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The Tim Ferriss Show by Tim Ferriss. MIT Senseable City Lab. TSRC - Transportation Sustainability Research Center. Carsharing, or more broadly, shared-use vehicles, is one of the innovative strategies that could be integrated into smart growth policies to reduce vehicle miles traveled, congestion, and degrading air quality. Carfree housing is another mobility option being examined to reduce the negative effects of travel. Carfree housing refers to residential developments that have restrictions on the number of cars that residents can own, limited parking availability, or increased parking costs.

Researchers examined the predicted travel, emission, and economic benefits of carsharing and carfree housing. They simulated three innovative mobility scenarios forecast to 2025 using an advanced regional travel demand model. UC Berkeley Institute of Transportation Studies | Initiative on the Digital Economy | Research Projects. Please consider this as a sample of the research that we have currently underway.

If you would like to have further information on any research at the IDE, please contact David Verrill (, 617-320-4923) Hint: Use ctrl+F to search by researchers name Financial Indicators from Big DataProfessor Alex PentlandTheories of social physics tell us that human mobility and socialization patterns, along with diversity of behavior and communication patterns, are leading indicators of disposable income and social health. We are using these patterns to mine telecommunications data and credit card data in order to provide a wide range of financial and social indicators, including personal and small business credit scores, development indices for neighborhoods and cities, and GDP and consumer attitude scores for entire economies.

Digital Technologies and Their Impact on the Earnings Prospects of American Workers Professor Erik Brynjolfsson and Dr. Andrew McAfee Sponsor: Markle Foundation Dr. Chariot, Your Commute Solved | Chariot. L’imaginaire géographique. Compte rendu du Café Géographique du 26 mai 2015 (Paris, Café de Flore) Intervenant : Pierre Jourde, écrivain, universitaire, polémiste Modérateur : Daniel Oster. Universitaire, romancier, poète, polémiste, auteur d’un blog sur le site de L’Obs, Pierre Jourde accorde à la géographie, ou plus exactement à l’imaginaire géographique, une place importante dans son œuvre, ainsi qu’en témoignent plusieurs titres de ses ouvrages (par exemple Géographie de Vialatte, de l’Auvergne à la Rhénanie, Champion, 2000).

Pierre Jourde (photo JP Muller/AFP) 1-Pierre Jourde, quelle est l’origine de votre fascination pour la géographie et particulièrement pour les cartes ? Cette fascination a d’abord été celle de l’enfant rêvant devant des cartes, les cartes des Atlas périmés où s’étalaient les vastes surfaces roses des Empires coloniaux. Une carte, ce sont des lignes et des formes qui interrogent sur les limites, les structures, les liens entre les lieux. 2-Comment cartographier l’imaginaire géographique ? A l’heure du shopping, les analyses des géographes sur les lieux de consommation. En ces jours qui précèdent Noël, la consommation bat son plein dans les lieux qui lui sont dédiés. Les géographes se sont penchés sur la géographie de la consommation, qui tend à se substituer à la géographie du commerce. 1.

Noël et le commerce distractif Nathalie Lemarchand, « Marchés de Noël et vitrines des grands magasins : un exemple du commerce distractif », Métropolitiques, 12 décembre 2014. Les vitrines des grands magasins et les marchés de Noël mettent en évidence les territoires commerçants distractifs et leurs fonctions : magasins et centres commerciaux participent à la mise en scène des rites sociaux associés aux fêtes de fin d’année. Nathalie Lemarchand, Géographie du commerce et de la consommation : les territoires du commerce distractif, HDR ; 2008 Le commerce de détail est passé d'une fonction de distribution associée à la société de production à une fonction distractive associée à la société de consommation. A l’heure du shopping, les analyses des géographes sur les lieux de consommation. Urbanscale | Design for networked cities and citizens.

Eric Sadin: «Il est impératif de contenir la puissance du technopouvoir» Ecrivain et philosophe, Eric Sadin analyse les changements induits par la numérisation de notre monde. Après l’ Humanité augmentée. L’administration numérique du monde, paru en 2013, il publie la Vie algorithmique. Critique de la raison numérique, aux éditions l’Echappée. Une charge contre le «technopouvoir» emmené par les Google, Apple, Facebook et autres Amazon, qui capte tous nos faits et gestes via nos smartphones et objets connectés. Une marchandisation de nos existences au nom d’un «Big Data» orwellien, infaillible et tout puissant ?

