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Solid Engineering

We are an engineering firm delivering solid solutions to complex challenges, across structures and infrastructure.

Braywick Court School Model Build Sequence Fly Around. News on Structural Engineering and Sustainable Drainage - SOLID Engineering Design Firm. News on Structural Engineering and Sustainable Drainage - SOLID Engineering Design Firm. SOLID Structural and Civil Engineering - SOLID Engineering Design Firm. Osney Mead Development - SOLID Engineering Design Firm. Flood Risk Assessment Oxford. Care home in Dorset aerial rotation view of BIM model. Hire Civil Engineer in Oxford. Ince Biomass Energy Plant - Residential Civil Engineer. Building a community with Solid Engineering Design Firm. Care home in Dorset aerial rotation view of BIM model. Structural Design Services. Top 3 Benefits of Using BIM in Construction. St Anne's College Library. Medicare Health Members - Clever Care Health Plan. If you’re in a Medicare drug plan and you have complex health needs, you may be able to participate in a Medication Therapy Management (MTM) program.

Medicare Health Members - Clever Care Health Plan

MTM is a service offered by Clever Care of Golden State at no additional cost to you! The MTM program is required by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and is not considered a benefit. This program helps you and your doctor make sure that your medications are working. It also helps us identify and reduce possible medication problems. To take part in this program, you must meet certain criteria set forth in part by CMS. You must meet ALL of the following criteria to qualify to participate in Clever Care’s MTM program, Have at least 3 of the following conditions or diseases:chronic heart failure, diabetes, dyslipidemia, hypertension, asthma, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, ANDTake at least 8 covered Part D medications, ANDAre likely to have medication costs of covered Part D medications greater than $4,376 per year. AMA mosque, Tilford fly over. Chenderit Teaching Block - Engineering Design Firm. Northend country home BIM model with sun path study.

Kingham Hill Sports Hall. Structural Engineers Oxfordshire - Solid Engineering. St Hilda's College. Sweeping concrete staircase fly through. Lifting arrangements for a split pre-fabricated residential unit. The Jam Factory - Civil Engineer Oxford. Lifting Arrangements for a Split Pre-fabricated Residential Unit - SOLID ENGINEERING DESIGN FIRM. Care Home in Dorset Aerial Rotation View of BIM Model - BIM Architecture. Dora Carr - Residential Projects Solid Engineering. Tube and Bracket - Solid Engineering Design Firm. A low carbon future - Solid Engineering Design Firm. Our approach SOLID has used The Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) tool to model the potential for carbon neutrality of the structural and civil engineering elements.

A low carbon future - Solid Engineering Design Firm

We base our calculation on the LCA standards (CEN/TC350, ISO 21930). The design has followed the RICS building stages. One of our principles is to reduce embodied carbon by using more recycled materials and materials that are produced using less fossil fuel. However, in order to achieve carbon neutrally, it is necessary to provide solid engineering structures that can restore climate. Benchmarking Our calculations also looked at the embodied carbon performance of the structure in relation to residential developments in Europe, using the ‘Cradle to grave’ methodology. Northend country home BIM model with sun path study. A Sculptural Staircase - Solid Engineering Design Firm. BIM Civil Engineering - SOLID Engineering Design Firm. Radley College Chapel, BIM model fly around. Building a Campus - Islamabad Mosque Structural Design.

Temporary Classroom Relocation - Solid Engineering Design Firm. Expert Structural Engineer for Homes - SOLID Engineering Design Firm. Meet with Adrian Reeves Residential Civil Engineer. Small Aircraft Hangar and Workshop Fly Over. Light Industrial Unit with Office Block BIM Model Build Up. Know About Heritage Engineer - Solid Engineering. Meet with Mark Harris Heritage Engineer. Sweeping Concrete Staircase Fly Through. Meet with Sean Daly Structural Design Engineer.

Fly Around of Residential Apartment Block on Oxford. Solving Ince's challenges with Heritage Engineer. Designing for large temporary construction loadings The construction programme was based on the substructure, piling and all structural ground slabs being completed before the gasifier and boiler would be installed, with the building envelope to follow after.

