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Twitter acquisition confirms that curation is the future. Best Practices for Content Curation for Nonprofits at Social Media for Nonprofits Conference. On January 30th, I’m speaking at the Social Media for Nonprofits in New York City.

Best Practices for Content Curation for Nonprofits at Social Media for Nonprofits Conference

(You can get a discount of $20 off the registration by entering the code “Beth” when you sign up although the discount only works on the more expensive tickets). This year, since content curation, is a social media competency that I’m focusing in my own learning and teaching , I’ll be doing a conversational presentation on the topic. Robin Good, one of the best content curators on the planet, will join me via skype from Italy. In preparation, I’m doing a pre-recorded skype interview with Robin as a back up for a live interview.

As is my presenting style, this will be an interactive session. How Content Curation Services Can Drive Massive Traffic to Your Site. The Three C’s of Managing Your Content In A Global Environment.