Dans la Vie algorithmique, vous décrivez un homme assisté dans toutes ses actions par une intelligence ambiante nichée dans les smartphones, les écrans, les murs de la maison. La généralisation d’Internet, à la fin du XXe siècle, a institué «l’âge de l’accès», soit la possibilité de consulter, à distance, un volume infini d’informations numérisées. Vous parlez d’une «extrême rationalisation» des sociétés par le numérique… Oui, c’est une bonne image. Après l'homme réparé, l'homme augmenté ? - Les Echos. Politique Régionales : Marion Maréchal-Le Pen investie par le FN en PACA Les frontistes sont, en revanche, divisés sur l’intérêt pour Marine Le Pen de se présenter en Nord Pas de Calais-Picardie. Tourisme - Transport Les défis d’Elisabeth Borne, nouvelle patronne de la RATP La future dirigeante devrait être officiellement nommée mi-mai.

Elle était jusqu’ici directrice de cabinet de Ségolène Royal. Société Racisme et antisémitisme : Valls présente 40 mesures + DOCUMENT - Manuel Valls a présenté ce vendredi un plan de lutte contre le racisme et l'antisémitisme. Home | Quirky. Frog | Global Product Strategy and Design Firm. Comment entrer dans l'économie des plates-formes ? Mankind's Greatest Architectural Achievements Since Prehistory. Yet another creation has rolled off the powerhouse infographics assembly line over at Pop Chart Lab, and this time, the indefatigable taxonomizers of alcohols and famous quotes have turned their attention to works of architecture.

The Schematic of Structures organizes what the designers describe as "90 eminent edifices erected and perfected throughout history. " Arranged by height, the infographic lines up some of the greatest works envisioned and built by man since prehistory, from the Neolithic Cairn of Barnenez and the Parthenon to more modern creations like London's Gherkin and the Burj Khalifa. The White House even makes an appearance. Designed in imitation of a blueprint, the infographic is expansive in scope and information (if not extraordinarily innovative in execution).

The buildings are presented along a simple grid design, and drawn in two different scales (so as to allow the 2,722-foot-tall Burj Khalifa to appear on the same poster as the 25-foot-tall Stonehenge). A new way to shop for fashion. Clic2Buy » Clic2Buy, transformez vos supports de Com\' en supports de vente. Marcel, un mini-Brooklyn à Sèvre Bab’ Cool ! Notre brunch chéri d’amour à Montmartre vient d’ouvrir une petite sœur du côté de Sèvres Babylone… Pas de mauvaises surprises : on retrouve les mêmes ingrédients stars qui font le succès branché de Marcel dans le 18e, à commencer par son décor cosy de cantine indu et branchée.

Un must après avoir fait son shopping au Bon Marché ! Au programme : pas de formules toutes faites mais un brunch « à la carte » qui dépote, histoire de se concocter sa dinette idéale sur mesure… A nous les clubs sandwichs les plus sexys de Paris (14€), un hot-dog détonnant (15€, une Caesar qui vaut le détour (14€). A tester absolument : leur œufs bénédict d’enfer (12€) les waffles (12€), gaufres US à la chantilly mortellissimes ou encore les french toasts sauce toffee (12€), un genre de pain perdu au caramel beurre salé et bananes. Oulalalalala ! C’est fat, mais trop bon… Top : le brunch samedi et dimanche ! Page personnelle de Regine Vanheems Lelart. Côtelettes & Tarte aux Fraises - La commande en ligne pour vos commerces de proximité.

Local Measure. Le pitch de la semaine : Up&Bar, l'application pour trouver des soirées à proximité. Urban Airship | Mobile Marketing Solutions. Advertisers | YOOSE. Our role is to provide brands, media agencies and deal aggregators with the resources they need to make their hyper-local mobile advertising campaigns work, from campaign set up through to distribution, monitoring and analysis. We’ll deliver your campaign through our vast network and precisely target the local consumers you want to engage with.

Whether you represent a media agency acting on behalf of your clients or a company working with your own in-house team, YOOSE provides the direct support of a campaign manager to oversee your requirements. We discuss your brief or campaign proposal in the first instance to ensure your objectives are understood and we have all the information to help you achieve the best possible results.

Contact us if you’re ready to take the next step and set up a campaign or would like to find out more about how location-based mobile advertising works. YOOSE is proud to be one of the largest hyper-local networks globally. Considerations for Choosing Locations. Promo Cityzen - Réductions et offres promos à imprimer ou télécharger.

Sense Networks. People Counter | People Counting | Retail Counters | ShopperTrak. Local Online Marketing, Local Internet Marketing, Small Business Marketing, NYC - Localvox Analytics. Tell Location-Based, Multimedia-Rich Stories With Moveable Feast. The Spark of Genius Series highlights a unique feature of startups and is made possible by Microsoft BizSpark. If you would like to have your startup considered for inclusion, please see the details here. Name: Moveable Feast Quick Pitch: Arrange text, photos and videos on a map to create an immersive virtual tour. Genius Idea: A new method of storytelling. In 2003, Steve Schultz organized a walking tour of Manhattan's Lower East Side, narrating the history and culture of the neighborhood through its various landmarks and lesser known treasures.

