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News, sport and opinion from the Guardian's UK edition. The decline of the Gap Year. When I say that I doubt that I will take a Gap Year, many adults are surprised.

The decline of the Gap Year

“Why”, they say, wide-eyed, “it’s such a wonderful growing experience / important rite of passage / chance to save the world.” Hm. All this may be so, but I am by no means alone in dismissing a year spent abroad. I can see many reasons for this. The first comes from the infamous video “Gap Yah.” So maybe this is why my peers are choosing not to do it. So I, like many savvy and forward thinking University applicants, am opting to dive straight into the pool of Higher Education in the hope that this tide will wash me onto the shore of opportunity. Travailler la compréhension orale en anglais. Un ensemble de sites permettant de travailler la compréhension orale en anglais.

Travailler la compréhension orale en anglais

Australia network Ce site de l'université de Sydney propose de nombreux documents vidéo didactisés pour l'apprentissage de la langue anglaise ; feuilletons, programmes télés thématiques... Chaque vidéo est accompagnée de la transcription des dialogues et d'explications liées aux registres de langue dans les échanges ou à des points de grammaire. Les modules proposés s'adressent aussi bien aux débutants qu'aux apprenants de niveau intermédiaire et avancé. Deux rubriques intéresseront particulièrement les professeurs de langue : Living english et Nexus. Ce site fait partie des classiques du professeur d'anglais pour travailler la compréhension orale.

Focus english. Academic%20Writing%20Guide%20Part%201%20-%20Academic%20Writing.pdf. Laura mulvey, the male gaze. On Actress Caitlin Stasey's, Women Pose Nude To Reclaim Their Bodies. Most readers are women, yet female writers still dominated by men. A Young Woman Reading, Alexandre-Évariste Fragonard.

Most readers are women, yet female writers still dominated by men.

In what might be called “the persistence of patriarchy in the most surprising places,” a new study reveals that leading literary publications in the U.S. and the U.K. still review far more books written by men than women. But don’t expect me to apologize to Jodi Picoult or Jennifer Weiner. That’s because I stand by my reaction (here and here and here) to Weiner and Picoult, bestselling popular novelists who took offense last fall when Jonathan Franzen dominated the book world with his (admittedly over-rated) literary novel Freedom. Picoult and Weiner cried sexism when, in my estimation, they were just peeved their books weren’t getting this kind of attention.

Millions of devoted readers, big Hollywood adaptations and, you know, great gobs of money weren’t enough. COLONIAL MONTH. Colonial Month ran from 21 June to 20 July 1949 in support of the Colonial Exhibition held at Oxford Street Hall in London.


In publicising the event, the Colonial Office explained why such an initiative was needed: ‘An enquiry carried out by the Social Survey in 1948 revealed that there is astonishing ignorance in this country about the Colonies. This ignorance is particularly unfortunate at the present time when so much depends upon a wise development of Colonial resources in the interests… Colonial Month ran from 21 June to 20 July 1949 in support of the Colonial Exhibition held at Oxford Street Hall in London. Sans titre. ‎'orthographe.pdf. Feminism. Feminism is a political, social, and cultural movement that aims at equal rights for women.


Its beginnings and extreme controversy in a (Western) patriarchal society has created stigma and stereotypes associated with the definition. Some include that feminists are: -lesbians -man haters -'hairy-legged bitches' Feminism helped women get the vote, obtain equal rights for jobs, made laws to control domestic violence, help women obtain the rights to own property, to divorce, to have access to birth control and to have possession of their own bodies. Your Covering Letter or Cover Letter. When you send your CV to apply for a position, you should also include a short letter.

Your Covering Letter or Cover Letter

This letter is called a covering letter or (in American English) a cover letter. A covering letter sent with a CV/resume is also called a letter of application. Your letter of application is a sales letter. How to write a successful covering letter. The Process and Type of Writing. Grammar Bytes! Grammar Instruction with Attitude.

Grammar Instruction with Attitude Home • Terms • Exercises • MOOC • Handouts • Presentations • Videos • Rules • About • Shop • Feedback. Share Ideas That Matter. Comma story - Terisa Folaron. Homepage - ReadWriteThink.

Vigisummer2014. Keep Kids off the Summer Slide with Summer Learning Activities From is proud to be a free resource for teachers, caregivers, and out-of-school practitioners, and our Parent & Afterschool Resources section offers activities, tips, and tools specifically designed for learning outside of the classroom.

Keep Kids off the Summer Slide with Summer Learning Activities From

Evidence has shown that all students suffer from the “summer slide” if they don’t read and write during the summer break. This is especially true of low-income students who have little access to books in their homes and communities (Neuman & Celano, 2001).