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+150 herramientas WEB para docentes. Back to School with Research. Doctopus - Google-Suche. Tablet/ipad implementation. 10 películas imprescindibles para una educación alternativa. Quizá somos más conscientes que nunca de que el sector educativo necesita renovarse y encontrar nuevos caminos para acercarse a unos alumnos sumergidos en las nuevas tecnologías y en el ritmo de vida vertiginoso de una sociedad constantemente cambiante. De que, tal vez, aquello que considerábamos tan importante quizá no lo es tanto, y de que tenemos que empezar a poner nuestro centro de atención en temas como el crecimiento personal o emocional de los más pequeños. ¿No crees? Te proponemos 10 documentales indispensables para reflexionar sobre el papel del profesorado y la educación en la evolución personal y académica de las personas, presentando enfoques y métodos de enseñanza alternativos, tan sorprendentes como inspiradores.

¡Toma nota! Cámaras, luces y… ¡a aprender! La educación prohibida: “Una película sobre la educación centrada en el amor, el respeto, la libertad y el aprendizaje”, así se define este documental independiente de Argentina financiado colectivamente. 7 servicios de email temporales para evitar spam y otros problemas. Evernote Ideas. Uso de las tecnologías en el aula. The Tools to Flip Your Classroom Collection by Jake Duncan. Edshelf Tools to Flip Your Classroom Curated by Jake Duncan Share: 19 followers 31 tools View as Grid List Compact Educreations Video Creators Khan Academy Video Content TeacherTube Video Content SchoolTube Video Content BrainPOP Video Content GoAnimate Video Creators Edmodo Social Networking Google+ Social Networking Jing Video Creators ShowMe Video Creators Camtasia Video Creators YouTube EDU Video Content Kerpoof Game-Based Learning Screencast-O-Matic Screen Captures ScreenChomp Video Creators Toontastic Digital Storytelling Creators Domo Animate Video Creators Puppet Pals HD Video Creators Knowmia Teach Lesson Plan Creators Celly Group Communication Doceri Remote Desktop Controllers Sophia Social Networking PowToon Presentation Creators Explain Everything Interactive Project Creators Sock Puppets Video Creators Ask3 Video Creators Screenr Screen Captures knovio Presentation Creators Xtranormal Animation Creators Zimmer Twins Digital Storytelling Creators Video Quiz Creators Followed by Print Widget Close.

PT #APPS: +50 APPS DE INTERÉS PARA DOCENTES CON IPAD. Manejar y publicar documentos, tomar notas, crear gráficos, preparar presentaciones o videopresentaciones, practicar mindfulness, curar contenidos, trabajar en cooperativo o colaborativo, aumentar la realidad, aprender a pensar, hacer mapas mentales, saber contar historias, jugar, fabricar actividades interactivas, tener una identidad digital...

Esta es una lista (por momentos interminable) con algunas de las habilidades que todo docente del siglo XXI debería poseer, practicar y transmitir a sus alumnos dentro del proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje. El desarrollo de las TIC ha ido generando herramientas para facilitar la adquisición de estas habilidades y creando otras nuevas. Para no perderse en este mundo de apps os presento a continuación, a través de un Pearltrees, una selección de apps para docentes con iPad.

Como siempre, estas listas son vivas y cada uno las va adaptando y ampliando a su gusto según aptitudes, necesidades y contexto educativo... Espero que sea de interés. Top STEAM tools for Online and Offline Learning: Part 1. A few months ago, the President of the United States, Barack Obama, announced a bold new initiative that aims to bring computer science to K-12 education and make computer programming a basic skill for all students.

The implications of this development can be staggering: STEAM will become much more widespread. Soon, teachers around the country will teach students computational thinking, looping, conditional statements, and other high order programming concepts. There are several tools and platforms teachers can use to accomplish this goal. These tools range from web platforms, to robots, to manipulatives teachers can use to teach coding. STEAM and WEB-BASED PLATFORMS is an excellent free tool for teachers and students who have not had prior experience or formal training in computer programming. has been criticized for being, at times, repetitive, and for limiting creativity by offering only scenarios with pre-determined outcomes.

Scratch LittleCodr ($19.99) iPad Apps and Extensions. iPad Apps and Extensions. Uso de las tecnologías en el aula. Best Connected Teaching Tools. Apps school.

Deeper Learning

The Principal of Change – Stories of learning and leading. Motivated Learning: Questions Teachers Should Ask Themselves. By Umair Qureshi Educators often discuss student motivation and try to come up with different ways to motivate. Strong educational and instructional leaders continuously change their strategies to fit different age groups and learner profiles. Factors like culture, social background, classroom atmosphere, and the degree of support have always played a pivotal role in students’ motivation to engage in the learning process. Here are some questions teachers can use to reflect on motivation—both their own and their students’. Am I motivated for this specific concept/topic/content? Many teachers are very energetic and passionate about teaching certain topics.

