Food Science, University College Dublin, Dublin 4, Ireland Received 21 August 2013, Revised 24 October 2013, Accepted 23 November 2013, Available online 1 December 2013 Choose an option to locate/access this article: Check if you have access through your login credentials or your institution Check access doi:10.1016/j.foodchem.2013.11.146.

Polyacetylene levels in carrot juice, effect of pH and thermal processing

PubAg-Article. Food chemistry 2014 v.152 pp. 370-377 Abstract This research focuses on the study of polyacetylenes in carrot juice and their response to pH, storage and thermal processing conditions.


Falcarindiol-3-acetate (FaDOAc) and falcarinol (FaOH) were in fresh carrot juice at concentrations of 73 and 233μg/L, respectively. Reducing the pH of the raw carrot juice from its natural pH 6.13 to pH 3.5 resulted in 2 and 5 fold better extraction of FaDOAc and FaOH respectively in comparison to a control sample (pH 6.13). Polyacetylenes were retained better in acidified juices and cold storage temperatures (4°C) for first week of storage with respect to untreated juices. NALT Terms. Cancer Compass~An Alternate Route ⁄ Juicing for Those with Cancer.

There is a substantial difference between drinking freshly prepared juices compared to packaged juice products that have been pasteurized, as this process uses heat to kill off the bacteria in order to give the juice a longer shelf life.

Cancer Compass~An Alternate Route ⁄ Juicing for Those with Cancer

This heat also destroys the enzymes and most of the nutrients as well, and if you have cancer, it is these enzymes and vital nutrients that your body is in desperate need of. The Standard American Diet (SAD)– is high in meats, dairy, soda, coffee, alcohol, grains, processed foods, fast foods, poor quality fats, sugars, chemical additives, sodium, and is generally very low in essential vitamins and minerals.

When we consume the SAD diet, we are setting ourselves up for disease by creating an ideal low-oxygen, acidic environment for cancer to thrive. pH- refers to “potential of hydrogen.” The pH scale runs from 1 – 14, with 7 being in the middle (or neutral). Ideally, we should have a slightly alkaline pH, measuring around 7.365- 7.4. Handbook of Food Processing: Food Safety, Quality, and Manufacturing Processes - Google Books. Inhibitory effects of feeding with carrots or (-)-falcarinol on development of azoxymethane-induced preneoplastic lesions in the rat colon.

Man and Woman Use Carrot Juice to Cure Stage 4 Cancer. Paul Fassa | Naturalsociety | Nov 15th 2013 Ann Cameron, an author of 15 children’s books, ‘cured’ her Stage 4 cancer with carrot juice only.

Man and Woman Use Carrot Juice to Cure Stage 4 Cancer

She states, “I believe from personal experience that carrots can cure cancer – and rapidly, without chemotherapy, radiation, or other dietary changes.” Stories of unusual natural cancer treatments are quite astounding. I trust them more than I do all the bogus pharmaceutical testing that enables Big Pharma to rush toxic drugs that make billions and cause more harm than good. Falcarinol in carrots - reduces cancer risk. Author Ann Cameron cured her stage 4 cancer with carrot juice, nothing else. » My name is Ann Cameron.

Author Ann Cameron cured her stage 4 cancer with carrot juice, nothing else. »

On Tuesday July 30th, 2013 I had a CT scan for malignant tumors in my lungs. On Thursday August 1st 2013, I got the results: “No evidence of cancer.” I believe from personal experience that carrots can cure cancer–and rapidly, without chemotherapy, radiation, or other dietary changes. I think carrots are worth a try for nearly everyone diagnosed with cancer, because the results show up very fast. Here’s the history of my experience: On June 6 I had surgery for a newly diagnosed Stage 3 colon cancer. The oncologist said I had Stage 4 colon cancer metastasized to the lungs. The oncologist also said radiation wouldn’t help me. I was very distraught. I hit upon a letter on the internet by a California man maned Ralph Cole, saying that drinking the juice of five pounds of carrots daily had eliminated small squamous cell cancers on his neck, and that a few others had told him the juice had helped with a variety of cancers.

I Juiced to Beat Cancer and Turned Orange! The Centers for Disease Control and the National Cancer Institute recommend you eat at least 5 servings of fruits and veggies per day, but 9+ servings per day is essential if you want to transform your health.

I Juiced to Beat Cancer and Turned Orange!

Most folks I know don’t even average 1 serving per day. Sorry grains and starches don’t count. Our modern processed food diet has left our bodies starving for nutrients at the cellular level. Juicing is the best way to extract massive amounts of nutrients from vegetables; without having to sit down and eat several pounds of vegetables per day. Let’s review the digestive process, shall we? When you chew food you are essentially juicing it in your mouth. A major component of my anti-cancer diet was drinking eight 8 oz glasses of freshly juiced organic carrot and vegetable juice every day. My strategy was to eliminate all processed food from my diet and flood my body with vital raw nutrients in order to give my immune system all the fuel and firepower it needed to heal me. (((c))) Carrot Component Reduces Cancer Risk. Scientists have given us another reason to eat carrots - a compound found in the popular root vegetable has been found to have an effect on the development of cancer.

Carrot Component Reduces Cancer Risk

Ralph Cole cured his cancer with carrot juice in 2006 » My name is Ralph Cole.

Ralph Cole cured his cancer with carrot juice in 2006 »