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Sanjana Singh

I love to shopping, hanging out with friends, listening music etc. I am a self escalated person, Positive thinking, problem shooting and quick learning capability are my strength.I spent my maximium time on social media and surfing.

The Pigeon Update from Google. Did you hear that flutter across the Internet?

The Pigeon Update from Google

That was Google rolling out yet another update and this one targets local searches. Okay, that pun? #SorryNotSorry. It’s been named Pigeon and I have entirely too much fun with the nomenclature surrounding Google’s web-shattering changes. Coming back to the issue at hand. What is the Pigeon update and how does it affect local search? First of all, it’s important enough already to score its own Wikipedia page. What is the “Pigeon” update? According to Search Engine Land, the “Pigeon Update” is a “new algorithm to provide more useful, relevant and accurate local search results that are tied more closely to traditional web search ranking signals.” Quite likely that local businesses will begin to see or will already have seen fluctuations in their rankings and traffic. Where will the changes be visible? The Most Popular Blog Posts of 2014. I love the ending of years.

The Most Popular Blog Posts of 2014

It’s time you take to reflect on all that was, all that could have been and all that definitely will be. And it’s no different for marketers. From content to social marketing and everything else in between, we’ve lived through another year of dynamic changes that have kept us on our toes, constantly. We’ve survived algorithm updates and a whole year of trends and forecasts and the only lesson that never goes away is simply this: focusing on what clients and customers want is all that matters.

Everything else is just details. While we were (okay, I was) being reflective, I figured I’d delve into our blog and see which of our posts connected the most with people. In the meantime, the clear front-runners that emerged are SEO, Social Media and Web Design. Here’s the breakdown of our most popular posts in 2014 and what they say about market trends. Search Engine Optimization. SEO or PPC - Which Is Better For A Small Scale Business?

The tussle between SEO and PPC continues as Digital Marketing grows into becoming the leading medium of advertising and branding.

SEO or PPC - Which Is Better For A Small Scale Business?

Statistics show that internet users across the world are expected to grow to 3 billion by the end of 2014 with nearly two-thirds of that rise coming from emerging economies. With greater access to the internet in far-reaching places, Internet and search marketers need to work twice as hard and stay constantly vigilant about staying visible in front of the right people at the right time. Does that sound too overwhelming? It could be. How to Create a Viral Launch Page. What does it take to achieve virality?

How to Create a Viral Launch Page

To create a storm of conversations that keeps the right people coming back for more? Do we have what it takes to go “viral”? It’s a list of questions that possibly every marketer has on their minds in the digital marketing world. And with all the random internet sensations and celebrities (remember the Target guy?) That mushroom out of the woodwork, you’d think the answer would be within grasp. 8 Key Elements of Great Web Design. Great designs aren’t built by tools – they’re built by human beings, and this isn’t a cheesy pearl of wisdom – it’s a well-established fact.

8 Key Elements of Great Web Design

There’s a lot of thought, work, testing and reiterations of iterations that go into a design project before it goes live. Leverage Pinterest for eCommerce and SEO. <div style="clear:both"><a href=" ><img src=" title="Leveraging Pinterest for SEO and eCommerce" alt="Leveraging Pinterest for SEO and eCommerce" border="0" /></a></div><div>Produced by : <a href=" SEO Company India</a></div> The exponential growth of Pinterest as a social media platform in recent times can be validated from the fact that it is the fastest site ever to gain ten million followers and in the five months gone by the user base has touched a whopping seventy million.

Leverage Pinterest for eCommerce and SEO

That is no mean feat and where such growth and potential exists can the eye of the marketing world be far behind. According to recent new studies, Pinterest has the potential of referring traffic that has directly resulted in conversions on various eCommerce sites and this is something that is usually difficult for most channels to achieve.

So, how does one go about leveraging this platform as part of the social media optimization campaign? But enough about us. SEO Training - How to use Content Syndication successfully? Module #1: Content Syndication Content Syndication literally means sharing of content.

