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911. Places. CHARLIE SHEEN FOR PRESIDENT (UPDATED) : The Heated Forest. KushTV - The American Bully Show - Teaser. To Wear Sunscreen. Tunes. Exciting and Interesting. Sports. Ground Zero Celebration after Death of Osama Bin Laden - Champagne Spray. 9/11 Bud Commercial - AIRED ONLY ONCE. The shocking video Muslims don't want you to see!! London Muslims Commemorate 9/11. Origin of Faith - Disturbing. HBO Boxing. The Official Website of James Dean. Search Results. Elizabeth Taylor: James Dean's Painful Secret and Other Things She Never Wrote About.

Giant Productions Why didn't Elizabeth Taylor, who seemingly crammed nine lives into one, ever write a memoir? Probably because she knew too much! Not only would she not know where to begin, but judging by what James Dean confided to her while they were making the 1956 epic Giant, the secrets known to her were so personal it wouldn't be fair to spill them. And that brand of integrity seemed to inspire the same in return from those who knew her. A secret she shared about Dean with a journalist 14 years ago has only come to light now because Taylor made him promise that he wouldn't reveal it until after her death... MORE: Elton John dedicates song to "hero" Elizabeth Taylor "I loved Jimmy," she said of her costar, according to an essay by Kevin Sessums in the Daily Beast in which he recalls interviewing Taylor in 1997 for an article about her AIDS activism. "I'm going to tell you something, but it's off the record until I die. Dean died in a car wreck before Giant even hit theaters.

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