Motivation comes from the heart and reaches the core of the brain to inspire in-depth learning. Do I acknowledge little efforts and not just final outcomes? For teachers, the big feather in the cap is not only the final outcomes but also the little efforts as well. Do I Encourage challenging questions and appreciate efforts? Is this the end? How We Make Teaching Too Hard for Mere Mortals. If you caught your pediatrician Googling "upset stomach remedies" before deciding how to treat your child and home-brewing medications over an office sink, you might start looking for a new pediatrician.

So how would you feel if you learned that Google and Pinterest are where your child's teacher goes to look for instructional materials? Well, brace yourself, because that's exactly what's happening. And no, your child's teacher is not an exception. A new study from the RAND Corporation finds that nearly every teacher in America—99 percent of elementary teachers, 96 percent of secondary school teachers—draws upon "materials I developed and/or selected myself" in teaching English language arts. And where do they find materials? But don't blame teachers.

Expecting teachers to be expert pedagogues and instructional designers is one of the ways in which we push the job far beyond the abilities of mere mortals. Great teachers need great instructional materials. Are Apps Becoming the New Worksheet? This post originally appeared on Educating Modern Learners. My seven-year-old daughter loves school. She will line up her stuffed animals in rows and “teach” them for hours on end. When she got a special new doll for her birthday named Isabelle, my daughter took it upon herself to catch her new addition up on all that she had missed by not being in our possession until this past birthday.

One particular evening when she should have been sleeping, I was brought into my daughter’s room by the sounds of her uncontrollable sobs. “Mom,” she blurted out between the tears, “I can’t teach Isabelle anymore because I don’t have enough worksheets for her. How can I teach her anything without worksheets?” My daughter may one day grow up to be a teacher. Enter Technology Much of ed-tech today seeks to recreate the same old school activities: the worksheet, the lecture, the multiple-choice test Not Just Apps Do students have the opportunity for deep and meaningful learning with tech? What to do? Back to School with Annotation: 10 Ways to Annotate with Students. This post has the application embedded and is annotated by the author. You can click and expand the sidecar to view annotations on the page. To add you own annotations, register for an account, and sign in to

This post was originally published on August 25, 2015 on It’s back-to-school season and I find myself once again encouraging teachers to discuss course readings with their students using collaborative web annotation technologies like Hypothesis. Annotation is typically perceived as a means to an end. Billy Collins’ poem “Marginalia” outlines various ways that people have annotated throughout history, including in formal education contexts. For those curious about integrating annotation exercises into an assignment or a course, below I outline ten practical ways that one might annotate with a class. 1. Pre-populate a text with questions for students to reply to in annotations or notes elucidating important points as they read. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8 cortometrajes que deberías usar para enseñar valores a los niños. Porque, al menos para mi, lo visual siempre fue más atractivo. Los recursos audiovisuales siempre son atractivos para los niños y adolescentes pues son una forma llamativa y dinámica para captar su atención.

Por eso te recomendamos los siguientes cortometrajes para que se los muestres a tus hijos, alumnos o amigos ya que pueden enseñar sobre cosas importantes como el respeto, la envidia, la lealtad y el autoestima. 1. Parcialmente nublado (Partly Cloudy) Disney Pixar (2009) Este corto trata acerca del valor de la amistad incondicional. 2. La luna (The Moon). Nominada al Oscar como mejor cortometraje animado, esta animación fue dirigida, escrita y animada por Enrico Casarosa y da una lección sobre el valor del trabajo en equipo. 3.

Este corto ganó un premio Oscar a mejor cortometraje animado en el año 2000. 4. En este divertido corto animado sus personajes solo se preocupan de sus propias necesidades, olvidando la importancia de entender y respetar los derechos de los demás. 5. 6. 7. 8. Classroom Management Tips. Temple Grandin: The world needs all kinds of minds. Finding the Gold Within. As a columnist, I receive screeners for many documentaries, but I only write about those that are excellent cinematically and reach me emotionally. Finding the Gold Within is one of the best films I've ever seen about the challenges facing African American males in our society, one that I strongly recommend to teachers -- and to anyone who appreciates excellent documentaries.

Finding the Gold Within is characterized by superior direction and editing by Karina Epperlein, and superb cinematography by Karina, Andy Black, and Vicente Franco. Karina has created a polished film that is beautiful to watch and engages the viewer with the intimacy established between the filmmaker and her six main subjects. If you were creating a fictional film, you couldn't come up with better lead characters or actors. Alchemy, Inc.

Dr. As Michael Meade says off camera at the beginning of the film, Alchemy is about entering the darkness to find the hidden gold. The Power of Myths Exceptional Voices Alchemy, Inc.' Strategies to Ensure Introverted Students Feel Valued at School | MindShift | KQED News. When Susan Cain wrote Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking in 2012, it was a big success. The book made the cover of Time magazine, spent weeks on the New York Times best-sellers list and was the subject of one of the most-watched TED Talks, with more than 13 million views. From that grew The Quiet Revolution, a company Cain co-founded that continues to produce and share content about, and for, introverts. The site offers an online training course for parents and stories submitted by readers about being introverted.

There’s even a podcast. Kids, Cain says, “are at the heart and center of it.” “Introverts often are really amazing, talented, gifted, loving children, and they feel like there’s something wrong with them,” she says. “And our mission is to make it so that the next generation of kids does not grow up feeling that way.” In her latest book, Quiet Power: The Secret Strengths of Introverts, she’s taking her message about introverts to teenagers.