SEO Training - How to use Content Syndication successfully?

However if we were to explain the concept of content syndication, it would essentially mean sharing your content in the form of sites, blogs or videos with other websites in the form of snippets, thumbnails, links or full articles. Why is it required? Content syndication is very beneficial for websites. 10 Steps to Better SEO. Your search engine optimization (SEO) efforts may need a review.

10 Steps to Better SEO

The way that Google handles SEO has changed and the other search engines have followed. The following are 10 steps to employ for better SEO Write unique and high value content. Why Aren’t You Advertising on Bing Yet? If your search marketing budgets haven’t incorporated Bing Product Ads just yet, it might be time to step back and wonder why.

Why Aren’t You Advertising on Bing Yet?

Sure, Google may own 2/3rd’s of the search marketing share, so it’s only logical for you to run your campaigns there. But, the flip side of the coin is rooted in a number of factors that bear a closer look. The most obvious factor of differentiation is the bing ads demographic distribution; user overlap can happen, but you can expect to find very different demographics and very different numbers that pertain to the use of the lesser adopted search engine; to the tune of nearly 150+ million people who use YBN (the Yahoo! Bing Network), in fact. Handy Local SEO Checklist for 2014. Local SEO has never been as important as it is in the current times.

Handy Local SEO Checklist for 2014

While location based SEO was always something that was a part of the optimization exercise, the kind of special focus and attention that it has generated in recent times has led to special efforts being directed towards leveraging it for maximum gains. In this article we discuss, how in the context of local SEO, better visibility and online presence can be achieved by businesses. Some tips and guidelines are being offered on how to implement processes and strategies to get the most out of location based results. Thanks to the attention it has been getting form Google in the last year, local SEO has seen come to the forefront in a big way . In the past it was more of a domain that was restrictively being explored by smaller and medium sized businesses. 6 Best Practices of Responsive Web Design [Infographic]

<div style="clear:both"><a href=" ><img src=" title="Best Practice of Responsive Website Design" alt="Best Practice of Responsive Website Design" border="0" /></a></div><div>Brought to you by : <a href=" Techmagnate</a></div> Responsive design for a website is often used in the context of mobile users. Given the fact that more and more users are using mobile devices such as their smartphones and tablets to access the web, both for browsing and otherwise, it is extremely important that website designs become responsive towards all devices and screen sizes. [See: How can Techmagnate help you to build better responsive website design?] Some of the advantages that ‘responsive’ designs offer are: Increasing your reach to tablet and mobile audiencesIncrease sales and conversion ratesConsolidate your analytics and reportingIncrease your visibility in search enginesSave time and cost on mobile developmentSave time and cost on site managementEnhance user’s offline browsing experience.

Unnatural Outbound Links Penalty Removal- A Case Study. What is Unnatural Link Building Penalty? According to the Google Quality Guidelines an actual Unnatural Links definition is “creating links that weren’t editorially placed or vouched for by the site’s owner on a page, otherwise known as unnatural links, can be considered a violation of our guidelines.”

What are Paid Links in Google’s point of view? Paid Links are links which have been put in a blog post or an article, because cash or kind had been exchanged for it, according to Matt Cutts are unethical and liable to Penalty. SEO Checklist for Your WordPress Blog. <div style="clear:both"><a href=" ><img src=" title="SEO Checklist for Your Wordpress Blog" alt="SEO Checklist for Your Wordpress Blog" border="0" /></a></div><div>Produced by : <a href=" SEO Company India</a></div> So, you have finally started your WordPress blog. You have customized it with all the bells and whistles that you wanted and have also written your first post. Handy Local SEO Checklist for 2014. Scoop.It for SEO - A New World of Curation [Infographic]

<div style="clear:both"><a href=" ><img src=" title=" a New World of Curation" alt=" a New World of Curation" border="0" /></a></div><div>Brought to you by : <a href=" Techmagnate</a></div> It’s the backbone, the nerve centre, as well as the driving force when it comes to the online world. Every aspect of online marketing, branding, traffic, optimization, search as well as social media optimization is co-dependent on content in order to be truly successful.