Solving Ince's challenges with Heritage Engineer

The piles and the ground slabs were designed for the gasifier and boiler, the two heaviest items, to be installed using a 600T crane. However, due to the procurement process, the fabrication and delivery of the gasifier and the boiler were late and it was decided to proceed with the building envelope, leaving access hatches in the roof of the gasification building for the gasifier and boiler to be lowered into the building.

All deliveries and lifting operations were carried out after completion of the permanent works Due to the additional height required to lift the items over the roof of the building, a larger crane was required, which in turn meant the loads imposed on the substructure would be higher. Meet with Conservation Engineer Team - SOLID Engineering Design Firm. Need a Structural Engineer for Home - Solid Engineering. Fly around of Civils works on apartment block in Oxford - Solid Engineering. A Dutch Barn - Solid Engineering. News on BIM Engineering - SOLID Engineering Design Firm. BIM Architecture - SOLID Engineering Design Firm. Chartered Structural Engineer - Solid Engineering Design Firm.

Our Brilliant Solid Structures and Infrastructure Designs — SOLID Engineering Design Firm. Sweeping concrete staircase fly through. SOLID Structures and Infrastructures - SOLID Engineering Design Firm. News on Highest sprung floor - Solid Engineering. Looking for Structural Engineer in Worcestershire. Fly around of residential apartment block on Oxford. Structural Design Services. Surface Water The site is in an area of Oxford clay.

Structural Design Services

Infiltration values were very poor, and our design had to ensure we separate site water from the underlying clay due to risk of heaving. We also had to consider the impact that the Northway and Marston flood alleviation scheme could have on the site. A sustainable drainage system (SuDS) approach was decided upon to align side wide surface water drainage requirements with natural water processes.

Due to the scale of the project and the footprint size of non-permeable buildings, a staged approach was designed to attenuate surface water flows. First stage was to attenuate water in the sub-base of the roads. From this sub-base, a network of pipes directed the water to two attenuation ponds located in a field next to the community centre and mansion block. One pond enhanced the natural habitat of newts found in the proximity to the site.

The main attenuation pond provided storage of 800m3. Water Treatment Works. Contact for Chartered Structural Engineer. Careers - Residential Civil Engineer. Find the Structural Engineer in Wiltshire. Lifting Arrangements for a Split Pre-fabricated Residential Unit. Expert Structural and Civil Engineers - Solid Engineering. The Importance of Structural Design Services in Civil Engineering. Structural design is a very specialized part of civil engineering.

The Importance of Structural Design Services in Civil Engineering

It involves a methodical investigation to obtain the economical specification of a structure to bear the assumed load safely. Using the structural design, engineers ascertain the right size, reinforcement, grade, etc. of structural parts to endure the internal forces calculated during the structural analysis. As the world develops, civil construction is increasing at an astonishing rate. Sweeping concrete staircase fly through. News on Structural Engineering and Sustainable Drainage — SOLID Engineering Design Firm. AMA mosque, Tilford fly over. AMA Mosque. Careers — Solid Structural Design Services. Lifting arrangements for a split pre-fabricated residential unit. News on Structural Engineering and BIM Architecture. Building a Campus — SOLID Engineering Design Firm. SOLID Perspectives June 20. SOLID Structures & Infrastructure acquired Howes Atkinson Crowder Founded in 2006, Howes, Atkinson Crowder (HAC) positioned themselves as engineers of distinction.

SOLID Perspectives June 20

Serving a wide range of clients in both structural and civil engineering capacity, HAC have developed a particularly niche service in large scale civil projects such as aggregate handling plants, water treatment works, energy from waste plants and large concrete reservoirs. Like SOLID, HAC have a valued client base and are known for their willingness to take on, and deliver any challenge. We are taking on much more than just a business. We are taking on, and plan to build on, Robin Atkinson's legacy of 45 years in service of the engineering world. This deal is a fantastic opportunity for SOLID Structures & Infrastructure as it strengthens our expertise, particularly in large civil works and adds a strategic location to our regional office network. A small selection of HAC projects can be viewed here. Radley College Chapel - Building the BIM model. Our Structural Engineer for Homes - Solid Engineering. Meet with the Best Structural Design Engineer in UK.