A little less than a decade later, and Schultz is now developing tools for you to create, share, experience — and soon, monetize — multimedia-rich walking tours all over the world. The New York-based company is called Moveable Feast Mobile Media in tribute to the set of Ernest Hemingway memoirs by the same title. The creation tool allows you to drop pins on the Google Maps interface. In its current, early iteration, the app's design is rather poor. Hate to Shop Online Alone? Try This Site. The Spark of Genius Series highlights a unique feature of startups and is made possible by Microsoft BizSpark. If you would like to have your startup considered for inclusion, please see the details here. Name: Motilo Quick Pitch: Shop and style fashion products with your friends.

Genius Idea: Like going to the mall with your best friend, online. Sofia Barattieri and Maysoune Ghobash wanted to shop together. And so they were inspired to launch Motilo in April 2011. When they're finished browsing and styling, users can click through to purchase their looks from their respective retailers. It's a well-designed site, and a neat solution for those content to shop from the (mostly high-end) retailers included. Try it for yourself and let us know what you think. Image courtesy of Flickr, andrewarchy Series Supported by Microsoft BizSpark. Shoptiques Lets You Shop Boutiques Like a Local. The Spark of Genius Series highlights a unique feature of startups and is made possible by Microsoft BizSpark.

If you would like to have your startup considered for inclusion, please see the details here. Name: Shoptiques Quick Pitch: Shop local boutiques online. Genius Idea: Brings an offline industry online; lets you shop by neighborhood. It all began with Paris and a shoe. While shopping in France's capital four years ago, Olga Vidisheva stumbled across what she describes as a "tiny, one-location wonder boutique with the friendliest, most stylish owner. " Vidisheva says she has wanted to go back to that boutique ever since, but has never been able to. Shoptiques isn't the first business that's attempted to bring the boutique industry online. So what makes Shoptiques different? Shoptiques also invites you to shop differently: that is, like a local. Mobile is also on the roadmap, with an emphasis on bridging the online and offline shopping experience. Image courtesy of iStockphoto/Alija. Hungry? Appetude Finds Delish Dishes Near You.

The Spark of Genius Series highlights a unique feature of startups and is made possible by Microsoft BizSpark. If you would like to have your startup considered for inclusion, please see the details here. Name: Appetude Quick Pitch: Find and rate dishes at restaurants nearby, and order from the entire menu on the site. Genius Idea: Rather than reading random tips on other review sites for restaurants, Appetude is strictly focused to rating the dishes to find the best spot to dine — or order from — near you. “Where’s the best food around here?” That is the question Appetude wants to answer by creating a social platform revolving around dishes, restaurants, and friends, said co-founder George Fatakhov. He’s working on the startup with co-founders Mark Alayev and Mike Iskhakov. Appetude is a social network that lets users discover great dishes at local restaurants and place orders from the site.

“People love to have recommendations from their friends,” he said. Zeel Connects You With Mind, Body and Beauty Practioners In Your Area. The Spark of Genius Series highlights a unique feature of startups and is made possible by Microsoft BizSpark. If you would like to have your startup considered for inclusion, please see the details here. Name: Zeel Quick Pitch: Find qualified wellness practitioners in your area and book appointments online with this free web service. Genius Idea: Vetted practitioners for massage, skin care, weight loss and more on one site that lets you book appointments online. Finding wellness practitioners in your area seems like an easy enough task. Meet Zeel, a new website that launched in January of this year. Zeel was founded by husband and wife team Samer Hamadeh and Alison Harmelin. “There’s a lot of noise in the area of health and wellness, particularly complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), and the marketplace is fragmented,” Hamadeh said in an email message.

Currently, Zeel is only available in the United States. What do you think about Zeel? ‪ Photo courtesy of iStockphoto, pixdeluxe ‬ Roamz — Be a local. Buy Direct Premium Advertising On The Web's Top Sites | Park Slope, NY Patch - News, Sports, Events, Businesses & Deals. Location Analytics | Placed. Roamz — Be a local. Shopping Adventure - Votre assistant de shopping local.

Glassmap. Ht | About. Highlight is a fun, simple way to learn more about the people around you. If someone standing near you also has Highlight, their profile will show up on your phone. You can see their name, photos of them, mutual friends, and anything else they have chosen to share. When you meet someone, Highlight helps you see what you have in common with them. And when you forget their name at a party a week later, Highlight can help you remember it.

As you go about your day, Highlight runs quietly in the background, surfacing information about the people around you. If your friends are nearby, it will notify you. If someone interesting crosses your path, it will tell you more about them. Highlight is available for free in the App Store and in Google Play. Grokr. Shopular - Mobile Coupons & Deals.