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How to Engage, Examine & Extend Student Learning Through Videos – From Suzy Brooks. This post first appeared on Daily Genius. How many videos can you remember watching in school when you were a student? Though I know we watched dozens and dozens of movies (and FILMSTRIPS!!) , I can only remember two. TWO! One of them scared the living daylights out of me, and the other I remember because we watched it every single year. It dug itself deep in the memory stores of my brain, and there it still remains. In my classroom, I am always looking for ways to use short videos to target specific skills. Face it – kids just want to watch a video without having to take notes, or answer questions, or have a teacher stop it midway to point out something. This second viewing is what students are traditionally required to do during a first viewing – take note of what is important and write it down.

This is always our favorite viewing of the video, and I know students are getting the hang of the routine when they start to share deeper thoughts after a third viewing! Related.


iPad in The classroom. Clips for the classroom. Clips for the classroom.