You must have marveled at the high-rising sky-scrapper in your city once.

Meet with the Best Structural Design Engineer in UK

Or, looked at a gigantic suspension bridge on your way to the airport and thought, “how did they make it?” We had all felt the same way, especially when we were small kids. These megastructures are examples of feats man can achieve if we set out for them. They are the symbols of a prosperous civilization on earth. While architects design stunning buildings and other structures from imagination, it is the duty of the engineers to bring these imaginations and drawings to reality.

Today, we are talking about structural design engineers: those involved in constructing a building from start to finish. Building Community in Chipping Norton Developments - Solid Engineering. HAC Engineering now part of SOLID — SOLID. Fly Around of Civils Works on Apartment Block in Oxford. HAC — SOLID Engineering Design Firm. The many faces of St Mary. There are more than 450 churches called St Mary in England alone!

The many faces of St Mary

Over the years we have been involved with quite a few of those. With Christmas fast approaching, we thought now would be a good time to highlight a few of them. At St Mary’s Banbury, we assist in the ongoing programme of up keep and maintenance which have included previous substantial repairs to the vestry roof, the chancel stone repairs, a review of the chancel roof, church pew condition investigations; as well as supporting Nick Cox Architects with heritage grants. The stone repairs at the church mainly focused on finding a safe way to construct access scaffold that maintained access at the ground floor to the church but did not overload existing window arches or the vestry roof and also worked around the significant historic organ.

Surveying the chancel roof was particularly interesting as we got a rare view inside the ceiling plenum, looking at the construction of the domed structure. Sweeping concrete staircase fly through. Our Brilliant Solid Structures and Infrastructure Designs — SOLID Engineering. Building Information Modeling and how it has transformed the AEC industry. BIM Construction - Solid Engineering — SOLID. Embracing and developing our technological capabilities have always been a key strategy when SOLID was founded 15 years ago.

BIM Construction - Solid Engineering — SOLID.

As the size and complexity of our projects grew, so did our ambitions for BIM modelling. Not all projects require BIM modelling. It is generally used on larger projects or when there are project specific complexities and/or construction sequencing issues that are challenging to resolve in 2D. One such project is the Radley College Chapel extension design by Purcell. We have found BIM modelling was the only way to develop a buildable solution for the complex design. As specialist stone designer, we developed a BIM model of the steel structure supporting the vaulted brick ceiling and natural stone ribs. Lifting arrangements for a split pre-fabricated residential unit. Lifting arrangements for a split pre-fabricated residential unit. Solid Structures and Infrastructure Designs.

Residential Civil Engineer. Bim Building Information Modelling. BIM - From the ground up — SOLID. Barriers to BIM uptake have received a lot of attention recently with several high level discussions taking place in recent months.

BIM - From the ground up — SOLID.

Sean Daly took part in a series of events discussing the barriers to BIM implementation in the construction sector. We often wonder if what is discussed at industry level is a true reflection of what engineers at the coalface experience. We asked the engineers in our office their views on working with BIM. Common goals and understanding “If the model is not set up correctly from the word go, it is difficult to extract information and manipulate the model efficiently” Cristian, Engineer “A lot of frustration arises when some consultants are not brought on board from an early enough stage.

“If a project’s co-ordinate system is not set up and adopted by the whole design team from early on in a project, it creates immense problems in the BIM model later on. The value benefit to projects “I have found that on smaller projects, BIM uptake is low due to costs. Careers - SOLID - Structural Design Engineer. Structural Engineer Oxfordshire. The Golden Ball - St Lawrence's Church in West Wycomb — SOLID - Engineering Design Firm - Structures - Infrastructure - Specialist Design - BIM - UK.

Bim Building Information Modeling - Solid Engineering. St Hilda's College — SOLID - Engineering Design Firm - Structures - Infrastructure - Specialist Design - BIM - UK. How to Find Best Structual Design Services. Constructionline Gold — SOLID - Engineering Design Firm - Structures - Infrastructure.