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How to Make an Infographic of Your Twitter Profile in 30 Seconds. Computer technology at its birth was complicated and extremely difficult to use. It was the sand box of geeks and engineers. You had to have a degree in computer science to play with the big mainframes of IBM and Hewlett Packard. It was the age of “big iron”, water cooled monsters that took up rooms to crunch data that is now seen as simple tasks and can now be performed on your iPhone.

Computing for the Masses The advent of the personal computer brought computing to the masses. Steve Jobs and Bill Gates were two of the pioneers that over the last 25 years have put desktops and laptops that were affordable and portable on to people laps and desks. Related Resources from B2C» Free Webcast: The Future of Search: Drive Big Profits with Competitive Intelligence Software emerged such as Word that enabled people to easily write their own documents and by pass the secretary with the type writer. The emergence of the smartphone has now put a computer and publishing machine in your pocket. Twitter fête ses 6 ans mais n'a toujours pas trouvé son modèle économique. Twitter, la guerre des égos. (Twitter - RICHARD B. LEVINE/NEWSCOM/SIPA) Du même auteur Il y a quelques mois, j’avais raconté ici avec enthousiasme mes premiers pas sur le site de microblogging Twitter.

Je ne renie pas une ligne de ce que j’écrivais alors. L’ego. Retrouvez Aliocha sur son blog. Why Twitter bought Tumblr's biggest rival, Posterous - Mar. 14. NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- When Twitter buys a startup, it's often after the company's staff, not its product -- which makes Twitter's latest takeover one of its most intriguing. Twitter announced late Monday that it has acquired blogging platform Posterous. Launched in 2008, Posterous -- like its archrival Tumblr -- pioneered the "microblogging" space. Its specialty is content that's longer than a tweet but shorter than a traditional blog post. The services are especially good for sharing photos, videos, quotes and other multimedia snippets. Posterous' staff of 21 previously worked out of a San Francisco headquarters just two miles from Twitter's home base.

They joined Twitter's staff this week. Is Twitter looking to venture beyond its famous 140-character limit, into the broader microblogging world? The early signs are no. "We are welcoming a very talented group of engineers, product managers and others," a Twitter spokeswoman said. "For me, working at Apple wasn't just a job. Comment Twitter bâtit un modèle économique basé sur la publicité. Twitter Is The Perfect Drug. We all have our addictions. Some people are addicted to smoking, whereas others are addicted to cartoons about miniature ponies. It turns out that social networking can be just as addictive, especially Twitter.

The need to get that 140 character fix is all consuming for some users of the service. In this new infographic from the minds at OnlineSchools, they chart the different levels of addiction found in Twitter users. To put this further into perspective, the infographic cites a 2010 study that challenged college students to go 24 hours without using social networking.

At least this addiction is mostly relegated to educated America with the majority of Twitter users coming from those who are still in college or at least have had some college education. Check out the full infographic for all this info and more. Courtesy of: Online Schools. Tutoriel Twitter… Pourquoi ? Comment ? Twitter Commerce, Le E-commerce Arrive sous Twitter - Blog e-commerce. On le sait déjà, Twitter peut être un très bon moyen de faire du commerce, que ce soit pour faire de la promotion, ou bien pour assurer un service client original. Mais saviez-vous qu’il est dorénavant possible de faire un achat directement par Twitter grâce Twitter Commerce. Payer avec un Tweet, c’est maintenant possible. Que vous soyez un petit e-commerçant ou une enseigne de luxe, ce qui suit va vous intéresser. L’incursion du e-commerce dans les réseaux sociaux n’est pas une nouveauté en soit.

Facebook, avec le F-Commerce en est la preuve. Même si le F-Commerce est plutôt décevant, il y a fort à parier que les réseaux sociaux contribueront à la création de l’omnicanal de vente que recherche toutes les enseignes. L’arrivé de Twitter dans le e-commerce en est la preuve. À la différence du F-Commerce où l’on se rend sur une page qui a tous les attraits d’un site e-commerce classique, le T-Commerce ne peut pas reposer sur ce modèle, Twitter n’ayant pas été pensé comme Facebook. Twitter’s Secret History As the World’s Worst Tech or Media Business.