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6 Reasons Why Social Networking is So Popular These Days. How Social Media Affects Fashion & Our Buying Decisions | Wojdylo Social Media. The other day I was strolling down the streets of Manhattan window-shopping and people watching with one of my girlfriends. We got on the subject of fashion and started talking about how we dress and what we like to wear the most. We laughed about how I always wear neutrals and how she loves color. She made me feel better about my lack of color when she told me that she loves all the things I wear and would “pin” all of my outfits on Pinterest. She thought I was Pinterestable! That got me thinking about the relationship between fashion and social media. Has social media become a crutch for fashion and without it would people still dress the way they do? Would our buying decisions be different if we didn’t see perfectly complete outfits on Pinterest, Instagram, Tumblr, or Facebook?

I have never really been able to figure out why I love wearing white, black, tan, and grey. Photo Credit Pinterest is perhaps one of the most influential social media sites when it comes to fashion. Are Fashion Blogs Effective Marketing Tools For Luxury Brands? - Luxury Society - Digital. Suzy Menkes and Anna Wintour share the front row with Bryanboy and Tommy Ton (Masters of Media) ‘The golden era of ‘fashion blogging’ is over’ according to Robin Givhan, in what is perhaps the most comprehensive account of the rise of social stars in the fashion media realm.

Yet the continued presence of digital darlings within the marketing mix of major luxury brands suggests they have not yet been rendered obsolete. Fashion blogs came to particular prominence in the mid-2000s. At the forefront were Scott Schulman (The Sartorialist), Susanna Lau (Style Bubble), Tommy Ton (Jak & Jil) Bryan Yambao (Bryanboy) and –then 13-year-old -Tavi Gevinson (Style Rookie). Their one uniting feature: a distinct point of view, whether they were shooting ‘real people’ on the street or self-casting themselves in dreamy editorials. They were at once personal and accessible. . “ They were not models. For Rumi Neely (FashionToast) and Susannah Lau (Style Bubble) And their audiences became undeniable. Against. Has social media and online retailers diluted the job role of being a professional stylist. Proposal for dissertation. Fashion Blogging Grows Up: Why Advertisers Want a Piece of the Action. Alisa Gould-Simon is the Director of Marketing & Communications at, a free mobile shopping application.

She is a fashion consultant and writer and her work has appeared in The New York Times, The Guardian and The Wall Street Journal. You can follow her on Twitter at @alisagouldsimon. The advent of blogging has dramatically changed the face of the fashion industry — and fashion media in particular — in just a few years. Fashion bloggers have evolved from stigmatized outsiders to lauded insiders, sending scores of seasoned marketing executives and editors’ heads spinning. Today, bloggers are not only creating editorial to rival that of the glossies, they’re leveraging myriad talents in shooting lookbooks, styling them, and, in some cases, starring in them.

In addition, they're hosting events, dressing the windows of some of 5th Avenue’s finest storefronts — after catching a fashion show from the front row, of course — and moving product on behalf of retailers. An Evolving Landscape. Social media for fashion stylists @Digitangle. Gantt project planner1. Jennifer anyan clarke.