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Joacă sah online, gratuit! - Analysis Board, PGN Editor, Chess Diagram Tool. Chess lesson. Chess for Beginners - Learn Chess. Chess Guidelines and Principles. Chess Definitions - Articles Page - Main Chess Page Improving/Learning - General/Thought Process - General/Other - Monroi provides Dan Quotes Opening - Middlegame - Endgame - Humorous - Internet Posting - Kasparov on Principles - Strong vs.

Chess Guidelines and Principles

Important Principles The difference between a guideline (or principle or rule of thumb or heuristic) and a rule is that a rule works (or is required) all the time (or has a few, definable exceptions), while a guideline is just a helpful hint that does not have the force of a rule - some guidelines work almost all the time - others to varying degrees of frequency. Principles help you figure out what to play when you don't know what to do; if analysis suggests a best move, that usually overrides principles.

"When there are no tactics, follow principles as best possible, but if there are tactics, principles are almost best forgotten" For other sites' excellent list of principles, link to: (*A Dan Original/Special Principle) Java chess games: database search, analysis. Chess Tactics. Play Chess Online - Free Chess Games at Chess Basics: Opening Principles. Strategii în ŞAH. Şah/Reguli de bază - Wikimanuale. Extras din regulamentul jocului de şah[modificare] Articolul 1[modificare] 1.

Şah/Reguli de bază - Wikimanuale

Şahul este un joc care se dispută între doi parteneri, având fiecare la dispoziţie câte 16 piese (de culoare albă pentru unul şi de culoare neagră pentru celălalt). Se joacă pe o tablă de şah, alcătuită din 64 de pătrăţele, alternând în câmpuri de culoare deschisă (câmpuri albe) şi în câmpuri de culoare închisă (câmpuri negre). 3. Articolul 2[modificare] 4. Aide-memoire: "alb în dreapta". Articolul 4[modificare] 7. Regii celor doi jucători se află pe aceeaşi coloană ("faţă-în-faţă"), şi damele de asemenea.Dama albă este situată pe un câmp alb, dama neagră pe unul negru ("dama pe culoarea proprie"). 8. Fiecare partener mută pe rând şi numai câte o singură piesă de fiecare dată, albul începând întotdeauna jocul, adică făcând prima mutare a partidei. 9. Articolul 5[modificare] 10. 1.e2-e4 înseamnă: prima mutare din partidă, pionul din e2 este mutat la e4 (vezi diagrama alăturată). 1.e4.

Classical Opening Principles in Chess. The game of Chess, said to have been invented as early as 600 A.D. in India, is said to have been characterized by attacks against the enemy King.

Classical Opening Principles in Chess

Nevertheless, since the popularization of the game since the past 3 centuries, a number of principles have been evolved by the erstwhile masters of the game, which have been tried and tested over a prolonged period. One of such principles related to the opening moves of a chess game, initiated and advocated by Francois-Andre Philidor in the year 1749. Unfortunately, the importance of the principles of Philidor was realized much later than he expired, in the nineteenth century, and is commonly referred to as Classical Opening Principles of Chess. Philidor moved away from the general notion of attacking the enemy king at every possible opportunity in the game of chess.

Philidor insisted that the attacks should be more properly planned and executed to win over the enemy. Chess Strategy for Chess Openings and Chess Principles. The art of chess strategy consists of formulating a plan for the chess game, and of arranging the chess pieces to accomplish this plan in view of the opponent's best response.

Chess Strategy for Chess Openings and Chess Principles

This chess strategy article will get any new chess player on the road to understanding correct chess opening strategy - how to control the chess board from move one. Introduction to Chess Strategy Beginning chess players discover very quickly that learning how the pieces move is the very tip of the tip of the chess playing iceberg. It's usually sometime during the first several moves of their very first chess game that they find themselves saying, "What now?

" Chess openings with variations. Deschidere (şah) În deschidere fiecare parte are următoarele obiective: ocuparea centrului - controlul lui se poate face atât prin împingerea pionilor cât și cu ajutorul figurilor (cum este cazul Apărării Alehin);dezvoltarea armonioasă a pieselor;punerea regelui la adăpost.

Deschidere (şah)

După ce aceste obiective sunt îndeplinite, urmează definirea strategiei (atacul la rege sau dezvoltarea avantajului pozițional) și reorganizarea pieselor. Teoria Deschiderilor. O scurta introducere in tainele gambitului Evans, o deschidere extrem de agresiva si populara cu mult timp in urma.

Teoria Deschiderilor

In ultimii ani Gambitul Evans a fost folosit ca deschidere (cu succes) de fostul campion mondial, marele maestru Garry Kasparov. Gambitul Evans evita variantele linistite ale Partidei Italiene: 1. e4-e5 2. Cf3-Cc6 3. History of chess. For the book by H.

History of chess

J. R. Murray, see A History of Chess. Real-size resin reproductions of the 12th century Lewis chessmen. The top row shows king, queen, and bishop. The history of chess spans some 1500 years. Origin[edit] Chaturanga starting position.[1] The kings do not face each other; the white king starts on e1 and the black king on d8. The precursors of chess originated in India during the Gupta Empire.[2][3][4][5] There, its early form in the 6th century was known as chaturaṅga, which translates as "four divisions (of the military)": infantry, cavalry, elephantry, and chariotry.

Chess was introduced to Persia from India and became a part of the princely or courtly education of Persian nobility.[9] In Sassanid Persia around 600 the name became chatrang, which subsequently evolved to shatranj, due to Arab Muslims' lack of ch and ng native sounds,[10] and the rules were developed further. The game was developed extensively in Europe.

50 Chess Games for Beginners. Federaţia Română de Şah: Legile Şahului. Chess Games. Program de sah pentru incepatori. Jucati sah cu un program de sah accesibil, ideal pentru jucatorii care au invatat de curand primele miscari in sah.

Program de sah pentru incepatori

Jucati online FlashChess, alegand nivelul de dificultate care se potriveste mai bine fortea dvs de joc in acest moment. Daca acest program de sah vi se pare util, memorati aceasta pagina la linkuri favorite si reveniti oricand doriti. De acum inainte puteti juca sah cu programul FlashChess pe