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VideoPress. WordPress Plugins. Website Localization and Translation Services. Introduction to Website Translation So what's the difference between a website translation service and a website localization service? Website translation tends to focus exclusively on the language side, whereas website localization is quite simply the process of "making your website local", and in so doing, appealing to local users within your target region(s). It involves much more than standard document translation - it covers all aspects of reaching out to the "local market" and giving your website a truly homegrown feel within the target market.

The localization process is more than just the language itself - menus, buttons, banners, layouts etc, have to be adapted to suit the new language settings. This may even include changing culturally insensitive or inappropriate colours in certain markets. Asian Languages It's also important to take the business norms and cultural preferences into account in making your website truly "local". Get a Free Quote! Localization (L10n) Opportunities. Floatbox Plus: Howto (english) > Floatbox Plus, Howto, Plugin, WordPress > splash ;) WordPress Plugin: Floatbox Plus > Floatbox, Image, JavaScript, Lightview, Open Source, Overlay, Plugin, Video, WordPress > splash ;)

So, es ist soweit.

WordPress Plugin: Floatbox Plus > Floatbox, Image, JavaScript, Lightview, Open Source, Overlay, Plugin, Video, WordPress > splash ;)

Meine vor kurzem schon angekündigte, angepasste Version von Lightview Plus für den Einsatz mit Floatbox anstelle von Lightview ist fertig. Sie basiert auf der aktuellen Version 2.1.0 von Lightview Plus und bringt ausser dem Austausch von Lightview/Floatbox keine wirklichen Änderungen mit sich (sieht man einmal von den weggelassenen Übersetzungen ab).

Aufgrund der Lizenz von Floatbox (inkompatibel zur GPL), muss auch bei meinem Plugin Floatbox zusätzlich installiert werden (auf meiner ToDo-Liste steht schon der Einbau einer Funktion zum Download/Einbinden von Floatbox direkt im Adminbereich von WordPress). Durch den Einsatz von Floatbox entfällt die Notwendigkeit des Einbindens weiterer JavaScript-Bibliotheken (Prototype + Scriptaculous) im Frontendbereich, was zu weniger Inkompatibilitäten mit anderen Plugins führt (der Grund weshalb ich mir überhaupt die Arbeit mit der Anpassung gemacht habe). Translationsgerman by mebelarusian by Fat Cow. Edvard Ananyan's Home Page. 3D Carousel Menu FX. The “Personal License (single use)” grants you a non-exclusive and non-transferable right to make use of this product in a single non-commercial* website (or application**), your own work or client work. * A non-commercial application is an application which is not owned by a company, even if the application in which this product will be included does not directly generate income an individual, when the application in which this product will be included generates income in any form (i.e. a website with paid advertising) ** An application can be a website, a software, an electronic document such as a PowerPoint presentation or an e-book, a printed document, a video production There is no restriction on the number of copies of this product within the same application.

For example, with one Personal License you can include this product in all the pages of your website. If you want to use this product in multiple non-commercial applications owned by: 3D Wall FX. The “Personal License (single use)” grants you a non-exclusive and non-transferable right to make use of this product in a single non-commercial* website (or application**), your own work or client work. * A non-commercial application is an application which is not owned by a company, even if the application in which this product will be included does not directly generate income an individual, when the application in which this product will be included generates income in any form (i.e. a website with paid advertising) ** An application can be a website, a software, an electronic document such as a PowerPoint presentation or an e-book, a printed document, a video production There is no restriction on the number of copies of this product within the same application.

For example, with one Personal License you can include this product in all the pages of your website. If you want to use this product in multiple non-commercial applications owned by: