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AP 3D Sculpture

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Screws. Layers Sculpture. AP® Studio Art Digital Submission - Sign In. AP Studio Art: 3-D Design Course Home Page. Welcome, AP Studio Art teachers!

AP Studio Art: 3-D Design Course Home Page

Here you'll find resources for teaching AP 3-D Design, including up-to-date course information, portfolio requirements , sample student portfolios with assessment commentary, and engaging teaching and learning materials. Essential Course Resources Other Core Resources. Wire+ Mold. Riusuke Fukahori Paints Three-Dimensional Goldfish Embedded in Layers of Resin. First: watch the video.

Riusuke Fukahori Paints Three-Dimensional Goldfish Embedded in Layers of Resin

Japanese artist Riusuke Fukahori paints three-dimensional goldfish using a complex process of poured resin. The fish are painted meticulously, layer by layer, the sandwiched slices revealing slightly more about each creature, similar to the function of a 3D printer. I really enjoy the rich depth of the pieces and the optical illusion aspect, it’s such an odd process that results in something that’s both a painting and sculptural. Wonderful. Portfolio-checklist-1.doc.