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QA Insight: Brent Strange's Software QA blog - User-Agent Information and Tools. I've decided to dedicate a spot on the blog for the user-agent information I've been providing over the last few years. From now on you can reference this post from the right navigation under the tools section. Here are four very good lists and classifications of user-agents: Here is my huge user-agent XML import file for use with the User Agent Switcher Firefox add-on: AgentStrings20080223.xml (19.67 KB) . Internet Explorer MSIE 8 (Win Vista) MSIE 8 (Win XP) MSIE 7 (Win Vista) MSIE 7 (Win XP) MSIE 7 (Win Storage Server) MSIE 6 (Win XP) MSIE 5.5 (Win 2000) MSIE 5.5 (Win ME) MSIE 5.0 (Win 95) MSIE 4.01 (Win 95) MSIE 4.0 (Win NT) FireFox FireFox 2.0.12 (Win Vista) FireFox 2.0 (Win XP) FireFox (Fedora Core 5/Linux) FireFox (Debian Linux) FireFox (Mac OSX) FireFox (Win Vista) FireFox 1.5 (Win XP) FireFox 1.4 (Win XP) FireFox 1.0.7 (Win XP) Opera Safari.

Pavlost’s blog. Developer Center - MDC. Beautiful fonts with @font-face ✩ This article is also available in Bulgarian. While Firefox 3.0 improved typographic rendering by introducing support for kerning, ligatures, and multiple weights along with support for rendering complex scripts, authors are still limited to using commonly available fonts in their designs. Firefox 3.5 removes this restriction by introducing support for the CSS @font-face rule, a way of linking to TrueType and OpenType fonts just as code and images are linked to today. Safari has supported this type of font linking since version 3.1, and Opera has announced that they plan to support it in Opera 10.

Using @font-face for font linking is relatively straightforward. Within a stylesheet, each @font-face rule defines a family name to be used, the font resource to be loaded, and the style characteristics of a given face such as whether it’s bold or italic. Digging A Little Deeper Most font families today consist of only four faces: regular, bold, italic and bold italic. Supporting Many Languages. Venkman JavaScript Debugger project page. DOM Inspector - MDC.