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Slovenia Summer Guide 2015 by The Slovenia Times.

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Автомобилем. Словенские дороги хорошо обозначены дорожными знаками, поэтому путешествие по ним всегда приятно и несложно.


Несмотря на то, что некоторые дороги местного значения узкие и извилистые, они более живописны и интересны для путешественников. Бензозаправочных станций больше, чем достаточно. В случае, когда Вам необходимо быстро добраться в любую точку на другом конце страны, Вы всегда сможете воспользоваться скоростными автомагистралями, для передвижения по которым обязательно использование специальной наклейки – «виньеты». Не забудьте про виньеты Для передвижения по скоростным автомагистралям необходимо заранее приобрести специальную виньету, в противном случае Вам грозят высокие штрафы. Дороги местного значения интереснее Лучший способ знакомства со Словенией, несомненно, – путешествие по дорогам местного значения. Ограничения скорости: - населенные пункты – 50 км/ч - вне населенных пунктов – 90 км/ч - дороги для автомобилей – 100 км/ч - скоростные автомагистрали – 130 км/ч Помощь на дороге.

Vignette - Toll Stickers - FAQ. From 1 July 2008, motor cycles, private cars and vans whose maximum permitted weight does not exceed 3.5 tons must carry a vignette in order to drive on all Slovenian motorways and expressways managed by DARS d.d., regardless of their length.

Vignette - Toll Stickers - FAQ

Vignette 2016 -The list of measured vehicles (information regarding the classification of vehicles into toll classes 2A and 2B) Validity of vignettes Annual vignettes for the current year are valid from 1 December of the previous year to 31 January of the coming year (total of 14 months). Half-year vignettes are valid for six months from the day of purchase, or until the end of the last day of the sixth month, if there is no such day in the sixth month. Monthly vignettes are valid from the moment of purchase up until the end of the day with the same number one month after the day of purchase, or up until the end of the last day in the month, if the next month has no such day. Sales points.

Stories & legends

Slovenske železnice - Motorail - Slovenske železnice. Ever wanted to go on a longer journey by car without having to drive the distance?

Slovenske železnice - Motorail - Slovenske železnice

Then try our motorail service, which carries your car while you relax and enjoy the train ride. Motorail trains operate on the line between Bohinjska Bistrica, Podbrdo and Most na Soči, and run through the longest Slovenian rail tunnel, the Bohinj tunnel, connecting Upper Carniola in the North of Slovenia with the seaside Littoral in the South West. Motorail trains can carry cars, vans, pickups, and camper vans which don't exceed 3m in height and 2.4m in width. Timetables The timetables below apply in the period between 13 December 2015 and 10 December 2016. From Bohinjska Bistrica to Most na Soči (Nova Gorica) From (Nova Gorica) Most na Soči to Bohinjska Bistrica Fares Supplements A supplement is charged for passengers travelling together with the driver: Adults: Regular fare under the applicable tariff (see table) Children under 12 inclusive: 50% discount on adult fare. Where to buy. Passenger transport - Slovenske železnice. Никто ничего не знает о Словении, — даже где она находится.

Slovenia holidays. טיול משפחתי בסלובניה - 2. סלובניה עם ילדים - המלצות וטיפים בארגון הטיול. Home - Slovenia - Official Travel Guide - holiday, vacation, tourism in Slovenia, Slowenien, Slovénie, Eslovenia, Slovenija. Home - Slovenia - Official Travel Guide - holiday, vacation, tourism in Slovenia, Slowenien, Slovénie, Eslovenia, Slovenija. סלובניה - קרואטיה טיסות רכב ומגורים. טוס וסע לסלובניה - הדרך המומלצת לטייל בסלובניה.

50 Places to Visit with Kids in Slovenia - CoolkidzCooltrips. Despite being petite, Slovenia is incredibly diverse.

50 Places to Visit with Kids in Slovenia - CoolkidzCooltrips

The sheer number of things to do surprises even us locals when we are searching for things to do. We can go hiking, or visit one of the many castles, explore caves, take a bike ride around the vineyards, do nothing but enjoy great food, get lost in the deep woods… You know I could go on. It’s a great country for a visit with your kids, since everything is nearby and plenty of sights are just perfect for families. So, it wasn’t hard coming up with 50 places to visit with kids in Slovenia.

I hope this list will be useful even for us locals, when we are thinking of places to visit. We haven’t seen it all yet, but it’s on the list. Let’s kick it off with the capital – Ljubljana. 1.Ljubljana zoo – offers a really nice walk mostly in the shade, so it’s perfect even in Summer, cute animals, a petting zoo. 2. 3. 4. 5. Check out more things to do in Ljubljana come rain or sunshine. Now how about exploring some cool – literally caves . 6. 7. 8. 9.