6 Best Practices of Responsive Web Design [Infographic] Passive Income Generation Opportunities. The advent of internet has marked a change in the general perception of people who were jostling hard to make their two ends meet. Along with seasoned of professionals from varied fields, internet offers a wide array of options for individuals who wish to earn a bit of extra money but lack prior experience.

As the most viable option available, passive income may help their financial cause considerably. Passive income or more often referred to as residual income is generally defined as money received from an activity or activity source in addition to conventional employment sources. Stated another way, your conventional mode of income enables you to buy a cake and the passive income adds the icing on the cake making it wholesome, satisfying and lucrative. Online Earning Opportunity for Freshers. Making money online until the last decade or so meant having your own website and employing a web designer or a marketing genius to sell your products on the internet.

Not anymore. Negative SEO - Methods to Save Your Website from Bad Competitors' Practice. Panda 4.1, Google’s 27th Panda Update is Slowly Rolling Out. On 26th September, 2014 . Matt Cutts has updated the information on his Google Plus page. MySql Tutorial - Create and Backup the Database. MySQL Tutorial for Beginner MySQL is one of the popular database management system.

Developers can make use of SQL query language to access and manipulate data. One can use MySql databases management system from different kinds of applications and websites. Creating mysql database in php is one of the essential tasks that need to be performed by the php developers. Audience Research is Important than Keywords Research. Search engines wouldn’t exist had it not been for an audience. True as it is, the driver of search, i.e., the audience was long forgotten making the search engines a selling machine. But, the wheel has come back to the point where it began and the Hummingbird update seals the fact. Through in numerous posts, tweets and blogs, eminent industry figures and evangelists have spoken about the new transformation in search engine optimization. Read More: SEO Checklist for better blogging. Social Media Optimization, Social Media Marketing Services, Social Media Optimization Services.

1Connect2Interact3Share4Engage Consider the impact of a billion users on one platform. One website where people gather, speak, interact, share and connect with each other. One space, where with concerted efforts towards Social Media activity, your community can build your brand and the potential to sustain it.Consider the possibilities of Social Media. For customer service, 1 in 3Social Media Users prefer social platforms over phone calls.

Local SEO Services, Local SEO Packages & Plans at Affordable Rates. No of Keywords. eCommerce SEO, SEO for eCommerce Sites, Joomla SEO, Magento SEO. SEO Services India, SEO India, SEO Company India, SEO Services Company. SEO Company India, SEO Company, Top SEO Company in India, Best SEO Company India. Techmagnate is India's top SEO Company, based in New Delhi, India. How to Maximize ROI for Small Business SEO Marketing. Setup a Blog Inside Your Magento Store. Grow eCommerce Sales by Social Media, Paid and Non Paid Campaigning Ideas. Questions to Ask the Web Designer to Get Tangible Results. How to Decrease CPA with Dynamic Search Remarketing. Migration from HTTP (non-secured) version of the website to HTTPS (secured) version. How to Stop Wasting AdWords Spend with Simple Tactics.

Google's Algorithm Local Search Update. Use Social Media for Building Loyal Customers, Learn How? The Ultimate Incredibly Useful Web Design Checklist. How to Maximize Your Online Marketing Return on Investment? Websites for Part-Time Jobs in India. How Can Social Media be Used as a Lead Generation Channel. Reverse Image Promotion What To Do When you are Not Given Due Credit? The Google Panda 4.0: Meaning and Implications. Blogger Outreach: The Next Big Thing? Necessary Skills Required to Be An SEO Expert; No Institute will Tell You! Affiliate Marketing: A Rewarding Career. Vector Vs Raster: What Do I use? Social Media: How To Increase Your Success Rates? How to Increase website traffic through Search Engines?