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Urxvt(1. Name rxvt-unicode (ouR XVT, unicode) - (a VT102 emulator for the X window system) Synopsis urxvt [options] [-e command [ args ]] Description rxvt-unicode, version 9.16, is a colour vt102 terminal emulator intended as an xterm(1) replacement for users who do not require features such as Tektronix 4014 emulation and toolkit-style configurability.

As a result, rxvt-unicode uses much less swap space -- a significant advantage on a machine serving many X sessions. This document is also available on the World-Wide-Web at < Frequently Asked Questions See urxvt(7) (try "man 7 urxvt") for a list of frequently asked questions and answer to them and some common problems. Unlike the original rxvt, rxvt-unicode stores all text in Unicode internally. Options The urxvt options (mostly a subset of xterm's) are listed below. The following options are available: -help, --help -bl. Rxvt-unicode. Installation rxvt-unicode is available in the official repositories and includes 256 color support. rxvt-unicode-patched is available in the AUR and includes a fix for the font width bug. Configuration See the rxvt-unicode reference page for the complete list of available setting and values.

Creating ~/.Xresources The look, feel, and function of rxvt-unicode is controlled by command-line arguments and/or X resources. Append commented list of all rxvt resources to your ~/.Xresources file urxvt --help 2>&1| sed -n '/: /s/^ */! Or for a commented list + helpful descriptions TERM=dump command man -Pcat urxvt | sed -n '/depth: b/,/^BA/p'|sed '$d'|sed '/^ [a-z]/s/^ */^/g'|sed -e :a -e 'N;s/\n/@@/g;ta;P;D'|sed 's,\^\([^@]\+\)@*[\t ]*\([^\^]\+\),! Note: Command-line arguments override, and take precedence over resource settings True transparency To use true transparency, you need to be using a window manager that supports compositing or a separate compositor.

From the command-line: ~/.Xresources or ! ! ! Or. Rxvt-unicode. Rxvt-unicode (ouR XVT, unicode) Note: `urxvt --help' gives a list of all resources (long options) compiled into your version. All resources are also available as long-options. You can set and change the resources using X11 tools like xrdb. Many distribution do also load settings from the ~/.Xresources file when X starts. urxvt will consult the following files/resources in order, with later settings overwriting earlier ones: Note that when reading X resources, urxvt recognizes two class names: Rxvt and URxvt. Depth: bitdepth Compile xft: Attempt to find a visual with the given bit depth; option -depth. buffered: boolean Compile xft: Turn on/off double-buffering for xft (default enabled). Geometry: geom Create the window with the specified X window geometry [default 80x24]; option -geometry. background: colour Use the specified colour as the window's background colour [default White]; option -bg. foreground: colour Use the specified colour as the window's foreground colour [default Black]; option -fg. colorn: colour fading: number.