Helpful. CÓMO APRENDEMOS. «El proceso de aprendizaje es responsabilidad del alumno» escuchamos, en ocasiones, de manera sentenciosa. Esto no solo se aplica a los estudiantes, sino también a la labor de profesores y personal no docente. Así, en el ámbito del aprendizaje permanente, se desdibujan las fronteras y ya no acertamos a discernir quién es profesor, quién discente. Pareciera que todos nos hemos vuelto «sempiternos estudiantes» (cf.: «El usuario-alumno pasa a ser el nuevo rey»). Y ello, ¿a qué nos conduce? A la preponderancia del APRENDIZAJE NATURAL. Fotograma de la película: El amanecer del planeta de los simios Este tipo de aprendizaje requiere una serie de condiciones que en la actualidad –como sabemos ya– favorecen su desarrollo. Promoción de un proceso abierto entornos de aprendizaje en línea.Confianza.Creación de conexiones entre personas.Producción de citas y referencias.Alfabetización digital.

Todo esto implica grandes cambios de ejecución y planificación para el docente. Autonomía. Conexión social. Main - TeachThought. TPACK: un modelo para los profesores de hoy. Hace unos pocos años que apareció un modelo denominado TPCK de difícil pronunciación al que se decidió añadirle una A, de modo que se convirtió en TPACK (en inglés: Technology, Pedagogy And Content Knowledge), que es una extensión de la expresión Pedagogical Content Knowledge de Shulman (1986) (PCK). Este autor apreciaba que el conocimiento del ámbito científico o materia de especialidad del profesor y su conocimiento pedagógico estaban, o podían estar, separados y debían ser unidos. De este modo el conocimiento del contenido se refiere al QUÉ enseñar y el conocimiento pedagógico al CÓMO hacerlo. Así la expresión: "conocimiento pedagógico del contenido" es diferente del conocimiento pedagógico sobre cómo enseñar en general, al tiempo que es distinto del saber de un área de terminada, de ser un experto en un determinado contenido, lo que no asegura que se sepa como enseñarlo.

El núcleo del TPACK está formado por tres formas de conocimiento primario. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. P.D. How We Make Teaching Too Hard for Mere Mortals.


Anatomy of a Brainstorming Session. Anatomy of a Brainstorming Session Behind every successful project there is a successful brainstorming session . Observing people’s behaviors, analyzing them, finding commonalities and bucketing them neatly in boxes and lists comes naturally, as a UX professional. You can term this as an occupational hazard. But nevertheless, having to conduct the brainstorming session on a daily basis over years, I couldn’t help but notice the people dynamics in every session and have come to some base observations and conclusions about their behaviors in these sessions.

Based on the above, on a broad level, we can categorize people in the room into 4 type… The PROACTIVE The REACTIVE The FACT MINDER The SILENT OBSERVER The Pro-active These kinds actually walk in and ‘own’ the room. The idea Ninja — these people are fearless, constantly on the feet thinking and coming up with fresh and new ideas. They will take the initiative to manage the session. The Reactive They can be again sub-classified in 3 types. The 3 Things Digital Classrooms Really Need. My first experience with technology in the classroom was the good ol' Apple IIe and endless hours playing Oregon Trail and Math Blaster.

That evolved to an after school coding club in high school where I learned how to make a square and a flower using BASIC. I got my first personal computer as a freshman in college (1998) and finally got Internet at home when I came home at the Holidays the same year. And look at where learning is today... The classroom is becoming less about the physical space it occupies and more about the cloud. Today, many teachers are beginning to shift their instruction from stand and deliver to more interactive, engaging and participatory styles of teaching and learning. To add to the physical changes happening in the classroom, they way students interact with each other, both in the class and outside the class, is shifting as well. Engaging Content-It is clear that students want to be more engaged with their learning.

Blogging in the classroom takes many forms. FreshGrade, para crear presentaciones en video con tus alumnos. Utilizing Google Forms For Feedback and Data Gathering for Instructional Videos in a Blended Classroom | Chemical Education Xchange. Flipped classroom ¿Cuáles son sus... Blending in K-12: How Teachers are Using Technology to Change the Classroom. Why Pedagogy First, Tech Second Stance is Key to the Future. Tech Literacy: Making It Relevant Through Content Learning. Digitalisierung in Schulen: Hypes sind kontraproduktiv. Digital Natives und die Welt von heute #tugraz #researche-Learning Blog. A Must Have Tool for Creating Educational Video Presentations. Tech Literacy: Making It Relevant Through Content Learning. 6 Simple Ways To Record & Publish Video In The Classroom. TECNOLOGÍA, ESCUELA Y FAMILIA. Technology in schools: Future changes in classrooms. PARTIENDO CON EDUCACIÓN DISRUPTIVA. TECNOLOGÍA, ESCUELA Y FAMILIA. El cambio de la educación requiere un cambio en las escuelas.

Is use of technology necessary in classrooms? Students Like Tech! Pinterest Board.